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NIACL AO Application Form 2020

Author : Palak Khanna

April 3, 2023


The New India Assurance Company Ltd is conducting a recruitment drive to fill in around 400 Assistant Officer vacancies in the organization. Interested candidates can start filling their NIACL AO Application Form 2020 from the direct link provided in this post. Get complete details about NIACL AO Application Process 2020 here.

  • Candidates aged between 21 and 30 years are eligible to fill the NIACL AO 2020 Application Form. 
  • It is suggested for each and every candidate to go through the NIACL AO Notification 2020 PDF before they fill the form.
  • As the application process is yet to begin from the second week of December, candidates can complete their NIACL AO Online Application Process before the third week of January 2020.
  • The entire application process for NIACL AO Recruitment is conducted in online mode.
  • In this post, candidates can find complete details about how to fill the form, how much application fee to be paid, what is the eligibility criteria, what are the documents required to fill the form, and more.

NIACL AO Application Form 2020 Highlights

Exam NIACL AO Exam 2020
Starting Date to Apply Online Second Week of December 2019
Last Date to Apply Online Third Week of January 2020
Age Limit 21-30 Years
Application Fee SC/ST- Rs 100/-; General/OBC- Rs 600/-
Payment Mode Online Mode
Official Website newindia.co.in

NIACL AO Mock Test

NIACL AO Mock Test

NIACL AO Eligibility Criteria 2020

Before applying for the NIACL Assistant Officer post, candidates must ensure they fulfill the eligibility criteria completely. Here is the required eligibility criteria to fill NIACL Assistant Officer Application Form 2020.

NIACL AO Age Limit 2020: The minimum age limit to apply for NIACL AO Post is 21 years while the maximum age limit is 30 years. 

NIACL AO Educational Qualification 2020: The below table explains the required educational qualification for various posts of Assistant Officer.

Post Eligibility Criteria
For Generalist Candidates must hold a graduation/post-graduation degree from a recognized institution with at least 60% marks (for general category) and 55% marks (for reserved category) in order t be eligible to appear in the examination.
For Specialist Company Secretary - ACS/FCS from ICSI and Graduation/Post-graduation in any discipline with at least 60% marks 
Legal - Graduate/Post-graduate in Law with at least 60% (55% for SC/ST/PwBD). 
Finance & Accounts - Chartered Accountant (ICAI) and Graduation/Post-graduation with at least 60% marks (55% for SC/ST/PwBD) Or Cost and Management Accountant (The Institute of Cost Accountants of India, earlier known as ICWA) and Graduation/Post-graduation with equal to or more than 60% (55% for SC/ST/PwBD) Or MBA Finance/PGDM FINANCE* with min 60% (55% for SC/ST/PwBD) Or M.COM with min 60% (55% for SC/ST/PwBD).

Documents Required to fill NIACL AO 2020 Application Form

Here are the documents required tabulated below that have to be uploaded in a scanned format. Candidates must ensure they upload in the specified format correctly else it may lead to rejection of the form.

Document The dimension of the Document Size of the Document Format
Candidate's Photograph 4.5 cm (height) * 3.5 cm (width) Minimum Size - 20 KB and Maximum Size - 50 KB JPG
Candidate's Signature 3 cm (height) * 4 cm (width) Minimum Size - 10 KB and Maximum Size - 20 KB JPG

Guidelines for Scanning and Upload of Documents

Candidates are suggested to follow certain instructions while scanning the documents and uploading them. 

1. Photograph 

  • Candidate's photograph must be recent passport-style color image
  • Ensure the image is colour and take against a light-coloured preferably white background.
  • If you have to use flash, ensure there's no "red-eye"
  • If you wear glasses make sure that there are no reflections and your eyes can be clearly seen.
  • Caps, hats and dark glasses are not acceptable. Religious headwear is allowed but it must not cover your face.
  • Dimensions 200 x 230 pixels (preferred)
  • Size of file should be between 20kb–50 kb
  • Ensure to upload the photograph at the right place else the application might be rejected.

2. Signature, Left Thumb Impression, and hand-Written Declaration

  • Candidate has to sign on white paper with Black Ink pen.
  • The candidate has to put his left thumb impression on a white paper with black or blue ink.
  • For declaration, candidate has to write “I, _______ (Name of the candidate), hereby declare that all the information submitted by me in the application form is correct, true and valid. I will present the supporting documents as and when required.” on a white paper with black ink.
  • Declaration or signature is not accepted in capital letters. 
  • The declaration, left thumb impression must be only of the applicant and not any other person

How to fill NIACL AO Application Form 2020?

Follow the step by step instructions to fill the NIACL Application Form 2020 for Assistant Officer post. 

Direct Link for NIACL AO Apply Online 2020 (Link to Activated in Second Week of December 2019)

There are five stages involved in completing the NIACL AO Application Process 2020. Candidates are suggested to follow them correctly so that their application form does not get rejected.

1. Complete The Registration

Step 1: Click on the above direct link or visit the official website: newindia.co.in

Step 2: In the homepage, click on the link "Click Here for New Registration"

Step 3: Complete the registration by entering all required basic details correctly like Name, contact details, Email ID. 

Step 4: Submit the details and in the end, candidates will receive a Provisional Registration Number and Password which will be generated by the system and displayed on the screen.

Step 5: Make a note of the Provisional Registration Number and Password which is required every time when you need to login.

2. Fill the NIACL AO Application Form 2020

Step 1: In the recruitment section, click on the link "Apply Online:

Step 2: Fill all the details correctly one by one.

Step 3: Click on "Save and Next" after entering all the details.

Step 4: Cross-check all the details before final submission if they are correctly mentioned or not.

Step 5: Click on "Validate you Details" and "Save & Next" button

3. Upload Scanned Documents

Step 1: Upload your photograph and Signature as per the specifications provided in the above section.

Step 2: Ensure to check for the specification correctly and then upload the documents.

Step 3: Click on "Save and Next" after uploading the documents

Step 4: Before moving to payment, preview all the details if they are correctly entered. There is no option for changing details after submitting the form.

4. Pay the NIACL AO Application Fee 2020

Click on payment tab and proceed with the fee payment. Check the category wise application fee to be paid for filling NIACL AO Online Form 2020.

Category Application Fee
SC/ST Rs 100/-
General/OBC Rs 600/-

Payment Modes: Candidates can pay the application fee only through online mode i.e., using Debit Cards (RuPay/Visa/MasterCard/Maestro), Credit Cards, Internet Banking, IMPS, Cash Cards/ Mobile Wallets. 

5. Submit the NIACL AO Application Form 2020

After completing the payment process, wait for an e-receipt which will be autogenerated. Take a printout of the receipt and application form for future reference.

In case, candidates do not receive the e-receipt it signifies the online transaction was not successful and try again after some time.

NIACL AO Application Form

Frequently Asked Questions

How to fill NIACL AO Application Form 2020?

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Where can I find the NIACL AO Apply Online Link 2020?

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When is the Starting date to fill the NIACL AO Online Application Form 2020?

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When is the last date to fill NIACL AO Application Form 2020?

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Can I pay the NIACL AO Application Fee through offline mode?

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What is the NIACL AO Application Fee 2020?

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