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Para Jumble Questions for Law Entrance Exams 2025

Author : Samriddhi Pandey

March 20, 2025


Reader's Digest - Puzzled by Para Jumbles? Get the Winning Strategy to Solve Para Jumble Questions for Law Entrance Exams with this blog!

Para Jumble questions, integral components of upcoming law entrance exams like SLAT, LSAT, etc., require you to arrange a set of jumbled sentences into a coherent and logically flowing paragraph.

These questions evaluate not only one's grasp of language but also their ability to discern logical connections and maintain the contextual integrity of the text.

The importance of mastering Para Jumble questions cannot be overstated. In the legal domain, effective communication and precision are paramount.

Para Jumble questions assess a candidate's capacity to comprehend, synthesize, and present complex ideas logically—skills quintessential for future lawyers.

Take a look at the following topics to be discussed in this blog:

  • Grasping the Structure: Decoding meaning, types, and key terms of the Para Jumble Questions for Law Entrance Exams.
  • Knowing Best Strategies for Solving Questions: Visualizing the Para Jumble questions using the best strategies.
  • Common Errors: Learn How to Avoid Common Pitfalls for Efficient Problem-Solving.

Here is an old video with fresh content on how to solve para jumbles for the Law Entrance Exam. Watch Now!

What is the Structure & Format of Para Jumble Questions?

Para Jumble questions exhibit a consistent pattern that, when understood, paves the way for their systematic resolution. A typical Para Jumble question presents a group of disconnected sentences, usually labelled A, B, C, and so forth.

Test-takers are tasked with rearranging these sentences to form a coherent paragraph. It's not merely about arranging sentences alphabetically; it's about fitting the puzzle pieces into a logical and contextually sound narrative.

The paragraphs are intricately crafted to challenge candidates' analytical skills. Subtle shifts in tone, varying viewpoints, and intricate textual relationships are concealed within the sentences. Deciphering these nuances is crucial to restoring the paragraph's original meaning.

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How to Approach Para Jumble Questions Effectively?

Effectively tackling Para Jumble questions requires a strategic approach that combines careful analysis, critical thinking, and linguistic acumen. Here's a step-by-step guide to dissecting these puzzles:

  1. Read Actively: Begin by thoroughly reading the jumbled sentences. Identify keywords, transitional phrases, and context indicators that hint at the logical flow of the paragraph.
  2. Identify the Anchor: Seek out the sentence that is likely to be the anchor—a sentence that introduces the paragraph's central theme or main idea. This is often found at the beginning or end.
  3. Identify the Opening Sentence: Read the given sentences carefully and identify the opening sentence. This will be easy to identify the first sentence.
  4. Identify the Closing Sentence: Similar to the opening sentence, the closing sentence will also be easy to identify. The trick to identifying the last sentence is to check the conclusion tone.
  5. Usage of Pronouns and Acronyms: Generally, sentences with pronouns or acronyms would be in the middle. 
  6. Check for transitional Words: Ensure to observe the traditional words like also, well, furthermore, etc., as those words are considered as bridges between two sentences. This way, you can build the sentence and get the proper sequence. 
  7. Logical Order: Establish the logical connection between sentences. Look for cause-and-effect relationships, comparisons, contrasts, or chronological progression.
  8. Contextual Clues: Pay attention to context shifts and pronouns. These help maintain coherence and prevent abrupt shifts in the narrative.
  9. Eliminate Distractors: Discard options that disrupt the paragraph's logical flow or lack contextual congruence.
  10. Trial and Error: If uncertain, experiment with different arrangements. Consider how each arrangement impacts the paragraph's overall coherence.

What is the Best Strategy to Solve Para Jumble Questions for Law Entrance Exams 2024?

Effectively tackling Para Jumble Questions demands a combination of critical thinking, linguistic insight, and strategic acumen. Here are three powerful strategies to solve of Para Jumble Questions.

Strategy 1: Identifying the Topic Sentence as the Anchor

To decipher the puzzle of Para Jumble Questions, spotting the topic sentence acts as the initial foothold. The topic sentence sets the tone and introduces the core idea of the paragraph.

Often, it provides an overarching theme or context, serving as the anchor around which other sentences revolve. Transition words such as "however," "moreover," and "conversely" frequently appear near the topic sentence, offering cues for logical progression.

