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IPMAT Indore 2024 - QA (MCQ) Q41 Q42 Q43 Q44 Q45 Explanation

Author : Akash Kumar Singh

November 27, 2024



Hint: [Q.41-Q.45) Common Solution

A B C Total
S1 win 19 loose 1 loose 0 20
S2 loose 7 loose 5 win 8 20
S3 loose 6 loose 6 win 8 20
S4 loose 9 win 11 loose 0 20
S5 loose 8 win 12 loose 0 20
Total 49 35 16 100

From point (2), we can conclude that C must have 8 votes each in S3 and S4, that so as up to 16. It also means C did not get any votes in S1, S2 and S5. It also implied that B must have win S4and S5 constituencies as ‘A’ has won only in S1. Now in S3 and S4, possible combination of votes A and B can be (5, 7), (7, 5) or (6, 6) in that order respectively.

By doing hit and trial, we can come to a conclusion that B must have win 11 and 12 votes in S4and S5 respectively. And also, it must have received 1, 5 and 6 votes in S1, S2 and S2 constituency from point (3).

From the completed table we can see, B got lower number of votes compared to A and C only in S2. Ans.

41 (d)

42 (d)

43 (d)

44 (d)

45 (c)