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Synonyms & Antonyms for Law Entrance Exams 2025: List of Important Words

Author : Samriddhi Pandey

March 20, 2025


Reader's Digest - Are you looking for a handy resource to enhance your vocabulary for law entrance exams? Look no further! Grab our Synonyms & Antonyms for Law Entrance Exams, packed with extensive word pairs to help you excel in the exam. 📚

Most aspirants preparing for competitive exams like CLAT, AILET, LSAT, SLAT, MH CET Law, etc., might be confused regarding the preparation strategies for different topics. One such topic that gives nightmares to most of you is Synonyms and Antonyms.

Similarly, if your vocabulary is up to the mark, you can easily score well in the Verbal Ability section. Otherwise, you will tend to lose marks in this section.

To make it easier, we have curated important Synonyms and Antonyms in a PDF that you can refer to to enhance your vocabulary skills for Upcoming Law Entrance Exams.

Before downloading the synonyms and antonyms for Law Entrance Exams 2025, let's understand synonyms, antonyms, and short tricks for remembering different words for longer.

Here is a sneak peek of the topics to be discussed in this blog:

  • List of Synonyms & Antonyms for Law Entrance Exams: A comprehensive compilation of words commonly tested in law entrance exams, ensuring you're well-prepared for the verbal section.
  • Commonly Asked Synonyms Questions in Law Entrances: An exploration of the synonyms frequently encountered in law entrance exams, along with tips on acing them.
  • Commonly Asked Antonyms Questions in Law Entrances: Insight into antonym questions often appearing in these exams and strategies for tackling them effectively.

Latest News - Attention CLAT aspirants! The Consortium has just announced the CLAT 2025 Exam Date. Watch out for more updates in the coming days!

Important Synonyms & Antonyms for Law Entrance Exams 2025

In the law entrance exams, you can expect questions related to Synonyms and Antonyms in the Verbal Ability section.

Therefore, learning some of the most commonly used synonyms and antonyms is vital in qualifying for the entrance exams. Look at the table below for the list of important synonyms and antonym words:

Word Synonym Antonym
Abundant Plentiful, Ample 🌟 Scarce, Sparse ⛔️
Appeal Attract, Interest ✨ Bore 😴
Elaborate Detailed 📝 Simple, Plain ✂️
Optimistic Bright, Promising 🌞 Pessimistic 🌧️
Boisterous Lively, Exuberant 🎉 Quire, Restrained 🤐
Inept Incompetent, Unskilled ❌ Competent ✅
Soothe Ease, Relieve 🌺 Aggravate 😡
Linger Stay put, Remain ⏳ Vanish 🏃‍♂️
Vital Essential, Crucial 💪 Unimportant ❌
Immense Huge, enormous 🌄 Puny, Insignificant 🐜

How to Prepare for Synonyms & Antonyms for Law Entrance Exams 2025?

  • Embrace the habit of learning at least 10 new English words every day. This consistent effort will expand your vocabulary and enhance your understanding of the language. Make a note of these words and read them regularly. If you are preparing for the LSAT, check the LSAT Vocabulary List.
  • Understanding the opposite meaning of the words can provide a deeper understanding of their usage. Make a note of these as well to broaden your language comprehension. Make shortcuts and tricks to make learning words easy, and try to use them daily. It will improve your communication skills.
  • Solve as many daily English quiz score marks as quickly as possible on the exam and know which questions are asked.
  • You must scrutinize each option before choosing the correct one during the exam.

Download FREE Synonyms Antonyms PDF for Law Entrance Prep 

Most Commonly Asked Synonyms Questions in Law Entrance Exams 2025

Most of you might neglect this section, thinking it is easy and you can score full marks. But you are wrong.

You can end up losing marks by making silly mistakes and less preparation. You should improve your vocabulary to enhance your Law Entrance Exam Preparation.

Here are a few of the most expected and most commonly asked Synonyms. Practice them and be well prepared for the upcoming exam.

