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CUET Maths Syllabus 2025: Important Units & Topics

Author : Paakhi Jain

March 18, 2025


Overview: Understanding the CUET Maths syllabus is important to securing 200/200 in the exam and entering top universities for UG courses. This guide breaks down the 21+ essential concepts to ace the exam, covering the core and Applied Mathematics sections.

You must know the CUET Maths UG syllabus as Mathematics is a mandatory subject to pursue highly popular courses such as B.Sc. Statistics, B.Sc.(Hons.) Instrumentation, B.Tech, B.Com(Honours), etc., from top universities such as DU, JNU, BHU, and others through CUET. 

  • There will be one question paper containing 2 sections: Section A and Section B [B1 and B2].
  • Section A is compulsory for all, while you must attempt any one amongst Sections B1 & B2. 

CUET Maths Exam Pattern 2025: Overview

Under the CUET exam, Maths is one of the highly popular subjects in domain subjects. In 2024, the subject received around 5 lakh registrations. The increasing competition demands you to know the CUET Maths syllabus and the exam pattern. 

There are 2 sections in the exam: 

  • Section- A
  • Section B (Section B1 and Section- B2)

There will be one paper with 50 questions, of which you must attempt 40. 

  • Section A will have 15 questions covering both Mathematics and Applied Mathematics, which is compulsory for all.
  • Section B1 will have 35 questions from Mathematics, of which 25 must be attempted.
  • Section B2 will have 35 questions from Applied Mathematics, of which 25 must be attempted.
  • You can either attempt Section B1 or B2 per your choice.

CUET Marking Scheme for Maths Exam

  • Total Marks: 200 
  • Correct answer: +5
  • Incorrect answer: -1

CUET Maths Syllabus PDF Download Link

Click on the button below to download the syllabus for CUET Maths: 

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CUET Maths Syllabus 2025: Section A (Compulsory)

As per the CUET exam pattern, Section A is compulsory for all. It covers 6 units, as mentioned below: 

Unit I: Algebra Unit II: Calculus
(i) Matrices and types of Matrices
(ii) Equality of Matrices, transpose of a Matrix,
Symmetric and Skew Symmetric Matrix
(iii) Algebra of Matrices
(iv) Determinants
(v) Inverse of a Matrix
(vi) Solving of simultaneous equations using Matrix

(i) Higher order derivatives
(ii) Tangents and Normals
(iii) Increasing and Decreasing Functions
(iv)Maxima and Minima

Order and degree of differential equations
(ii) Formulating and solving differential equations
with variable separable

Unit III: Integration and its Applications Unit IV: Differential Equations
(i) Indefinite integrals of simple functions
(ii) Evaluation of indefinite integrals
(iii) Definite Integrals
(iv) Application of Integration as an area under the
(i) Order and degree of differential equations
(ii) Formulating and solving differential equations
with variable separable
Unit V: Probability Distributions Unit VI: Linear Programming

(i) Random variables and its probability distribution
(ii) Expected value of a random variable
(iii) Variance and Standard Deviation of a random
(iv) Binomial Distribution

Unit VI: Linear Programming
(i) Mathematical formulation of Linear
Programming Problem
(ii) Graphical method of solution for problems in two
(iii) Feasible and infeasible regions
(iv)Optimal feasible solution

CUET Maths Syllabus 2025: Section B1- Mathematics Course

The Maths CUET syllabus is comprehensive and broken down into smaller sections. You must also check the CUET exam analysis for Maths to understand the high-weightage topics. 

The sections and topics under section B1 are elaborated as follows: 

Unit I: Relations & Functions

1-Relations and Functions

  • Types of relations: reflexive, symmetric, transitive, and equivalence relations. One-to-one and onto functions, composite functions, the inverse of a function and Binary operations.

2-Inverse Trigonometric Functions

  • Definition, range, domain, principal value branches. Graphs of inverse trigonometric functions. Elementary properties of inverse trigonometric functions.

