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CIL MT Syllabus 2020

Author : Palak Khanna

April 3, 2023


Coal India Limited released the notification CIL Management Trainee Recruitment 2020 on the official website on 17th December 2019. All the applicants who are preparing and applying for the exam must go through the complete CIL MT Syllabus and get detailed knowledge of different sections from which questions will be asked in the exam.

CIL MT Syllabus 2020

There are a total of 1326 vacancies for the post of Management Trainee. The CIL MT Admit Card 2020 will be released after 15 days of the completion of the online process. Candidates have to clear 3 sages of the exam- Written Test, Interview, and Medical Exam. Candidates can fill the CIL MT Application Form 2019 till 19th January 2020.

In the written exam, there is 2 Paper (Paper I and Paper II). Paper 1 includes- General Awareness, Reasoning Ability, Numerical Ability, and English Language and Paper 2 includes- Professional Knowledge. There is no penalty of negative marking for any wrong answer given by the candidate. The exam will be a bilingual language (Both Hindi and English).

CIL MT Syllabus 2019-20 Highlights

Conducting Body Coal India Limited (CIL)
Starting Date to fill Application Form 21st December 2019
Last Date to Apply 19th January 2020
Sections in the Exam Numerical Ability, Numerical Ability, English Language, and General Awareness & Knowledge
Official Website www.coalindia.in
General Awareness & Knowledge History, Geography, Economy, 5-year Budget Plan, Current Affairs National & International, Sports, Politics, Countries & Capitals
Numerical Ability Simplification, Profit & Loss, Interest, Percentage, Average, Time & Work, Problems on Ages
Reasoning Ability Decision Making, Problem Solving, Similarities & Differences, Relationship Concepts
English Language Error Recognition, Fill I the Blanks, Synonyms, Antonyms, One Word Substitution, Reading Comprehension

Coal India MT Syllabus 2019-20

Coal India Limited is recruiting for the post of Management Trainee for the various location of the country. Here is the list of the complete syllabus for both paper 1 and 2.

CIL Management Trainee Syllabus for Paper 1

Go through the following points to know the detailed syllabus about the CIL Paper 1 which includes- Numerical Ability, General Awareness/ Knowledge, Numerical Ability, and English Language.

Coal India Syllabus for General Awareness/ Knowledge

National & International Current Affairs Sports Indian Culture
Scientific Research Indian History Indian National Movement
World & Indian Geography Natural Resources Indian Economy
Indian Polity Indian Constitution Environment
India’s Agriculture Trade & Commerce Basic Information & Technology

CIL MT Syllabus for Numerical Ability

Simplification Profit & Loss Time & Distance
Time & Work Pipes & Cisterns Problems on Ages
Average Boats & Streams Interest
Percentage Data Interpretation Ratio & Proportion
Square Root Mixture & Allegation Algebra
Decimal Fraction Relationship between Numbers

Coal India MT Syllabus for the English Language

Error Recognition Fill in the Blanks Synonyms
Antonyms Spelling Error Mis-spelled Words
Idioms & Phrases One Word Substitution Sentence Structure
Sentence Completion Shuffling of Sentence Part Reading Comprehension

Coal India Management Trainee Syllabus for Reasoning Ability

Analogy Similarities & Differences Space Visualization
Spatial Orientation Problem Solving Analysis
Judgment Decision Making Visual Memory
Discrimination Observation Relationship Concept
Arithmetical Reasoning Figure Classification Arithmetic Number Series
Non-Verbal Series Coding-Decoding Word Building Statement Conclusion
Syllogistic Reasoning Puzzle Venn Diagram
Symbolic/ Number Classification Figural Classification Verbal Reasoning

CIL MT Syllabus for Paper 2

The Syllabus for Paper 2 includes Professional Knowledge (Discipline Related)- Mechanical, Civil, Electrical, Mining, Finance & Accounts, and Computer Science. Go through the following points for the complete detail about te each discipline of Paper 2.

Coal India MT Syllabus for Mechanical

Industry safety Energy Conservation Engineering Mechanics
Management Information System Engineering Materials The Strength of Materials
Metal Casting Inventory Control Production Planning
Computer Integrated Manufacturing Design Production Control Stress & Strain

CIL Management Trainee Syllabus for Electrical

Electromagnetic Theory Control Systems Network Analysis
Analog and Digital Electronics Utilization of Electrical Energy Power Systems
Electrical Instrumentation Power System Protection Power System Analysis & Control
Electrical Machines Switch Gear and Protection Power Electronics & Drives

Coal India Management Trainee Syllabus for Civil

Engineering Mechanics Elements of Geotechnical Engineering Fluid Mechanics
Elements of Structural Analysis Civil Engineering Materials Steel Structures
The Strength of Materials Reinforced Concrete Structures Design of Structure
Surveying Bridge Superstructure Bridge Engineering
Transportation Engineering Bridge Architecture Hydrology

CIL Management Trainee Syllabus for Computer Science

Computer Networks Computer Organization and Architecture Computer Fundamentals and Programming
Web Technologies Databases Relational Database Management System
Algorithms Operating System Operating System
Programming and Data Structures Digital Logic Cyber Law in India
Computer Networks Information Systems and Software Engineering Data Communication and Networks
Information and Network Security Linux System Administration Theory of Computation

Coal India MT Syllabus for Mining

Surveying Introduction to Mining Mine Environmental Eng.
Drawing Mining Practice Coal Mining
Engineering Graphics Basic Computer Skills Blasting Techniques in Mines
Applied Science U/G Metalliferous Mining Mine Surveying Practice
Applied Mathematics Surface Mining Computer Application in Mining
Basics of Electrical & Electronics Eng. (Mining) Mechanical Technology (Mining) Mineral Recovery
Mining Geology Industrial Training in Underground Mines (Module I) Mine Machinery
Mining Legislation & General Safety Rock Mechanics & Ground Control Basic Management Skills & Indian Constitution

CIL Management Trainee Syllabus for Finance & Accounts

Financial Accounting Financial Management Income-tax Law
Auditing Business and Corporate Law Business Statistics & Data Processing
Cost and Management Accounting Indirect Tax Laws Banking and financial institution