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MP Judiciary Previous Year Question Papers PDF - Solved MPCJ Papers

Author : Yogricha

March 7, 2025


Overview: Are you preparing for the Civil Judge position in Madhya Pradesh and unable to find MP Civil Judge Previous Year Papers? If yes, then we have got you covered. Here is a complete list of Madhya Pradesh Judiciary Previous Year Question Papers to help you prepare.

In this article, we will cover:

  • MP Civil Judge Prelims Question Paper
  • MPCJ Mains Previous Year Papers
  • Importance of Solving MP Judiciary Last Year Papers 


MP Judiciary Previous Year Papers - Prelims

The preliminary examination includes questions on the Code of Civil Procedure, the Constitution of India, the Indian Contract Act, the MP Accommodation Control Act, and the MP Land Revenue Act. It also includes questions on General Knowledge, Computer Knowledge, and the English language.

Solving previous papers will help enhance your MP Judiciary Exam Preparation and help you score well in the upcoming exam.

Weightage of Questions for MP Judiciary Prelims Exam

The weightage of this previous year's question paper is based on the old syllabus, which was in place before MPHC released the updated syllabus.

Originally, the prelims question paper consisted of 150 multiple-choice questions, and each question carries one mark. Check the detailed MPCJ previous year's syllabus and the weightage of every topic derived from the previous year's examinations:

Topic Weightage
Constitution of India 10 questions
Code of Civil Procedure 1908 15 questions
Transfer of Property Act 1882  7 questions
Contract Act of 1872  8 questions
Specific Relief Act of 1963  6 questions
Limitation Act of 1963  4 questions
MP Accommodation Control Act of 1961  5 questions
MP Land Revenue Act of 1959 5 questions
Indian Evidence Act of 1872 15 questions
Indian Penal Code 1861  15 questions
Code of Criminal Procedure 1973 15 questions
Negotiable Instrument Act 1881 5 questions
General Knowledge 20 questions
Computer Knowledge 10 questions
English Knowledge 10 questions
Total Questions 150

Updated syllabus of MPCJ 2025 Examination

Check the table below for the detailed updated MPCJ syllabus of prelims:

Topic Weightage
Constitution of India 5 questions
Code of Civil Procedure 1908 20 questions
Transfer of Property Act 1882  7 questions
Contract Act of 1872  8 questions
Specific Relief Act of 1963  6 questions
Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act, 2000 3 questions
Limitation Act of 1963  4 questions
Information Technology Act 4 questions
Protection of Children from Sexual Offences Act (POCSO) 3 questions
MP Accommodation Control Act of 1961  5 questions
MP Land Revenue Act of 1959 5 questions
Indian Evidence Act of 1872 15 questions
Indian Penal Code 1861  15 questions
Code of Criminal Procedure 1973 15 questions
Negotiable Instrument Act 1881 5 questions
General Knowledge 10 questions
Computer Knowledge 10 questions
English Knowledge 10 questions
Total Questions 150

MP Judiciary Mains Paper 2025 PDF

By attempting the previous year's question paper, you will become familiar with the difficulty level and type of questions asked in the exam. It will also help you identify your strengths and weaknesses and focus on the weaker sections to enhance the MP Judiciary Mains Preparation.

For Mains, you must prepare for topics like Civil Law & Procedure, Court Practice, Writing Skill, Current Legal and Translation, Criminal Law and Procedure, and Judgement Writing, whose weightage is as follows: 

Topic Total Marks
Writing on Social Issues 20
Writing on Legal Issues 20
Summary Writing (Legal) 20
Translation (Hindi to English) 20
Translation (English to Hindi) 20
Framing of Issues 10
Framing of Charges 10
Judgment/Order (Civil) Writing 40
Judgment/Order (Criminal) Writing 40

Some Solved Questions from MP Judiciary Previous Year Papers

Practising the sample questions will help you know the questions asked in the exam. We have listed a few essential sample questions here to ease your preparation.

You can practice more MP Judiciary Mock Tests to enhance preparation levels. 

Q1) According to sections 73 and 74 of the Indian Penal Code, 1860, a convict can be kept in solitary confinement for any portion or portions of imprisonment to which he is sentenced. Which of the following is incorrect?

  1. For a period not exceeding three months in the whole
  2. For a period not exceeding three months. If the term of imprisonment exceeds six months and does not exceed one year
  3. For a period not exceeding three months. If the duration of imprisonment exceeds one year
  4. Solitary confinement in no case shall exceed 14 days at a time

Q2) Which of the following provisions of the Indian Penal Code defines culpable homicide?

  1. Section 362
  2. Section 300
  3. Section 301
  4. Section 299

Read More: Highly recommended books for MP Judiciary Exam

Q3) Under the Indian Penal Code 1860, the offence of affray has been defined in

  1. Section 146
  2. Section 184
  3. Section 159
  4. Section 149

Q4) Section 30 of the Indian Penal Code, 1860:

  1. Creates a substantive offence
  2. Is a rule of evidence
  3. Both a and b
  4. None of the above

Check Out: MP Judiciary Exam Cut-off

Q5) In the exercise of the right of private defence, even the death of the accused can be caused under the:

  1. Section 100 of the Indian Penal Code, 1860
  2. Section 102 of the Indian Penal Code, 1860
  3. Section 103 of the Indian Penal Code, 1860
  4. Both a and c

Q6) Section 498-A of the Indian Penal Code, 1860 came into force from:

  1. 25th December 1983
  2. 26th December 1986
  3. 25th December 1987
  4. 25th December 1988

Why Is It Important to Solve MP Judiciary Exam Previous Year Question Papers?

Solving previous years' papers can help better prepare for the exam. There are numerous benefits of attempting MP Civil Judge exam sample papers, as mentioned below:

  • By solving the MP Civil Judge Exam Solved Papers, you will learn about the trend followed by the exam official while preparing the question paper for the final examination.
  • Solving the Madhya Pradesh civil judge exam's previous year's question paper will help you understand the in-depth exam pattern.
  • This will help you improve your speed and accuracy in the examination.
  • After attempting as many question papers as the previous year, you will also learn lengthy topics, which will help you develop a strategy to prepare a perfect timetable that suits you best. 

Judiciary Mock Tests

Judiciary Mock Tests

How to Download MP Civil Judge Exam Solved Papers?

To download the previous year's question paper for the MP Judiciary Exam from the official website, follow the instructions below:

  • Go to the Madhya Pradesh High Court website.
  • Click on the 'Examination' link.
  • A drop-down list will appear having the option 'Previous Year Examination.'
  • Search for the 'Madhya Pradesh Judicial Services Examination.'
  • Download the MP High Court Civil question paper by clicking the links provided.


In conclusion, MP Judiciary Question Papers are invaluable tools in your preparation journey, offering insights, practice, and confidence to tackle the challenging exam. By engaging with these papers, you pave the way for success and mastery of the MP Judiciary exam. Remember these key takeaways:

  • Insight into Exam Pattern: Question papers provide a glimpse of the actual exam structure and types of questions.
  • Enhanced Time Management: Regular practice improves your ability to manage time effectively during the exam.
  • Topic Familiarity: Solving papers aids in becoming well-versed in crucial topics and their nuances.
  • Confidence Boost: Successfully tackling question papers boosts your self-assurance and exam readiness.

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