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MP Judiciary Cut Off 2025 (Prelims & Mains) Previous Year Cut Off Analysis

Author : Yogricha

March 7, 2025


Overview: For the 2025 exams and MPCJ Cut-off, we have to wait for the official notification and exam question paper.

The MPCJ Prelims for the 2024 cycle were held on 14th January 2024, and the results are out on 10 March 2024. In this blog, we'll give you all the insights you need to understand the cut-off, analyze past trends, and maximize your preparation for the Mains exam.

The High Court of Madhya Pradesh releases the MPCJ cut-off marks after successfully conducting the Preliminary and Mains papers. However, the Mains cut-off marks are released once the answer key is issued. The Madhya Pradesh High Court publishes the MP Civil Judge Exam cut-off marks separately for the preliminary, mains, and personal interview rounds on the official website.

The civil judge exam passing marks vary for all three stages, and you must score above the cut-off in each step to get shortlisted for the next exam.

Here are the factors that determine MPCJ cut-off:

  • The difficulty level of the exam
  • The total number of aspirants appearing for the exam
  • The number of vacancies announced by the High Court

MPCJ Prelims 2025 Cut-off

Here is the MP civil judge Prelims cut-off 2025:

Category Cut-Off
General To be Updated
Other Backward Castes (OBC) To be Updated
Scheduled Caste (SC) To be Updated
Scheduled Tribe (ST) To be Updated

Description of the image

MPCJ Prelims 2024 Cut-off

Here is the MP civil judge Prelims cut-off 2024:

Category Cut-Off
General 113
Other Backward Castes (OBC) 109
Scheduled Caste (SC) 89
Scheduled Tribe (ST) 82

MP Final Cut off 2022 

Here is the MP civil judge cut off 2022:

Category  Cut Off
General  265.42
Other Backward Castes (OBC) 236.32
Scheduled Caste (SC) 203.68
Scheduled Tribe (ST) 208.32

Previous Year's MP Judiciary Prelims Cut off (2022 - 2016)

Refer to the year-wise cut-off scores for the MP CJ Exam:

MPCJ Cut Off 2022 (Prelims)

The MP Judiciary's cut-off varies every year. Generally, the Madhya Pradesh High Court publishes category-wise cut-off marks for the MP Civil Judge Exam.

The table below shows the MP judiciary cut-off 2022 and how the cut-off varies yearly for the MPCJ Exam:

Category Cut-off Marks
UR 82
OBC 38
SC 36
ST 114

Click Here: Check MPCJ the Result

Judiciary Mock Tests

Judiciary Mock Tests

MPCJ Cut Off Marks 2021 (Prelims)

The High Court of Madhya Pradesh releases the cut off marks along with the MP Judiciary Result.

The below table shows the category-wise cut off marks for the MP Civil Judge Exam 2021:

Category MPCJ Cut off No. of Qualified Candidates
General (Unreserved) 115 1132
Other Backward Classes (OBC) 105 314
Schedule Caste (SC) 88 337
Scheduled Tribe (ST) 82 159 

MPCJ Cut off 2019 (Prelims)

The table below shows the Madhya Pradesh civil judge preliminary examination cut off for 2019: 

S no. Category MPCJ Cut off No. of Qualified Candidates
1 General (Unreserved) 118 1022
2 OBC (Other backward classes) 113 284
3 SC (Schedule caste) 94 314
4 ST (scheduled tribe) 82 206

MPCJ Prelims Cut Off 2018 (Prelims)

The table below shows the 2018 cut off marks for MP Judicial Services Exam:

S no. Category Minimum Qualifying Marks MPCJ Cut off No. of Qualified Candidates
1 General (Unreserved) 90 121 733
2 OBC (Other backward classes) 82 116 219
3 SC (Schedule caste) 82 101 226
4 ST (scheduled tribe) 82 82 227

Read: Enhance your MP Judiciary Mains Preparation with the help of the best mentors

MPCJ Cut Off 2017 (Prelims)

The table below shows the Madhya Pradesh civil judge preliminary examination cut off of 2017: 

S no. Category No. of Posts MPCJ Cut off No. of Qualified Candidates
1 General (Unreserved) 47 113 690
2 OBC (Other backward classes) 12 110 215
3 SC (Schedule caste) 15 96 221
4 ST (scheduled tribe) 19 82 220

MPCJ Previous Year Mains Cut off (2022 - 2017)

Only those who score above the MPCJ cut off in the prelims exam are shortlisted for the main examination. 

The Main Examination comprises four mandatory papers: subjective-type question exams (written exams).

The marks obtained by the candidates in this examination decide whether or not they will be qualified for the last and final stage, i.e., the interview round.

