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UCEED Marks vs Rank 2026: Know everything about UCEED Results

Author : Akash Kumar Singh

March 12, 2025


Summary: Discover key insights into the UCEED Marks vs Rank 2026 relationship: Uncover trends, scoring strategies, and crucial data on seat availability and ranks for top design colleges. This concise guide offers essential tips and analysis for aspirants aiming high in UCEED. 

The Undergraduate Common Entrance Examination for Design (UCEED) is a pivotal entrance exam for students aspiring to enter the field of design in India.

Conducted by the prestigious Indian Institute of Bombay, it serves as a benchmark for assessing a candidate's aptitude and skills in design. 

This article aims to provide an in-depth analysis of the correlation between the marks obtained in UCEED 2026 and the ranks allocated, especially focusing on the UCEED 2026 exam.

This UCEED Marks vs Rank 2026 understanding is crucial for aspirants to set realistic goals and strategize their preparation effectively. 

UCEED 2026 Exam Pattern and Scoring 

The exam pattern at UCEED, along with insights from UCEED Marks vs Rank, is specifically designed to assess a variety of skills such as visual-spatial knowledge, observation and design sensitivity, analytical and logical reasoning, and environmental awareness.

The UCEED marking scheme includes a combination of positive and possibly negative marking for right answers, which can have a considerable impact on a candidate's final score.

Understanding how differing scoring patterns in different sections affect the overall rank is essential for candidates planning a balanced approach to the exam. 

Check: UCEED 2026 Exam Pattern and Marking Scheme

UCEED Marks vs Rank 2026 Analysis 

The competitiveness in UCEED, reflected through UCEED 2026 Marks vs Rank, varies each year, with the opening and closing ranks for major institutes like IIT Bombay, IIT Guwahati, and IIITDM Jabalpur fluctuating based on candidate performance.
Analyzing these trends, particularly the category-wise variation, provides useful insights into the exam's competitive landscape.

This insight enables candidates to determine the level of preparation required to attain a rank that corresponds to their college preferences. 

Read more: UCEED Courses List 2026

UCEED 2026 Rank Analysis 

The rank analysis of UCEED mark vs rank 2026 will present applicants with the previous year's trends of the opening and closing rank for three universities. The following rank analysis is based on the UCEED mark vs rank 2026. 

UCEED Mark Vs Rank 2026: Rank Analysis 

UCEED Category IIT Bombay IIT Guwahati IIITDMJ Jabalpur
Opening Rank Closing Rank Opening Rank Closing Rank Opening Rank Closing Rank
Open Category 1 20 22 59 48 75
OBC-NCL Category 3 14 14 39 15 46
SC Category 1 7 4 15 17 23
ST Category 1 6 4 17 6 23

Check: UCEED Exam Cut-Off

Minimum Prescribed Marks in UCEED

The minimum required marks section is an important component of the UCEED plan. It informs candidates about the minimum scores needed to qualify for certain categories.

This UCEED Marks vs Rank 2026 knowledge is necessary for applicants to set realistic goals and analyze where they stand in relation to the competition. 

Minimum Prescribed Marks for UCEED 2026 

The minimum prescribed marks according to our UCEED Mark vs Rank 2026 table are listed below. 

UCEED Marks Vs Rank 2026: Minimum Prescribed Marks 

UCEED Category Section-Wise Minimum Percentage of Marks Section-Wise Minimum Total Marks
OBC-NCL Rank List 9 90
ST Rank List 5 50
SC Rank List 5 50
PwD Rank List 5 50
Common Rank List (CRL) 10 100

Know more: UCEED Eligibility criteria 2026

UCEED College-Wise Seat Availability 

Understanding UCEED seat distribution across various categories in participating universities is essential for UCEED candidates.

This information not only exposes the level of competition, but it also assists candidates in making informed decisions about their preferences and prospects of admission to a specific college. 

Check: Universities Accepting UCEED Score

UCEED Marks Vs Rank 2026: College-Wise Seat Availability 

UCEED College Open Category OBC-NCL Category EWS Category SC Category ST Category Total
IIT Bombay 15 10 4 5 3 37
IIT Guwahati 23 15 6 8 4 56
IIT Hyderabad 8 5 2 3 2 20
IIT Jabalpur 26 18 7 11 4 66
IIT Delhi 7 6 2 3 2 20
Total 79 54 21 30 15 199

Prepare with: UCEED Online Coaching 2026 by Creative Edge

UCEED Exam Statistics and Competition Level 

The exam statistics, including insights into UCEED Marks vs Rank, reveal the vast number of candidates competing for a limited number of seats, emphasizing the high level of competition in UCEED Understanding these figures helps candidates analyse the difficulty level of the exam and the extent of preparation required to qualify and rank well. 

Check: UCEED Exam Analysis

UCEED 2026 Tie-Breaker Policy 

The UCEED tie-breaker policy is a fair and systematic approach to resolve instances in which two or more applicants receive the same score.

This policy provides preference to candidates who scored higher in specific exam sections, ensuring that each candidate's achievement is correctly reflected in theirUCEED rank vs marks. 

Learn more: UCEED Reservation Policy 2026

Beyond UCEED Exam Admission and Counselling 

The journey does not end after the UCEED results. Candidates must participate in a joint seat allocation process and counseling in order to get admitted to their selected program.

This process, which is as significant as the exam itself, necessitates careful consideration of the candidate's rank, preferences, and available seats. 

Learn more: UCEED Exam Seat Allotment Process


This in-depth examination of UCEED marks vs rank provides significant information for applicants hoping to flourish in this competitive test.

Candidates can strategically prepare for and improve their chances of admission to top design programs by learning the deep elements of the exam layout, scoring, UCEED rank vs marks analysis, and admission procedure. 

This article, incorporating insights like UCEED 2026 Marks vs Rank, combines extensive details with structured data tables to provide a comprehensive view of the UCEED landscape, essential for aspirants pursuing academic and professional success in the field of design.

Read more: Rewarding Career in Design and Architecture

Frequently Asked Questions

What is UCEED and why are marks vs rank important?

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How is the UCEED rank calculated from marks?

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What are the minimum prescribed marks for UCEED?

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How does category affect UCEED ranks?

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What's the significance of understanding college-wise seat availability in UCEED?

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Does scoring high in UCEED guarantee admission to a top design college?

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How should I prepare to achieve a good rank in UCEED?

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What should I do if my UCEED rank is lower than expected?

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What is a good score in UCEED 2026 Marks vs Rank analysis for admission to top IITs?

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What is the relationship between UCEED 2026 Marks vs Rank?

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