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CIL MT Vacancy 2019: Check CIL Management Trainee Category Wise Vacancy List

Author : Palak Khanna

April 3, 2023


Coal India Limited has released the notification for the recruitment of the post of Management Trainee all over India. Authorities have activated the official link to apply for the exam. Candidates who are willing to work in Government Sector have a good opportunity through CIL MT Recruitment. Go through the article for the complete detail about the CIL MT Vacancy 2019.

CIL MT Vacancy 2019

The CIL Admit Card will be released after the completion of the Online Process. Those aspirants who want to apply for the exam can fill the CIL MT Application Form till 19th January 2020. Candidate has to go through the 3 processes to be a part of Coal India- Written Test, Personal Interview, and Medical Exam. The Computer Based Test (Written Online Exam) will be Bilingual (Both Hindi and English), except the English Language part of the exam.

The candidates who are preparing for the exam must know the complete CIL MT Syllabus for the post of Management Trainee to score well in the exam by covering each section of the exam.

cil mt vacancy

CIL MT Vacancy Highlight 2019

Name of the Exam Coal India Limited Recruitment
Post Name Management Trainee
Starting Date to Apply 21st December 2019
Last Date to Apply 19th January 2020
Total Vacancies 1326
Selection Process Online Written Exam
Personal Interview
Medical Exam
Salary INR 60000-180000
Official Website www.coalindia.in

CIL Management Trainee Vacancy 2019

Coal India is recruiting with a total number of 1326 vacancies for the post of Management Trainee in CIL. The number of vacancies is subject to change if required. Here is the list of the category-wise and department-wise projected vacancies including unfilled reserved vacancies-

DISCIPLINE GENERAL (unreserved) OBC (Non-Creamy Layer) SC ST EWS Total Vacancy  Category of disability suitable for the post
Mining 117 77 43 22 29 288 None
Electrical 89 59 32 16 22 218 OH (OL), HH
Mechanical 93 70 42 27 26 258 OH (OL), HH
Civil 22 19 14 6 7 68 OH (OA, OL), HH
Coal Preparation 11 7 5 3 2 28 OH (OA, OL)
Systems 18 13 7 3 5 46 OH (OA, OL, BL, OAL), HH
Materials Management 12 8 4 2 2 28 OH (OA, OL), HH
Finance & Accounts 70 68 38 52 26 254 OH (OA, OL, BL, OAL, BLOA), HH
Personnel & HR 35 24 14 8 8 89 OH (OA, OL, BL, OAL), VH (B, LV), HH
Sales & Marketing 7 9 3 2 2 23 OH (OA, OL), VH (LV), HH
Community Development 11 7 4 1 3 26 OH (OA, OL), VH (LV)
TOTAL 485 361 206 142 132 1326* -

*Total 107 vacancy reserved for PwD candidates including 60 backlogs/ carry forward vacancy. The vacancy shown above includes backlog / carry forward vacancy for SC / ST / OBC (NCL).

Abbreviations: OH - Orthopaedically Handicapped, VH - Visually Handicapped, HH - Hearing Handicapped, OL - One Leg, BL - Both Legs, OA - One Arm, OAL - One Arm and One Leg, BLOA - Both Legs and One Arm, LV - Low Vision, B - Blind