Recognizing clues in transition words assists in arranging sentences in the right sequence. This step helps create a logical flow and prevents disjointed ideas. Contextual understanding becomes vital, as clues can be subtle but significant. Transition words and an understanding of the topic enable you to pinpoint the anchor sentence.

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Strategy 2: Analyzing the Logical Flow of Sentences

Sequencing the sentences logically is pivotal to solving Para Jumble Questions. An effective strategy involves establishing coherence and chronology among the sentences.

Sentences should follow a logical order that maintains the paragraph's flow and readability. Chronological cues, such as temporal markers or cause-and-effect phrases, assist in constructing a well-structured narrative.

Understanding cause and effect relationships within the sentences aids in arranging them in a manner that adheres to the paragraph's intended progression. This not only adds depth to the content but also aids in choosing the correct order.

Strategy 3: How to Use Elimination Technique for Solving Para Jumble Questions?

When confronted with multiple choices, applying elimination techniques can streamline your decision-making process. Here are some tips:

  • Remove options that seem illogical or disrupt the paragraph's coherence.
  • By removing outliers and irrelevant options, you narrow down your choices, increasing your chances of arriving at the correct sequence.
  • However, eliminating options should be an informed process.
  • An alternative method is to employ informed guesswork based on your understanding of the topic.
  • This is particularly effective when you're confident about certain sentences and their placement.
  • Trust your intuition while ensuring it aligns with the central theme.

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How to Increase Marks in Para Jumble Questions for Law Entrance Exams 2024?

By avoiding common pitfalls, you can instantly boost your score in para jumble questions. Here is the table of common errors & how to avoid them:

Pitfall How to Avoid
1. Relying solely on gut feeling Focus on logical coherence and sequence. Use transitional phrases and keywords as indicators.
2. Overlooking transitional phrases Highlight or mentally note phrases like 'however', 'therefore', and 'additionally', which indicate the logical flow between sentences.
3. Misinterpreting the main theme Before rearranging, identify the central theme of the jumbled sentences to maintain context.
4. Ignoring opening and concluding cues Sentences starting with general statements often open paragraphs, while conclusive remarks or summaries typically close them.
5. Getting stuck on a single question If a question seems too challenging, move on and return to it later to ensure adequate time for all questions.
6. Not reviewing choices after rearranging After selecting an order, quickly scan choices to ensure they reflect your arrangement.
7. Overcomplicating the sequence Often, the simplest logical flow is the correct one. Avoid reading too much into the sentences.
8. Skipping practice Regularly practice Para Jumble questions to familiarize yourself with patterns and improve speed.
9. Neglecting sentence connections Focus on how sentences relate to one another. Look for pronoun references or continued ideas.
10. Rushing through the question While time management is crucial, avoid hurrying. Read each sentence carefully to grasp its meaning.

Solved Para Jumble Questions for Law Entrance Exams 2024

Reading comprehension is one of the best ways to assess your capacity to understand, comprehend, summarize, and answer. 

As said above, the questions will not be asked directly in the exam. Hence, you must develop good reading skills to answer these questions.

Here are a few important questions based on the para-jumbles topic. These questions are curated from the previous year's Question Papers to help you understand the difficulty level and type of questions asked in the exam.

Question 1

A. The Supreme Court has further emphasised this in various judgments in the last 25 years.
B. The Right to Information is derived from Article 19 of the Constitution.
C. The RTI Act was passed in May 2005 and came into force in October 2005.
D. It is intended to give relevant information about the government and its institutions.
E. This Act enables citizens to obtain information without going to court each time.


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Question 2

A. Riots had to be contained, food shortages had to be overcome, princely states (as many as five hundred) had to be integrated, and refugees (almost ten million) had to be resettled.
B. It is safe to say that no modern politician had anywhere near as difficult a job as Jawaharlal Nehru.
C. At Independence, the country he was asked to lead was faced with horrific problems.
D. This, so to say, was the task of fire-fighting, to be followed by the equally daunting task of nation-building.

  • ABDC
  • BCAD
  • BACD
  • DCBA

Question 3

A. This is theoretically and practically problematic because it has grave consequences for how society views and treats the fundamental issues of women's lives.
B. Crimes such as these against any group other than women would be recognized as a civil and political emergency as well as a gross violation of the victims' humanity.
C. Significant numbers of the world's population are routinely subject to torture, starvation, terrorism, humiliation, mutilation, and even murder simply because they are female.
D. despite a clear record of deaths and demonstrable abuse, women's rights are not commonly classified as human rights.

