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MP Judiciary 2025 Preparation Books

Author : Yogricha

March 7, 2025


Overview: Choosing the best books from a vast pile of MP Judiciary books can be tedious. Get insights on choosing the best books to understand the concepts in-depth and perform better in the MPCJ exam.

Go through the secret tricks for choosing the best MP Judiciary Books 2025:

  • Go through the book's description to understand better the topics included in the book before choosing it.
  • Read the book review from authentic sources before buying the book to get an idea of whether the book will serve your purpose.
  • Search for books published by renowned publications as they update the books following the latest changes in the question paper.

Best Books For MP Judiciary Exam 2025

Books and Practice Question Papers are important for MP Judiciary Exam preparation.

Check the table below for the list of books highly recommended by toppers:

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MP Civil Judge Books for Prelims 2025

In the prelims exam, you will be tested on topics like the Constitution of India, Code of Civil Procedure, MP Accommodation Control Act, Indian Evidence Act, etc.

You can refer to the following books while preparing for the prelims exam, as these books cover all the topics per the Syllabus for the MP Judiciary Exam:

Subject Name of the Book Author
Constitution Introduction to the Constitution of India Durgadas Basu
Constitution of India V. N. Shukla
Series-12 Indian National Movement & Constitutional Development Pratiyogita Darpan
Civil Procedure Code Civil Procedure (CPC) with Limitation Act, 1963 C.K.Takwani (Thakker)
The Key To Indian Practice (A Summary Of The Code Of Civil Procedure) Sir Dinshaw Mulla
Indian Contract Act Property Law Poonam Pradhan Saxena
The Transfer of Property Act S.N. Shukla
The Transfer of Property Act R.K. Sinha
Specific Relief Act Law of Contract & Specific Relief Dr Avtar Singh
Limitation Act Bare Act J.D. Jain
Indian Evidence Act Law of Evidence Batuk Lal
Law of Evidence  KD Gaur
Indian Penal Code The Indian Penal Code KD Gaur
Code of Criminal Procedure Criminal Procedure Ratanlal & Dhirajlal
Civil Procedure Code C K Takwani
Negotiable Act Introduction to the Law of Negotiable Act P L Malik

Check Out - MP Judiciary Eligibility Criteria

MP Judiciary Books for Mains Exam 2025

The questions are designed to test your basic knowledge of law and clarity in concepts in the main exam. 

Apart from the subjects you studied for prelims, two more papers are included in the main exam, i.e., essay and language paper and judgment writing.

Check out the table below to know the best books that will help enhance your MP Judiciary Mains preparation:

Subject Name of the Book Author
Indian Penal Code Commentary on the Indian Penal Code Gaur KD.

Indian Penal Code (With the Criminal Law (Amendment) Act, 2018

S.N. Mishra
P.S.A. Pillai's Criminal Law Rattan Lal & Dhiraj Lal
Criminal Law RV Kelkar's Lectures on Criminal Procedure Dr. K.N. Chandrasekharan Pillai
Criminal Procedure Code RV Kelkar
Indian Evidence Act Law of Evidence Vepa P.Sarathi & Abhinandan Malik
The Law of Evidence Avtar Singh
The Law of Evidence Batuk Lal
Law of Torts The Law of Torts Rattan Lal & Dhiraj Lal
Negotiable Instrument Act The Negotiable Instrument Act O.P. Faizi
Judgment Writing Singhal's An Insight Into Judgment Writing Arjinder Kaur & Robin Jeet Singh
Art of Writing Judgments Narayana PS.
International Law International Law and Human Rights Dr H.O. Agarwal
Charter of the United Nations and Statute of the International Court of Justice UN Chapter
Administrative Law Administrative Law Dr U.P.D Kesari
Hindu Law Modern Hindu Law Dr U.P.D Kesari
Modern Hindu Law Paras Diwan & Peeyushi Diwan
Muslim Law Muslim Vidhi Aqil Ahmed
General Mains Guide Madhya Pradesh Civil Judge (Mains) Exams. Guide B.S. khetrapal, Shefali Mishra
Guide to Judicial Service Mains examination - Vol. 1 Dr P.K. Pandey, Dr V.S. Tripathi

MP Judiciary Study Materials & Question Papers 

Here are the best resources to enhance your preparation for the MP Civil Judge Exam:

Book Name Author
Madhya Pradesh Judicial Service Examination: Previous Years Solved MCQs along with Answers and Explanations  Anshul Jain (Advocate)
Madhya Pradesh Judicial Service Exam Book Paperback  Anil Sachdeva, Shika Sachdeva, and Anand Prakash Solanki
Judicial Service Examination - Unsolved Mains (All States) Papers (Subject-wise and Topic-wise) Paperback Pawan Kumar (Advocate), Bhumika Jain (Advocate), Anil Kumar Yadav (Advocate)


Reference books are highly essential for preparing for the judiciary exam. They help in getting the conceptual clarity for the exam:

These books provide a comprehensive overview of the subjects in the MP Judiciary exam syllabus, ensuring candidates grasp all relevant areas. These books include practice questions, exercises, and sample papers, allowing candidates to assess their understanding and readiness for the exam. Many books offer supplementary resources like online platforms, question banks, and study guides, enhancing the learning experience and providing extra practice and review opportunities.

Wishing all judiciary aspirants the best of luck in their exam preparation!

Frequently Asked Questions

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Which are the best books to learn about Indian laws?

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Which is the best MP Civil Judge Books for the preparation of Code of Criminal Procedure?

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What are the most recommended MP Judiciary Books for the preparation of Indian Evidence Act?

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Where can I find best MP Judiciary Books for Mains exam?

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