Himachal Pradesh Judiciary Exam Day Instructions 2025: Do's And Don'ts
Author : Yogricha
February 20, 2025
Overview: The Himachal Pradesh Judiciary 2025 Prelims Exam is approaching, and with this blog, you can make sure you are prepared for the big day.
In order to ensure a successful and stress-free experience, we have gathered the most important instructions for the exam day. From the documents you need to carry to the prohibited items, here’s everything you need to know to ace the Himachal Pradesh Judiciary Exam.
In this Blog we will cover:
Exam Schedule & Reporting Time
Admit Card & Identification Requirements
Exam Day Guidelines
Prohibited Items & Exam Malpractice Rules
Answer Sheet & Marking Instructions
Special Instructions for PwD Candidates
Important Additional Instructions
Himachal Pradesh Judiciary 2025 Exam Day Details
The first and foremost step is to keep the 3 things which are most important for the Himachal Pradesh judiciary recruitment examination on your table before the night of your judiciary test. The 3 things are -
It is your admit card with the photo fixed in it, and the admit card should also be self-attested.
Original Photo ID proof.
Photocopy of your original Photo ID proof, and that photocopy should be self-attested.
You should check your name on the Himachal Judiciary admit card. Your name on the admit card should be the same as in your Photo ID proof.
The Himachal Pradesh High court and the Himachal Pradesh public service commission have strictly mentioned that only the above-mentioned 3 things should be with you at the examination hall.
Exam Schedule & Reporting Time for Himachal Pradesh Judiciary 2025 Prelims Exam
The examination consists of three papers, and candidates must appear for all three to qualify. Below is the detailed schedule:
No entry will be allowed after the closing time mentioned above. Candidates must reach at least 1.5 hours before the exam to avoid any last-minute issues.
All three papers are mandatory. If a candidate fails to appear for any paper, their entire examination will be disqualified.
Mistakes to Avoid on Himachal Pradesh Judiciary 2025 Exam Day
There are many mistakes that students make on their exam day. So some of the important mistakes that you should avoid are mentioned below:
The first and the most important mistake to avoid is that you should not fail to wake up early in the morning.
Usually, this mistake happens because before the night of the examination, students use to study till late at night to do the revision, but this method is wrong instead of that you should set an alarm of 6:00 am in the morning and then wake up and do the revision with a calm and fresh mind.
The entry gate will be open from 8:00 am to 9:30 am for the Himachal Pradesh Judicial service examination for the civil judge post. So, try to wake up as early as you can in the morning to avoid being late for the Himachal Pradesh judiciary recruitment examination.
Any latecomers will not be attended.
The second most important thing to remember is not to be casual about travelling and the winters. This year Himachal Pradesh judicial service examination will be conducted in December, and December is being considered as the winter season month.
As we all know, there is a lot of traffic on the road in the winter. So, be ready on time and be serious about travelling because if you have not reached the exam center on time then your preparation is of no use. It will be a waste of time.
For your life changing recruitment examination, be serious and leave your home before time so that you arrive on time or before time.
Generally, students forget to read the instructions mentioned on the admit card.
One of the most crucial instructions mentioned on the Himachal Pradesh judiciary admit card is not to carry any kind of jewelleries like a ring, bracelet or etc. / metallic items like water bottle or even pen, pencil or paper with yourself at the exam center.
There are a lot of things that you cannot carry along with you at the Himachal Pradesh judiciary exam centre i.e. any kind of Chain, any kind of Bracelet, any kind of ring, and you cannot wear a belt also. These things are prohibited at the exam center to avoid cheating in any case.
The students are not allowed to carry smart phones / watches or even your car / bike keys also.
Sometimes they don't allow your car or bike key also then in that case you have to request them and give them the keys of your vehicle and giving them your cars or bikes keys is not good and safe because that is not theirs duty to look at our belongings. They will keep it but it is not safe. They will keep it openly so there is a risk that any student can pick those keys and go away with that.
So, the best thing is that you should come to the centre by cab or with any of your friends or guardians. Because they will wait for you outside the center then you will not stress about your keys also. And will give your 100% focus on your examination.
Don’t go with any preconceived notion about the test pattern because the Himachal Pradesh judicial service recruitment examination for the civil judge post was held in 2020 and from last 2 years there is no update about the exam pattern so don’t think that the pattern will be the same as in 2020.
It might be the same or different that you will get to know at the time of the Himachal Pradesh judiciary recruitment examination only.
The Himachal Pradesh public service commission (HPPSC) has not released any kind of mock test so that we can confirm the exam pattern with that. So, don’t go with the preconceived notion that the exam pattern will be the same as in 2020. Be prepared for any kind of change in the Himachal Pradesh exam pattern.
In 2020, the Himachal Pradesh judiciary 2025 recruitment prelims examination was of 2.5 hours but this year it is of 3 hours. The number of questions from each section has not been disclosed yet.
Don’t be very casual about reading the exam instructions because generally what students do is that they do not read the instructions at the time of examination.
They don’t read the exam instructions because before the final examination they have attempted around 20 to 25 mock tests and in each mock test the exam instructions are the same.
So, at the time of the Himachal Pradesh judiciary examination, students usually make this mistake that they forget reading it because they know it already. But that is wrong.
You should read it. It is important for you at the time of the final recruitment examination.
Reading the instructions will help because you will get to know that for which section or questions there is negative marking. For example: the short answer type question in the civil law I section does not have any negative marking whereas the MCQs in the both sections have negative marking. So, reading the instructions is helpful.
Do not get perturbed if you find initial questions tough because that will disturb your focus and will make you stressful and nervous. And then you will constantly think that all the questions are tough and you are not able to do it but actually the others questions are easy but due to the initial tough questions you got disturb and stressed that why all the questions are tough for you.
Be calm if some of the initial questions are tough so that these 3 or 4 questions do not affect your whole examination. So be cool and calm and think positive only while giving the Himachal Pradesh judicial service recruitment examination for the civil judge (junior division) post .
Candidates must check their exam center location in advance to avoid last-minute confusion.
Candidates should not gather outside exam halls after finishing their papers.
Smoking, tea, or any food consumption inside the exam hall is strictly prohibited.
No TA/DA will be provided to candidates appearing for the exam.
Note: If a candidate has any doubts regarding any question, they must submit a written representation to the Exam Centre Supervisor immediately after the exam.