  • BACD
  • DACB
  • ADBC
  • CBDA

Question 4

A. Such killings came to have social acceptance among the lower classes of society.
B. The PWG used violence as a tactic to motivate and encourage the lower cadres.
C. The first such brutal murder of an exploitative landlord was in 1978 when one Pitambar Rao was killed publicly.
D. Social inequalities, the widening gulf between the rich and the poor, exploitation by the higher castes in Andhra Pradesh and, more importantly, the loss of self-respect by the downtrodden helped in establishing Kondappally Seetharamiah's Peoples’ War Group (PWG) in the 1960s.

  • BCAD
  • DBCA
  • BACD
  • ADBC

Question 5

A. Central planning has failed the world over.
B. Hope cannot be dropped from helicopters.
C. people must have the power and resources to script their future, especially in remote areas.
D. It needs to be built through good governance at the local level.

  • BDAC
  • ACBD
  • BCDA
  • DABC

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Question 6

A. Like Hobbes, he also uses the hypothetical State of Nature as a basis for his arguments.
B. It is a state of peace and liberty for all.
C. Locke’s social contract theory formed the basis of the natural rights theory as we interpret it today.
D. However, his version of this condition is only pre-political and, unlike Hobbes, not pre-moral.

  • BCAD
  • ADBC
  • ADCB
  • CADB

Question 7

A. The debate is about what the revolution will replace the current reality with.
B. The debate is not whether Indian society needs a revolution or not.
C. These are too important to be left blunt by distant leaders and underdeveloped institutions.
D. To hasten that revolution and what it brings, the rest of us only have very few yet powerful weapons like democracy, good governance and the rule of law.

  • ADCB
  • BDAC
  • BADC
  • CBAD

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Question 8

A. It was observed that awareness about intellectual disability is very low in this region compared to other areas of the state.
B. Most of the time, intellectual disability was understood and treated as a mental illness.
C. People are unaware of the Persons with Disability Act (PDA) and its provisions.
D. Because of this misunderstanding, the misconceptions attached to mental illness also extended to intellectual disability.

  • ACBD
  • BCDA
  • DCBA
  • ABCD

Question 9

A. Not unlike most other Asian countries, Indian children are socialized into a system where they are expected to obey and respect authority figures without ever questioning their actions.
B. An all-pervasive sensibility that rebellion is a sign of a bad upbringing breeds a culture of abuse by encouraging sexual predators.
C. Two adults in India are often seen to exercise a near feudal hold over children demanding their unquestioned and complete obedience.
D. The reasons for rampant sexual abuse in India are manifold and rooted deep within the country’s social fabric.

  • DABC
  • ABDC
  • DBAC
  • CBAD

Question 10

A. The avenues, now dominated by tower blocks, are teeming with traffic, and water and electricity shortages have become the norm.
B. In the 1800s, Bangalore's gentle climate, broad streets, and green public parks were made in the `Garden City'.
C. Until well after Independence, senior figures, film stars, and VIPs flocked to buy or build dream homes in this urban, which offered such unique amenities as theatres, cinemas, and a lack of restriction on alcohol.
D. However, for well over a decade, Bangalore has undergone a massive transformation.

  • BDCA
  • ABDC
  • BCDA
  • CDBA


In conclusion, Para Jumble Questions for Law Entrance Exams are a litmus test for logical skills. To sum up, the blog, remember these key takeaways:

  • Context is King: Contextual clues are your guiding stars in arranging sentences effectively.
  • Anchor Insights: Identify the anchor sentence to ground your paragraph in a coherent theme.
  • Logical Linkages: Forge logical connections between sentences for fluidity.
  • Precision Matters: Eliminate distractors and maintain consistency for a polished result.

Frequently Asked Questions

How many Para Jumble questions can one expect in the 2024 law entrance exams?

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Are there specific strategies to solve Para Jumble questions effectively?

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How does the scoring work for Para Jumble questions?

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Are there any common pitfalls to avoid when answering Para Jumble questions?

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Can one expect Para Jumble questions based on legal topics in the 2024 exams?

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How do Para Jumble questions compare in difficulty to other sections of the law entrance exams?

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How important is time management when solving Para Jumble questions in the exam?

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