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MP Judiciary Vacancy List 2025 : Category Wise Vacancy Details

Author : Yogricha

March 7, 2025


Overview: MP Judiciary Vacancy 2025 is yet to be announced by Madhya Pradesh High Court. The official notification for the Madhya Pradesh Judicial Services Examination to fill the Civil Judge posts in the Madhya Pradesh Civil Service (Judicial Branch) will be out soon.

To apply for these vacancies, your minimum age should be 21 years. Read through the post that will give you a complete insight into category-wise MP Judiciary vacancy, previous year vacancy trends, and more.

The Governor's amendment to the MP Judicial Service Rules has revolutionized the MPCJ Eligibility Criteria, demanding a minimum of 3 years of continuous practice as an Advocate and alo to generate a certificate of continuous practice (i.e. have 6 vakalat namas every year in any order or judgement). This amendment has sparked fierce debates among judges, all pondering its profound impact on the future of MP's judiciary.

MP judiciary Vacancy 2025

The Madhya Pradesh High Court has yet to release the vacancy notification for the Madya Pradesh Judiciary exam. We will notify you as soon as the notification is out for the MP Judiciary vacancy 2025. Go through the below table to understand the category-wise previous year's vacancy trends.

Read More - Upcoming Judiciary Exams

MP Judiciary Previous Year Vacancy Details

MP Judiciary Vacancy 2023

Total 138 vacancies have been announced this year.

Get important details about the notification: CLICK HERE

Category Total Backlog
Un-reserved 31 17
Scheduled Castes 09 11
Scheduled Tribes 12 109
Other Backward Classes 09 01
Total 61 138

Judiciary Mock Tests

Judiciary Mock Tests

MP Judiciary Vacancy 2021

270 vacancies were released by the High Court of Madhya Pradesh for the Civil Judge Posts. Out of 270, 5 vacancies were reserved for the PwD category.

Check out the table below to know the category-wise MPCJ Vacancy 2021:

Category Total
Un-reserved 78+04*
Scheduled Castes 25+10**+01*
Scheduled Tribes 32+80**+02*
Other Backward Classes 21+16**+01*
Total 270

MP Civil Judge Vacancy List 2020

The MP Judiciary Notification for the 2nd phase of 2019 recruitment notified 252 vacancies. The total number of vacancies is 192; however, there were 60 backlog vacancies. 

Category Number of Vacancies Backlog PH Vacancies
General (Unreserved) 96 6
Schedule Caste (SC) 31 1
Other Backward Classes (OBC) 27 2
Scheduled Tribe (ST) 38 2
Physically Handicapped - 48
Total 192 60
Grand Total 252

Also read: MP Judiciary Application Form

MP Judiciary Vacancy List 2019

In 2019, MPHC released 190 vacancies for the civil judge post. Take a look at the below table to know the distribution of vacancies for the year 2019:

Category No. of Vacancies
Unreserved 95
OBC 27
SC 30
ST 38
Total 190

MP Civil Judge Vacancy List 2018

Check the below table to understand the distribution of Judiciary Vacancies in 2018:

Category No. of Vacancies
Unreserved 47
OBC 15
SC 13
ST 19
Total 94

Reservation Criteria for MP Civil Judge Exam 

As per the official notifications of previous years, the Madhya Pradesh High Court provides a reservation to SC, ST, OBC, and EWS categories.

As per India's reservation norms, the criteria for different categories are tabulated below:

Reservation Category  Reservation Quota (%) 
ST 7.5
SC 15
OBC 27
EWS 10
Total 59.50%

Check Out - How to Prepare for MP Judiciary Exam 2025

Eligibility Criteria for Madhya Pradesh Civil Judge 2025

Three parameters must be fulfilled while applying to the MP Judiciary exam 2025. Some of the criteria are listed below:

  • You must have an LLB degree of 3 or 5 years from a Government and Bar Council recognized University.
  • The aspirant must provide a certificate of practice for 3 years (i.e. have 6 vakalatnamas in orders every year)
  • The lower age limit is 21 years, while the upper one is 35 years.
  • You must be a citizen of India with good well-being and decent moral character.
  • You should not be connected to or have a history with any criminal case that involves moral descent.

Also Read: MP Civil Judge Admit Card


In conclusion, the MP Judiciary Vacancy presents a golden opportunity for aspiring individuals to enter the esteemed Madhya Pradesh Civil Service (Judicial Branch) as Civil Judges. Here are the key takeaways:

  • The Madhya Pradesh High Court has released the official notification for the Madhya Pradesh Judicial Services Examination.
  • You must be at least 21 years old and possess a bachelor's degree in law from a recognized university.

Seize this opportunity, prepare diligently, and embark on a rewarding career in the legal domain as a Civil Judge in Madhya Pradesh. Best of luck!

Frequently Asked Questions

Who can apply for MPCH Vacancy 2025?

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How many MP Civil Judge Vacancies are released for OBC Category?

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Does Madhya Pradesh High Court releases the MP civil judge vacancy list?

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Is the MP Judiciary vacancy list released the same every year for MP Judiciary Exam?

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How many vacancies had been announced by Madhya Pradesh high court for the SC category?

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