CUET 2025 Registration,Exam Dates,Syllabus,PYQs & More [Check Latest Updates]
Author : Paakhi Jain
March 13, 2025
Overview:Finally, on March 1, 2025, NTA officially released the notification inviting online application forms for the CUET 2025, which provides students with admission opportunities in any of the central universities/participating universities. To uncover the CUET 2025 registration details, read the blog further.
The CUET 2025 exam is your gateway to over 287 universities, including central, state-level, deemed-to-be, and private universities, for admission to their UG-level courses.
As per the CUET 2025 Notification released on the official website on the 1st of March 2025:
The exam will be online (Computer-based) for all the subjects.
All the subjects will have a single shift, and the normalization process will not be applied.
The mode of application for the CUET exam will be online only.
The notice clarifies the expected exam changes and provides the official CUET exam dates, pattern, syllabus, courses, and university list.
The registration process follows the official notification.
As per the CUET 2025 notification, no given combination of subjects is the best. However, choosing at least one language and a general test is advisable.
The medium of the exam will be 13 languages: English, Hindi, Assamese, Bengali, Gujarati, Kannada, Malayalam, Marathi, Odia, Punjabi, Tamil, Telugu, and Urdu.
The newly launched portal will periodically have updates.
The CUET (UG) - 2025 will be conducted in Computer Based Test (CBT) mode only
All the subjects will have a single shift, and the normalization process will not be applied.
English and General Test are the most popular subjects among all the papers.
Is CUET compulsory?
No, it is not compulsory! However, if you target top central universities like DU, AMU, JMI, BHU, etc., for your UG degree, appearing in the CUET exam is a must. Apart from central universities, around 232 private, state and deemed-to-be universities also accept CUET scores.
CUET 2025 Eligibility Criteria [Educational Qualification & Age Limit]
To be eligible to apply for the CUET Exam, you must satisfy specific eligibility criteria set by the exam conducting body, which can be different for each participating university.
All Indian Nationals are eligible to apply for the exam. (foreign candidates, NRI, and OCI candidates can also apply for the exam)
For UG courses, you must have completed class 12 with qualifying marks set by the university.
There's no age limit to apply for the exam. However, some universities may have an age limit for specific courses.
You are advised to visit the official website of the college you wish to apply to, as the eligibility requirements can change from college to college and may also differ for every UG program.
Admission policies regarding quota, category, reservations, qualifications, etc., will follow the respective university's rules.
Each university has unique eligibility criteria; candidates must visit the respective university's website.
Candidates must ensure they meet the eligibility criteria before applying.
Appearing in CUET (UG) - 2025 does not ensure admission unless university-specific eligibility is met.
CUET 2025 Exam Pattern
The CUET exam pattern for 2025 will likely change per UGC's draft proposal mentioned above.
Based on that, the CUET (UG) 2025 exam pattern is mentioned below:
The mode of examination will be a Computer Test, streamlining the process and reducing stress.
You can choose a maximum of 5 subjects from all three sections for the subjects/languages.
The normalization process has been discontinued, and only the raw exam cores will be used for the final results.
The question paper will comprise only multiple-choice questions.
For the 13 languages (English, Hindi, Assamese, Bengali, Gujarati, Kannada, Malayalam, Marathi, Odia, Punjabi, Tamil, Telugu, and Urdu), the language-specific papers to test proficiency are to be conducted as per CUET-UG 2024.
For all the remaining languages, including foreign languages (20 as per CUET-UG 2024), the admissions in the programmes of these languages are to be made based on performance in the General Aptitude Test.
You will be flexible in choosing any subject irrespective of your 12th-class subjects.
The NTA CUET Exam Pattern with the marks and number of questions based on previous years is given below:
Subjects/ Tests
Questions to attempt
Time Duration
Total Marks
Section IA
13 Languages
60 minutes
Section II
23 Domain Subjects
60 minutes
Section III
General Aptitude Test
60 minutes
Note 1: The domain-specific subject/paper on ‘Entrepreneurship’, ‘Teaching Aptitude’, ‘Fashion Studies’, ‘Tourism’, ‘Legal Studies’ and ‘Engineering Graphics’ will be discontinued.
Note 2: All Questions are compulsory.
Note 3: Candidates may select the subjects based on the eligibility criteria for a desired university programme.
Correct answer or the most appropriate answer: Five marks (+5)
Any incorrect option marked will be given minus one mark (-1).
Unanswered/Marked for Review will be given no mark (0).
If more than one option is found to be correct, then Five marks (+5) will be awarded to only -
Is there a Negative Marking in CUET 2025?
Yes! For every wrong answer, you will lose one mark!
Here's how the marking scheme for the exam works, even when there are discrepancies:
If all options are correct, then five marks (+5) will be awarded to all those who have attempted to answer the question.