MPCJ Cut Off 2022 (Mains)

Only those who score above the cut-off of the MP Civil Judge main exam are shortlisted for the interview round.

Check out the table below for the MPCJ cut off for different categories:

Category MPCJ Cut off 
General (Unreserved) 222
Other Backward Classes (OBC) 212
Schedule Caste (SC) 183.5
Scheduled Tribe (ST) 180

Read: Important Essay Topics for Judiciary Exams

MPCJ Cut Off 2020 (Mains)

The table below shows the expected MP Judiciary cut off 2020 for the main examination: 

Category MPCJ Cut off Marks
General (Unreserved) 213.5
Other Backward Classes (OBC) 202.5
Schedule Caste (SC) 184
Scheduled Tribe (ST) 182.5

MPCJ Cut off 2019 (Mains)

The table below shows the Madhya Pradesh civil judge mains examination cut-off for 2019:

S no. Category No. of Posts MPCJ Cut off No. of Qualified Candidates
1 General (Unreserved) 95+4 211.5 93
2 OBC (Other backward classes) 27 200.5 25
3 SC (Schedule caste) 30+1 181 29
4 ST (scheduled tribe) 58+2 180.5 10

MPCJ Cut Off 2018 (Mains)

The table below shows the MP Judiciary cut off of 2018: -

S no. Category Minimum Qualifying Marks MPCJ Cut off No. of Qualified Candidates
1 General (Unreserved) 200 218 197
2 OBC (Other backward classes) 200 214 57
3 SC (Schedule caste) 180 192 58
4 ST (scheduled tribe) 180 189 22

Read: Short tricks to crack the MP Judiciary Mains Exam on the first attempt.

MP Judiciary Mains Cut Off 2017

The table below shows the Madhya Pradesh civil judge Mains examination cut off of 2017: 

S no. Category No. of Posts MPCJ Cut off No. of Qualified Candidates
1 General (Unreserved) 47 209 46
2 OBC (Other backward classes) 12 205 12
3 SC (Schedule caste) 15 193 15
4 ST (scheduled tribe) 19 187 19

MPCJ Cut off for Personal Interview Test 

The cut off for the MP Civil Judge personal interview test is prepared dependent on the personal interview test score.

The authorities conduct the personal interview test, giving you marks out of 50.

In the personal interview, candidates are judged not based on their main examination score but on their personality, body language, speaking skills, etc.

How to Check MP Civil Judge Cut-Off Marks?

You can follow the instructions below to check the MP Judiciary Cut-Off:

  • Visit the official website of the Madhya Pradesh High Court. https://mphc.gov.in
  • Click the latest updates on the Homepage with the text - RESULT OF ONLINE MAINS/PRELIMS OF M.P. CIVIL JUDGE JUNIOR DIVISION (ENTRY LEVEL) EXAM.
  • A long list of updates of the MP Civil Judge Exams opens up.
  • Look for the MP Civil Judge cut off marks notification and click on it.
  • The PDF is displayed on the screen. 
  • Download and take a printout of the MP Judiciary cut-off marks for future reference. 

MP Civil Judge Minimum Qualifying Marks 

A predetermined set of minimum qualifying marks determines a candidate's eligibility. To qualify for the next round, aspirants must score at least the minimum qualifying marks.

Below is a table showing the minimum qualifying marks candidates must achieve by category:

Category Minimum Qualifying Marks (Prelims) Minimum Qualifying Marks (Mains)
General 60% 50%
OBC 60% 50%
Reserved Category 55% 45%

Note - 50 marks are fixed for the interview. The applicants must obtain a minimum of 40% marks, i.e. 20 marks in the interview, to be finally selected.


In conclusion, understanding the factors that determine the MP Judiciary Cut-off is crucial for aspirants. Here are the key takeaways:

  • The difficulty level of the examination primarily influences the cut-off. The tougher the paper, the higher the cut-off tends to be.
  • The number of candidates appearing for the examination directly impacts the cut-off. A higher number of candidates usually results in a higher cut-off.
  • Available vacancies play a vital role. Fewer vacancies might lead to a higher cut-off.
  • The category of candidates also affects the cut-off.
  • Lastly, reviewing the previous year's cut-off marks is essential, which serves as a reliable benchmark for the current year.

In preparing for the MP Judiciary exam, keeping these key factors in mind could greatly enhance your strategy and increase your chances of success.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Madhya Pradesh Civil Judge Cut Off 2023?

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How is the MP Judiciary cut-off decided?

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Where can I check MP Judiciary Cut Off marks?

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What if I fail to score more than MP Judiciary cut off marks?

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Is the MP Civil Judge cut off the same for all categories?

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