January 10, 2025
Summary: In order to help you to develop a better understanding of the type of questions that will be asked in NID GAT 2026, we have compiled some sample questions that you should definitely solve and become better prepared to give NID Entrance Exam 2026.
In the NID General Aptitude Test, you will be tested on your quantitative and reading abilities, language skills, general awareness, and current affairs.
To help you get an idea about the different types of questions asked in the GAT, this article shall guide you through the Important Questions for NID GAT, previous year's questions, and more.
So why late? Practice these questions regularly and enhance your preparation for better results.
As said above, you will be tested on different subjects in the NID entrance exam. Therefore, following the best Preparation Tips for NID Exam will help you perform well in the upcoming exam.
Also Read: NID Tips to Improve Drawing Questions
Practice is the greatest key to cracking the GAT section. Solving Previous Year Question Papers for NID will help know the difficulty level of the paper and the type of Important Questions for NID GAT asked in the exam.
The following are some of the important questions for the upcoming NID entrance exam.
Q) What geometric solid is formed when you fold along the lines of the given image?
Ans: c
Check: How to Write a Statement of Purpose (SOP) for NID
Q) . In the figure given below, which number will replace the question mark?
Ans: c
Read more: Tips to solve compound interest questions in NID exam
Q) Balloons are filled with
Ans: c
Q) Which is the biggest planet?
Ans: Jupiter
Check: NID Drawing tips and tricks
Q) Find the synonyms of:
Ans: a
Check: NID Marking Scheme
Ans: a
Refer: Highly recommended books for the NID exam
As per the NID Exam Syllabus, you will be evaluated on your language and general knowledge skills in the GAT.
Here are the topic-wise questions for the General Aptitude Test of NID.
Q) Sheep
Ans: a
Q) Loaf
Ans: b
Check: Total no. of NID Seats in India
Q) News
Ans: b
Refer: Important questions with answers for the NID CAT exam
Q) Nucleus
Ans: c
Check: Salary After NID
Q) Tomato
Ans: a
Q) Melancholy
Ans: b
Check: NID Sample Papers for Practice
Q) Jeopardy
Ans: b
Read more: Best study timetable to enhance your NID preparation
Q) Meticulous
Ans: b
Q) Stir up a hornet's nest
Ans: C
Check: NID Fee Structure for Various Categories
Q) To break the ice
Ans: A
Q) Blow the lid off
Ans: D
Refer: NID Interview Questions with Answers 2026
Q) In the offing
Ans: A
Q) Midas touch
Ans: C
Check: Latest updates on NID Exam Dates
Q) Find the correctly spelled words
Ans: C
Q) Find the correctly spelled words
Ans: B
Check: NID Colleges in India
Q) Find the correctly spelled words
Ans: D
Learn more: How To Solve Simple Interest Questions For NID 2026?
Q) Find the correctly spelled words
Ans: A
Q) Find the correctly spelled words
Ans: C
Q) Wizard
Ans: C
​​​​​​​Check: Life at NID
Q) Desolate
Ans: B
Q) Flamboyant
Ans: A
Analyse the NID question paper: Previous year exam analysis for NID entrance exam
Q) Triangular shaped Folds of fabric stitched to control fullness are called
Ans: C
​​​​​​​Check: NID Exam Preparation Strategy
Q) The famous Painting Starry night by Vincent Van Gogh has which of the following elements of design?
Ans: B
Q) Which of the following famous Indian leaders coined the slogan 'Jai Jawan Jai Kisan.'
Ans: C
Q) Which among the following planets of our Solar system is the biggest in size?
Ans: D
​​​​​​​Check: List of NID Courses
Q) Which one of the following metals is abundant in the Earth's crust?
Ans: C
Also check: Difference between NID VS NIFT
Q) Which of the following cities is the birthplace of Swami Vivekananda?
Ans: C
Q) Which is the headquarters of the Asian Development Bank?
Ans: A
Know more: NID Entrance Exam 2025 Section-Wise Preparation Tips
Creative Edge, a TopRankers initiative, is one of the top online NID coaching Institutes. Here, we make your NID preparation more fun and easier to process. We help you to shape your skills and nourish your qualities to excel in the exam.
Boost your NID 2026 exam preparation with: NID Online Coaching 2026 by Creative Edge
The article provides a succinct guide for candidates preparing for the NIFT GAT and NID Entrance Exam 2026, highlighting the importance of practice, preparation strategies, and leveraging resources like Creative Edge for comprehensive coaching.
Through practical tips and a selection of sample questions, it underscores the need for familiarity with the exam format and content to succeed.
Prepare with Creative edge: Free Mock Test Series for NID 2026
Frequently Asked Questions
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What documents to carry on the day of the of NID DAT Exam 2026?
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Where can I get NID Sample Papers pdf?
Is the NID DAT Prelims Exam Date 2025 announced?
What is the difficulty level of NID exam?
Where can I find previous year NID Exam Analysis?
How is the NID 2025 exam Analysis Prepared?
Where do I find NID Syllabus related Sample Papers?
Does the NID Entrance Exam Syllabus stay the same every year?