If none of the options is correct, a question is found to be wrong, or a question is dropped, all candidates who have attempted the dropped question will be given five marks (+5).
If none of the options is correct, a question is found to be wrong, or a question is dropped, all candidates who have attempted the dropped question will be given five marks (+5).
Latest Changes in CUET 2025 Entrance Examination
As per NTA's latest modification, the CUET 2025 exam will be conducted in CBT mode for all the applicants.
NTA has also reduced the subjects to emphasize an enhanced focus on only five subjects for better preparation.
CUET UG 2024
Expected CUET UG 2025 exam
Mode of Examination
Hybrid (Pen and Per and Computer Based Test)
Computer Based Test
Number of Subjects
63 subjects
37 subjects
Duration of Exam
45 minutes - 60 minutes
60 minutes for all subjects
Number of Domain Subjects
Number of Languages
CUET Subject Choice
Section 3
General Test
CUET General Aptitude Test (GAT)
Subject choice as per class 12th subjects
Flexibility to choose any subject irrespective of class 12th subjects
Knowing the syllabus plays a vital part in your preparation. NTA has released the syllabus for every language, domain, and GT, with units and important sub-units, as a PDF on the official website.
The CUET UG syllabus has been divided into Sections 1 (1A and 1B), 2, and 3. The syllabus for domain subjects will be based mainly on the NCERT books.
Language Subjects
Reading Comprehension (based on different types of passages–Factual, Literary and Narrative, and Literary Aptitude and Vocabulary
Domain Subjects
As per the Class 12 syllabus (NCERT), only
General Test
General Knowledge, Current Affairs, General Mental Ability, Numerical Ability, Quantitative Reasoning (Simple application of basic mathematical concepts Arithmetic / Algebra / Geometry / Mensuration / Statistics), Logical and Analytical Reasoning.
How to apply for CUET 2025?
Visit the official website of NTA CUET to apply for the exam. You must fill out the application form for the CUET exam 2025.
The online window to register for the exam will appear on the screen after clicking the "click here to apply" button on the official website.
Once you click the "new register" button, fill in the fields such as name, mobile number, and E-mail ID.
You will receive the username and password for the registered mobile number and e-mail upon successful CUET registration.
It would be best to correctly fill in all mandatory fields, such as qualification details, communication details, parent details, exam centre preferences, and category.
The next step is to upload your photograph, signature, and other required documents according to the specifications in the official notification.
Once selected, click the "save & proceed" button and preview the online form.
Next, click the "make payment" button and pay the application fee per your category.
The recent photograph should be either in colour or black and white, with 80% of the face (without mask) visible, including ears, against a white background.
The scanned photograph and signature should be in JPG/JPEG format (clearly legible).
The size of the scanned photograph should be between 10 kb to 200 kb (clearly legible).
The size of the scanned signature should be between 4 kb to 30 kb (clearly legible).
The size of the scanned copy of the Category certificate (SC/ST/OBC/EWS, etc.) should be between 50kb to 300kb in pdf (clearly legible).
*The size of the scanned copy of the PwBD certificate should be between 50kb to 300 kb in pdf (clearly legible).
If you are claiming to be from the GEN-EWS or OBC NCL category, your certificate (Annexure-IA) must be uploaded in the ine Application Form of CUET (UG) - 2025, which should have been issued on or after 01 April 2024 in consonance with the latest delines of the Government of India.
Your APAAR ID, which stands for Automated Permanent Academic Account Registry.
CUET 2025 Application Fee
While learning to register for CUET, you must know you can only pay the fee online. The application fee varies for different categories.
Check out the table below for the CUET application fee per your category:
Up to 03 Subjects
For Each Additional Subject
General (UR)
₹ 1000/-
₹ 400/-
₹ 900/-
₹ 375/-
SC/ST/PwD/PwBD/Third Gender
₹ 800/-
₹ 350/-
Centres Outside India
₹ 4500/-
₹ 1800/-
How to Download CUET Admit Card 2025?
The CUET 2025 Admit Card will be available on the official website 3-4 days before the exam. You can download the CUET admit cardonline by using your login credentials.
Go to the official website.
Click on the ‘download CUET admit card’ link.
Enter your registration ID and Date of birth in the given space
Click on the Login button
The hall ticket will be displayed on the screen
Download the admit card and take a printout for future use
You must carry the CUET Admit Card to the exam centre without fail. Otherwise, you won't be allowed to take the exam.
CUET 2025 City Intimation Slip
The CUET City Intimation Slip (sometimes called the CUET Exam City Slip) lists the cities where the entrance exam will be conducted for all phases.