Unit II: Algebra

Unit 2 of Section B1 of the CUET Maths Syllabus had the highest number of questions in the exam, i.e. 9 in 2024. The right CUET preparation strategy is important to improve your speed and accuracy.

1. Matrices

  • Concept, notation, order, equality, matrices types, zero matrices, matrix transpose, symmetric matrices.
  • Matrix addition, multiplication, and scalar multiplication; addition, multiplication, and scalar multiplication as basic characteristics.
  • Noncommutativity of matrix multiplication and the presence of nonzero matrices whose product is zero matrices (restricted to square matrices of order 2).
  • Concept about elementary row and column operations Invertible matrices and, if possible, confirmation of the uniqueness of the inverse (Here, all matrices will have real entries).

2. Determinants

  • Determinants of a square matrix (up to 3*3 matrices), their characteristics, minors, and applications in calculating the area of a triangle.
  • Inverse and adjoint of a square matrix. Example of consistency, inconsistency, and several solutions of a system of linear equations.
  • Solution of a system of linear equations in two or three variables (with a unique solution) using the inverse of a matrix.

Unit III: Calculus

1. Continuity and Distinctiveness

  • Continuity and differentiability, the derivative of composite functions, the chain rule, the derivatives of inverse trigonometric functions, and the derivative of an implicit function.
  • Exponential and logarithmic function concepts, Derivatives of log x and ex
  • Differentiation based on logarithmic differentiation.
  • Derivative of parametrically expressed functions, Second-order differentiation.
  • Rolle's and Lagrange's Mean Value Theorems and their geometric implications (without proof).

While preparing for the CUET Maths Syllabus, check the CUET cut-off trends for previous years to set realistic targets for yourself. 

2. Derivative Applications

Rate of change, increasing/decreasing functions, tangents and normals, approximation, maxima, and minima are applications of derivatives (the first derivative test is motivated geometrically, and the second derivative test is given as a provable tool).

Simple problems (illustrating basic principles and understanding of the subject and real-life situations), Standard and Tangent. 

3. Integrals

  • Applications for determining the area under simple curves, including lines, arcs of circles/parabolas/ellipses (in standard form only).
  • Integration as the inverse process of differentiation, Integration of a variety of functions by substitution
  • The area between the two aforementioned curves (the region should be identifiable).

Unit IV: Vectors and three-dimensional Geometry

1. Vectors

  • Vectors and scalars, vector magnitude and direction, Vector direction cosines and ratios.
  • Vector types (equal, unit, zero, parallel, and collinear vectors), the position vector of a point, the negative of a vector, and the components of a vector.
  • The addition of vectors, the multiplication of a vector by a scalar, and the position vector of a point splitting a line segment in a certain ratio.
  • Scalar product of vectors, vector projection onto a line. Vector (cross) product and vector triple product.

2. The study of three-dimensional geometry

  • Cosines and ratios of the direction of a line joining two locations.
  • Cartesian and vector line equations, coplanar and skew lines, and the shortest distance between two lines. A plane's Cartesian and vector equations.
  • The angle between two lines, planes, or a line and a plane. The distance between a point and a plane.

Once the CUET Maths syllabus pdf download is complete, don't get overwhelmed with more units. Review the syllabus carefully and create a CUET study plan to prepare each unit efficiently. 

UNIT V: Linear Programming

  • Introduction, terminology such as constraints, objective function, and optimization, various types of linear programming (L.P.) problems,
  • Mathematical formulation of L.P. problems, graphical method of solution for two-variable problems.
  • Feasible and infeasible regions, feasible and infeasible solutions, optimal feasible solutions (up to three non-trivial constraints).

Unit VI: Probability

  • Multiplications in theorem regarding probability. Baye's theorem, conditional probability, independent events, and total probability.
  • Random variable, its probability distribution, and its mean and standard deviation.
  • Repeated independent trials (Bernoulli) and the Binomial distribution.