Words Synonyms
Abandon Leave, forsake
Abettor Accomplice
Abnegation Denial
Abridge Shorten, curtail
Abundant Plentiful
Behaviour Demeanour
Bereft Deprived
Bias  Predilection
Brutal Savage, cruel
Callous Hard, cruel
Calm Quiet, tranquil
Carouse  Frolic
Casual Uncertain
Crescendo Escalation
Crusade Campaign
Cupidity Greed
Damage Loss, harm, injury
Decorate Adron, embellish
Deformity Malformation, disfigurement
Earnest Serious, solemn
Embargo  Barrier
Emergency Exigency
Esoteric Abstruse
Eternal Forever
Exceptional Unusual, rare
Fascinate Charm, enchant
Ferocious Fierce, savage
Fiendish Cruel
Genuine Real
Genre Category
Gigantic Colossal, great
Guilt Sin, crime
Guzzle Imbibe
Haughty Arrogant, proud
Hazardous Dangerous, risky, perilous
Humility Modesty, politeness
Illiterate Unlearned, ignorant
Imperious Authoritative, dictatorial
Impertinent Impudent, insolent, shameless
Incinerate Ignite
Jaded Tired
Jolly Jovial, merry
Judicious Discreet, prudent
Knavery Fraud
Laborious Assiduous, industrious
Laconic Concise
Lament Grieve, mourn
Lethargy Sluggishness
Maestro Genius
Magnificent Splendid, grand
Marvellous Wonderful
Meagre Small
Multitude Mass, Assembly, Gathering
Nauseous Loathsome
Nice Pleasant, agreeable
Notable Remarkable, memorable
Notorious Infamous
Obliterate Destroy, efface
Obsolete Antiquated
Ominous Threatening
Opportune Timely
Oracular Cryptic
Pal Buddy
Pandemonium Chaos
Pensive Thoughtful
Perennial Permanent, perpetual
Persuade Induce, urge
Profligate Immoral
Quaint Queer, odd, singular
Queer Strange, odd
Questionable Doubtful
Radiant Bright, brilliant
Rational Logical
Refined Elegant
Rejoice Delight
Revile Abuse
Ruck Mass, Pile, Heap
Sacred Holy, consecrated, pious
Satiate Satisfy
Scanty Slender, meagre
Splayed Spread
Synopsis Summary
Talkative Garrulous
Temerity Boldness
Temperate Moderate
Thankful Grateful, obliged
Ugly Repulsive
Urbane Polite, courteous, suave
Urge Press, incite
 Vacillate Waver
Venerable Respectable
Verbatim Exactly
Vigilance Watchfulness
Wealthy Rich
Wickedness Evil
Wild Savage
Yield Surrender
Yielding Submissive
Zeal Passion
Zenith Top, summit

Most Commonly Asked Antonyms in Law Entrance Exams

To help you understand the type of antonyms asked in the exam, we have provided some commonly asked ones in the table below.

These are curated from the Previous Year's CLAT Question Papers and other law entrance exams:

Word Antonym
Acumen Stupidity, Ignorance
Abash Uphold, Discompose
Abortive Productive
Adjunct Separated, Subtracted
Ascend Climb Escalate
Axiom Absurdity, Blunder
Bleak Bright, Pleasant
Barrier Link, Assistance
Bleak Bright, Cheerful
Calamity Fortune
Comprise Reject, lack
Contradict Approve, Confirm
Carnal Spiritual
Clandestine Open, Legal
Conceit Modesty
Consolidate Weaken
Deceit Veracity, Sincerity
Deprive Restore, Renew
Docile Headstrong, obstinate
Eclipse Shine, eclipse
Endeavour Cease, quit
Fabricate Destroy, Dismantle
Feud Harmony, fraternity
Frivolous Solemn, significant
Gracious Rude, Unforgiving
Glory Shame, Disgrace
Hideous Attractive, alluring
Impenitent Repentant
Infernal Heavenly
Immunity Blame, Censure
Infringe Comply, Concur
Jaded Renewed, recreated
Justify Impute, arraign
Knell Reconstruction, rediscovery
Linger Hasten, quicken
Mandatory Optional
Molest Console, soothe
Nimble Sluggish, languid
Obstruct Hasten, encourage
Ominous Auspicious
Pacify Irritate, worsen
Precarious Assured
Restrain Incite
Remonstrate Agree, loud
Sacred Ungodly, Profane
System Chaos, Disorder
Solicit Protest oppose
Throng Dispersion, sparsity
Thrifty Extravagant
Urchin Creep, Knave
Veteran Novice, tyro
Wan Bright, healthy
Wile Naivety, honour
Yearn Content, satisfy
Zeal Apathy, lethargy
Zest Disgust, passive


Kudos! This blog explored the importance of synonyms and antonyms for Law Entrance Exams. Let's recap the key takeaways:

  • Synonyms and antonyms are crucial in law entrance preparation, especially in the Verbal Ability section.
  • A strong grasp of synonyms helps one understand the word meanings and choose the most appropriate option in multiple-choice questions.
  • Familiarity with a wide range of synonyms and antonyms enhances communication skills and aids in the precise expression of ideas.
  • Strategic usage of synonyms and antonyms adds depth and clarity to written and verbal communication.
  • Remember to contextualize synonyms and antonyms within the specific legal context of the law entrance exam.
  • Continuous learning and expanding your vocabulary will benefit the Law Entrance Exams and future academic and professional endeavours.

Frequently Asked Questions

How to prepare synonyms and antonyms for Law Entrance Exams?

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What is the significance of synonyms and antonyms in Law Entrance Exams?

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How can I expand my vocabulary for Law Entrance Exams?

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Are there specific legal terms included in synonym/antonym questions for for Law Entrance Exams?

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How should I approach synonyms questions with multiple answer choices?

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5. Are there any shortcuts for antonym questions for competitive exams?

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Is it necessary to memorize a dictionary for Law Entrance Exams?

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