The Exam City Slip breaks down the exam centres according to the specific exam dates so that you can properly plan and prepare for the exam.
It outlines all the necessary information for applicants, including:
Examination Name
Your name
Name of Conducting Body
Date of Birth
Application Number
Exam City Centre
CUET 2025 Exam Preparation Tips
You would require a proper CUET preparation strategy and a study plan to crack entrance exams like the Common University Entrance Test. As the saying goes, "Better to start early than finish late!"
As only raw exam scores will be used for further admission, it becomes essential to go through CUET exam analysis to prepare accordingly and thoroughly understand the CUET 2025 syllabus.
Section 1A & 1B: Language
For English, improve your vocabulary by making a habit of reading the newspaper daily.
Note the difficult words and their meanings in a notebook and revise them regularly.
Section 2: Domain Specific Subjects
For domain-specific sections, read through your NCERT textbooks thoroughly.
Revise the fundamentals and concepts from time to time.
Section 3: General Test
Try to solve as many logical reasoning questions as possible that are given at the end of textbooks. In this way, you can enhance your speed and accuracy.
Practice puzzle-related questions to improve your problem-solving skills.
For the quantitative section, revise all the standard 8th, 9th, and 10th mathematics concepts, as most questions might be asked from these topics.
Attempting at least two CUET mock tests weekly to analyze your preparation levels is essential.
Lastly, you can always seek guidance from experts & mentors to crack the CUET 2025 exam.
Begin your preparations well in advance, as this will help you complete the syllabus on time, and you will also be left with ample time to revise all the topics at least once before the exam.
CUET 2025 Subject-Wise Preparation Books
Choosing the right book is vital in qualifying for the entrance exam. The following are some of the best CUET preparation books; they cover all the topics as per the syllabus.
Some of the books you can use for English and GAT are as follows:
Arihant’s English Grammar & Composition by S.C. Gupta
General Knowledge book by Arihant Publications
Quantitative Aptitude for Competitive Examination by RS Aggarwal
English Grammar in Use by Raymond Murphy
CUET 2025 Result
Generally, the NTA will announce the results a month after completing the CUET UG 2025 exam date, released in PDF form.
You can download your NTA CUET Exam Result pdf using your registration ID and date of birth.
Follow the steps given below to the scorecard.
Visit the official website.
Click on the ‘login to view scorecard’ tab.
Enter your registration ID and Date of birth in the given space
Click on the Login button
The result pdf will appear on the screen
Download the scorecard and take a printout for future use.
Aiming to achieve good CUET results for the upcoming exam?
CUET Mocks are a powerful tool that can significantly enhance your preparation.
Whether you're gearing up for boards or the CUET entrance exam 2025, engaging in mock tests can provide invaluable advantages.
Correct answers increase scores, while wrong answers may reduce them due to negative markings.
CUET 2025 Answer Key
The National Testing Agency (NTA) will release the final CUET answer keywithin 20 days of completing the exam.
Authorities will release the provisional answer key after the completion of the exam.
With the help of the provisional answer key, you can verify all the answers and raise objections if you find any discrepancies.
Considering the objections raised, authorities will modify the responses (if required) and release the final answer key.
Note that you cannot raise objections against the final answer key.
How to check CUET Answer Key 2025?
The final CUET 2025 answer key will be available in PDF format. To download it, you must:
Visit the "News and Events" section of
Click on the answer key tab on the homepage.
A PDF version of the official CUET answer key will be shown on the screen.
Download and review the results and answer key solutions for score calculation.
CUET 2025 Normalization Process
Normalization is a process used to adjust test scores so that they can be compared to those of other students, regardless of the test's scale or difficulty level.
In the case of CUET 2025, the normalization process has been discontinued as the exam will be conducted in hybrid mode with more exam centres and single shifts for each subject paper.
In previous years, the raw scores for each session were converted into Percentile Scores; now, only the raw scores will be used for further admission.
Once the exam is over, the post-exam events include:
Release of Provisional answer key
Release of Final answer key
CUET Results declaration
CUET Counselling
CUET 2025 Counselling Process
Each participating university will conduct a separate counselling process after completing the exam. You must visit the institute's official website and register to participate in the CUET Counselling Process.
At the time of registration, you must select the desired program in the university you wish to apply to.
You need to bring the following documents to counselling:
CUET admit card
Class 10 Mark sheets
Class 12 Mark sheets
CUET 2025 Scorecard
Graduation Certificates
Category certificate (if applicable)
Passport size photographs
Medical certificate (for PwD category)
Check the list of CUET exam centres to take the test and secure your seat in top colleges.
CUET 2025 Universities & Colleges
CUET exam will be conducted in 380 cities in India to give students admission into 280+ colleges at the UG level.