CUET Maths Syllabus 2025: Section B2: Applied Mathematics

These are the units available for applied mathematics: 

Unit I: Numbers, Quantity, and Numerical Applications

A. Modulo Arithmetic 

  • Define the modulus of an integer
  • Use modular arithmetic rules to perform arithmetic operations

B. Congruence Modulo

  • Define congruence modulo 
  • Apply the definition to several problems

Section B2 of the CUET Maths syllabus covers application-based questions. You must solve CUET previous year question paper weekly to know the question format, track your performance and improve on your weaker areas.

C. Allegation and Combination

  • Determine the mean price of a mixture 
  • Comprehend the rule of allegation for producing a mixture at a particular price
  • Apply the rule stated in the accusation

D. Numerical Problems

  • Solve mathematically real-world problems

E. Boats and Streams 

  • Differentiate between upstream and downstream 
  • Write the problem as an equation

F. Pipes and cisterns

Topics: Calculate the time required for two or more pipes to fill or drain.

G. Contests and sports

Topics: Compare the performance of two players in terms of time, distance travelled, and work accomplished using the provided data.

H. Partnership 

  • Distinguish between an active partner and a sleeping partner 
  • Calculate the gain or loss to be distributed among the partners based on the proportion of each partner's investment to the total investment
  • evaluation of time/volume/surface area for solids created by combining two or more shapes

I. Numerical Inequalities

  • Describe the fundamental ideas of numerical inequalities 
  • Understand numerical inequalities and write them

The CUET Maths Syllabus and question paper will test you heavily on concept, application, and formula-based questions. Review each part of the syllabus to clear the cut-off for many participating universities for Maths-related CUET courses.  

Unit II: Algebra

These are the topics under Unit II:

1. Types of matrices and matrices

  • Define matrix 
  • Recognize many types of matrices

2. Equivalence of matrices Matrix transpose, symmetric and skew-symmetric matrix

  • Determine the equivalence of two matrices
  • Write transpose of a given matrix
  • Define symmetric and skewsymmetric matrix

Unit III: Calculus 

1. Higher Order Derivatives

  • Calculate second and higher-order derivatives
  • Understand the differentiation of parametric functions and implicit functions. Identify dependent and independent variables

2. Marginal Revenue and Marginal Cost Using Derivatives

  • Determine marginal cost and revenue
  • Find marginal cost and marginal revenue

3. Maxima and minima

  • Determine critical points of the function
  • Find the point(s) of local maxima and local minima and the accompanying local maximum and local minimum values
  • Determine the absolute maximum and absolute minimum value of a function

Identify your weak areas and learn short tips to overcome them while preparing the CUET Maths Syllabus. Solve CUET mock tests to improve accuracy and speed. Analyze your performance after taking every test or sample paper to know your weekly or monthly progress.

Unit IV: Probability Distributions

1. Probability Distribution

  • Understand the idea of Random Variables and their Probability Distributions
  • Find the probability distribution of the discrete random variable

2. Mathematical Expectation

  • Use the arithmetic mean of the frequency distribution to determine the anticipated value of a random variable

3. Variance

  • Calculate the Variance and Standard Deviation of a random variable

UNIT V: Index Numbers and Time-Based Data

1. Index Numbers

  • Define Index numbers as a special type of average

2. Development of index numbers

  • Create various types of index numbers

3. Test of Index Numbers' Adequacy 

  • Apply the time reversal test

UNIT VI: Population and Statistics

1. Population and Sample

  • Define Population and Sample
  • Differentiate between population and sample
  • Define a representative sample from a population

2. Parameters and statistics, as well as Statistical Interferences

  • Define the Parameter of the Population
  • Define Statistics about the Sample
  • Explain the relationship between Parameters and Statistics
  • Explain the limitation of Statistics to generalize the estimation of the Population
  • Interpret the concept of Statistical Significance and Statistical Inferences
  • State the Central Limit Theorem
  • Explain the relationship between Population, Sampling Distribution, and Sample.

To cover the CUET Maths Syllabus on time, maintain your composure and don't overthink things. Before taking the test, you must regularly review each topic at least three to four times to score well. Regular revision will keep things fresh in your mind. You can also join the SuperGrads CUET online classes for timely preparation. 

UNIT VII: Index Numbers and Time-Based Data

1. A.Time Series

  • Determine that time series are chronological data

2. Components of Time Series

  • Differentiate between distinct time series components

3. Time Series analysis for univariate data

  • Solve practical problems based on statistical data and Interpret

UNIT VIII: Financial Mathematics

1. Endowment and Sinking Funds

  • Define perpetuity and sinking fund
  • Calculate perpetuity
  • Distinguish between sinking fund and savings account.

2. Bond Valuation

  • Define the idea of bond valuation and related concepts
  • Determine the bond's value using the present value method

3. EMI Calculation

  • Describe the notion of electromagnetic interference (EMI)
  • Calculate EMI using various ways

4. Linear Depreciation Method

  • Define the idea of linear depreciation
  • Interpret the cost, residual value, and usable life of an item based on the facts provided
  • Calculate depreciation

Understanding the CUET Maths Syllabus is essential for good CUET results. A good score makes you eligible for UG courses at top-ranked universities offering high growth prospects. 

UNIT IX: Linear Programming

1. Introduction and pertinent terms

  • Acquaint oneself with terms associated with Linear Programming Problem

2. B.Mathematicalformulation of Linear Programming Problem

  • Formulate Linear Programming Problem

3. Different Linear Programming Problem Types

  • Identify and develop various LPP kinds

4. Graphical Solution Method for Two-Variable Problems

  • Draw the graph for a system of linear inequalities involving two variables and graphically determine its solution

5. Feasible and Infeasible Regions

  • Identify feasible, infeasible, and bounded regions

6. Feasible and impractical solutions, optimum feasible solution

  • Recognize feasible and impractical options
  • Identify the optimal feasible solution

Learn How to Prepare CUET Maths Syllabus to score 200/200

Best Books to Prepare CUET Mathematics Syllabus 2025

CUET preparation books are important for acing the exam. Here are some of the best books covering the CUET Maths syllabus -

CUET Maths Preparation Books 2025 Author/ Publisher 
Arihant's Skills in Mathematics (set of 7 books) Arihant
RS Aggarwal Textbook for Class 12 RS Aggarwal 
NCERT Textbook for Class 12 NCERT
Pradeep’s A Text Book of Mathematics class 1 Pradeep Publications
Objective Mathematics Vol. 1 R.D. Sharma
Objective Mathematics Vol. 2 R.D. Sharma

How to Prepare for CUET Maths Syllabus 2025

If you want to crack the exam and get into the top CUET universities, you must have a proper preparation strategy to manage your time well.

  • To familiarise yourself with the exam, you must thoroughly understand the CUET Maths Syllabus 2025. 
  • It is also important to keep a timetable and stick to it while preparing for the exam so that you can understand and revise each topic in a disciplined manner. 
  • You should practice, practice, and practice! This will help you familiarise yourself with the exam pattern and learn your strengths and weaknesses so that you can work on improving them.  

Check: CUET Universities List 2025

Key Takeaways 

Due to the extensive amount of practice required, Mathematics is widely regarded as the most challenging subject.

  • Get complete knowledge of the topics covered in the mathematics syllabus. Then, create a study plan. 
  • Choose the recommended textbooks to study for the CUET Maths syllabus. Use exemplars & books with in-depth explanations. 
  • Learn short tricks to make calculations quickly and easily. It will help you save time and improve speed
  • You must practice regularly through mock tests and sample papers to prepare for the CUET maths syllabus.
  • Take expert guidance for CUET if you face any difficulty in calculations and get your performance analyzed.

Check: Most Recommended CUET Preparation Books 2025

Frequently Asked Questions

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