The universities accepting exam scores to admit 12th-standard students into their UG programs are known as CUET-participating universities.
Several colleges plan to use CUET in 2025 for their undergraduate admissions procedure.
The number of CUET-participating colleges in coming years is expected to grow beyond 300+.
Like last year, prestigious colleges like DU, BHU, JMI, JNU, and others will continue to use the exam scores as the first step in their admissions procedure.
University Type
Top Names
DU, BHU, JMI, JNU, Allahabad University etc.
Amity, Galgotias, Chitkara, Chandigarh University etc.
Graphic Era, Shiv Nadar, TISS, Jamia Hamdard etc.
Government Institutions
ICAR, Indian Culinary Institute etc.
Top Central Universities for NTA CUET 2025 Admissions
The NTA’s Common University Entrance Test makes you eligible for 280+ universities. The following are some of the most popular universities for pursuing undergraduate and postgraduate programs.
1- University of Delhi
The University of Delhi is one of India's most prestigious educational institutions, renowned for its top-notch undergraduate courses.
Every year, lakhs of students from across the country flock to the varsity to pursue their dreams.
With over 20 colleges ranked among India's Top 50 NIRF institutions, DU has a long-standing legacy of providing quality education.
The CUET DU admissionswill be for various courses, from Social Science to Economics, History, English, Psychology, Geography, and Political Science.
Moreover, introducing the CUET has reduced the high competition level among students.
So, if you're looking for an educational experience like no other, the University of Delhi is the perfect place!
2- Banaras Hindu University
According to the NIRF rankings, Banaras Hindu University (BHU) is ranked 6th among all universities in India.
It is a prestigious, fully residential university located in Varanasi.
It is renowned for its Agricultural Science, Environment, Sustainable Development, Medicine, Law, Arts, Commerce, Social Sciences, and Performing Arts courses.
3- Jawaharlal Nehru University
JNU is one of the top universities in Delhi, ranking highly in the NIRF rankings.
Some popular courses at JMI include mass communication, law, architecture, engineering, and social work.
5- Aligarh Muslim University
Other religious students of any faith can also apply to Aligarh Muslim University; however, most applicants are Muslim.
Founded in 1875, Aligarh is one of the oldest universities in India. It has off-campus locations in West Bengal and Kerala.
According to NIRF Rankings, Aligarh is ranked 11th overall in India.
AMU Admissions through CUET include popular engineering, law, medicine, social work, and management courses.
Courses Offered through CUET 2025 Exam
The number of programs, colleges, and course lists may vary yearly since the exam will now be conducted for admission to 280+ central, private, state and deemed universities.
Check out the list of most preferred CUET Coursesoffered by the major participating institutes:
Note: Differentuniversities offer various UG courses and specializations, which are not limited to the following streams.
Best Humanities courses
Best Commerce courses
Best Science courses
Additional Popular Courses
BA (H) Political Science
B.Sc (Hons) Mathematics
B. Pharm
BA (H) History
B.Com (Hons)
B.Sc (Hons) Physics
Integrated Programs
B.A (H) Psychology
B.Sc (Hons) Zoology
B.A (H) Philosophy
B.A (H) Sociology
B.Sc (Hons) Chemistry
The above list is not the entire set of courses offered at 280+ universities. You can check out the list of CUET B.Tech Colleges List here!
CUET 2025 Exam: Deleted Subjects per the UGC proposal
UGC has announced the removal of 20 foreign languages from section 1 and six CUET domain subjects from section 2. The number of CUET exam subjects has been reduced from 63 to 37.
Refer to the table below to know the deleted subjects:
Let's take a quick look at the registration statistics from this year & past year to understand the importance of CUET 2025in the evolving education landscape.
Review the University-wise highlights for the Top 5 CUET-UG Universities that you may target in 2025:
CUET Registration 2024
CUET Registration 2023
University of Delhi
28 lakh
Banaras Hindu University
8.8 lakh
Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar University
4.1 lakh
University of Allahabad
3.1 lakh
Jamia Millia Islamia
2.6 lakh
Subject-wise Registration highlights for the Top 10 CUET Subjects
The significant rise in applicants across various subjects from 2023 to 2024 underscores the exam's expanding footprint in the academic arena.
It also reflects students' broadening academic interests, promoting a more diversified and inclusive approach to university admissions.
Key Takeaways
The CUET 2025 exam is a great way to enter top universities, providing a standardized assessment of academic abilities.
It is an efficient procedure for CUET-participating universities to admit potential students, as it objectively measures their skills.
The exam is conducted annually, and central, state, private, and deemed-to-be universities accept exam CUET results.
The exam will be conducted in hybrid mode (offline & online).
The post-exam events include the release of the CUET answer key, results, and the counselling process's beginning.