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NATA Exam Analysis 2025: Check Syllabus, Question Paper with Solutions and Answer key

Author : Nashid

February 24, 2025


Summary: Council of Architecture will conduct the NATA Phase 1 exam on March 1st week 2025, respectively. We have provided an in-depth exam analysis of NATA 2025 in this article. With NATA exam analysis, students will have a better understanding of every aspect associated with the NATA 2025 exam.

The Council of Architecture (CoA) will conduct the NATA entrance exam 2025 in four sessions this year. NATA phase 1 will held on March 1st week in two shifts, respectively. 

In this article, we provide you with all the detailed information gathered from the students about the NATA paper analysis 2025. 

Going through the NATA paper analysis 2025 will help you get an understanding of the difficulty level of the paper, the type of questions asked, and the number of good attempts. Also, it will help you understand the areas to focus on more for better results. 

Read through the post that will give you a complete insight into NATA Exam Analysis 2025 and more. 

NATA 2025 Exam Analysis

The NATA Exam Analysis 2025 provides an in-depth evaluation of the test's difficulty level, section-wise performance trends, and expected cutoffs. This analysis is crucial for aspirants to gauge their performance and refine their preparation strategies for upcoming attempts. Stay tuned for the complete and updated insights as the exam unfolds.

NATA Paper Analysis 2025 to be Updated Soon

The aptitude of the applicants who appeared for the NATA entrance exam was assessed using some or all of the following techniques:  

  • Diagrammatic Reasoning – To evaluate the ability of logical reasoning using diagrams and scenarios 
  • Numerical Reasoning – To evaluate mathematical ability through simple problems 
  • Verbal Reasoning – To examine the ability to assess verbal logic.  
  • Inductive Reasoning – To evaluate the ability to see patterns and analyse given data • Situational Judgment – To evaluates problem-solving ability.  
  • Logical Reasoning – To evaluate the ability to recognise patterns, sequences or relationships between shapes and imagery.  
  • Abstract Reasoning – To examine general knowledge and the ability to utilise knowledge in new situations. 

NATA 2024 Exam Analysis

The National Aptitude Test in Architecture (NATA) 2024, held on April 6th and 7th, is a critical step for candidates pursuing a career in architecture. Administered by the Council of Architecture (CoA), it assesses a broad spectrum of skills necessary for architectural studies.

The exam challenged participants with 125 questions over three hours, aimed at a total of 200 marks. It featured a variety of question types, including MCQs, MSQs, PCQs, and NFAQs, designed to evaluate candidates' abilities in areas such as sketching, observation, aesthetic sensitivity, and critical thinking.

Section-Wise NATA Exam Analysis 2024

Here’s a succinct breakdown of the exam sections, their difficulty levels, and the key focus areas:

Section Difficulty Level Focus Topics Remarks
Mathematics Moderate Elevation, top and side views Questions were lengthy, requiring efficient time management.
General Aptitude Moderate Architectural terminology, historical monuments, building materials Tested a mix of theoretical knowledge and practical application.
Drawing Easier Logo and sculpture design Emphasized creativity and conceptual understanding, comparatively easier than other sections.

NATA 2024 Phase 1 Exam Analysis and Student's Review

  • Balanced Difficulty: The NATA 2024 exam presented a balanced mix of moderate and easier sections, requiring a well-rounded preparation.
  • Strategic Preparation: Candidates should focus on both technical skills and creativity, honing their ability to manage time effectively, especially for the lengthier Mathematics section.
  • Understanding Exam Trends: Awareness of the exam's structure and the types of questions asked can significantly aid candidates in tailoring their study strategies for better outcomes.

The analysis of NATA 2024 Phase I underscores the necessity for aspirants to adopt a comprehensive approach to their NATA preparation, balancing theoretical knowledge with practical application. As the field of architecture evolves, so do the expectations from its future professionals, making such insights invaluable for candidates aiming to excel in this competitive examination.

NATA Exam 2024 Highlights 

Name of the Exam National Aptitude Test in Architecture (NATA) 2024
Type of Exam UG Level National Entrance Exam
Conducting Body Council of Architecture (CoA)
Exam Frequency Twice a Year
Application Mode Online
Mode of Exam Online at Exam Center
Exam Language English
Mode of Application Online
NATA Exam Duration 3 Hours (180 Minutes)
Official Website www.nata.in

What was the Pattern of NATA Exam?

NATA 2024 Exam Pattern and Marking Scheme 

Particulars Details
Number of Sections The exam will have only one part- Aptitude Test
Number of Questions 48 Questions
Type of questions Drawing and Composition Multiple Choice Question (MCQ)
Total Marks 200 Marks
Marking Scheme Online Test Section B1 - 2 marks Section B2 - 4 marks

As per the nata exam pattern observed in Phase 1, had questions divided into two sections. However, both of them focused on testing the aptitude knowledge of the students.

The second section was drawing-based. However, students didn't have to draw anything. An image was displayed for 30 seconds, and there were corresponding questions related to the image.

Read more: NATA 2025 Marking Scheme

Creativedge Results

Creativedge Results

Previous Year NATA Exam Analysis and Trends

NATA 2023 Exam Paper Analysis

  • As soon as the NATA phase 3 exam is over, our team of specialists from Creative Edge will deliver a full exam review. 
  • The exam analysis will be prepared based on feedback from students who took the exam.
  • Only those who score higher than the NATA cut-off will be considered eligible for admission to architecture programmes at architectural colleges. 

COA successfully concluded the NATA Phase 1, Phase 2 and Phase 3 exams on 21 April, 28 May and July 9, 2023, respectively, in two sessions, i.e., from 10 AM to 1 PM and 2:30 PM to 5:30 PM. The exam was conducted online, i.e., a computer-based test. 

There were a total of 125 questions for 200 marks, and the time duration of the exam was 3 hours (180 minutes) for all the 3 sessions NATA Phase 1, Phase 2 and Phase 3. 

In the NATA 2023 entrance exam, the question paper was divided into two sections: 

  • Section 1: 115 questions (1 and 2 marks questions) 
  • Section 2: 10 questions (3 marks questions) 

The questions were based on design, mathematics, and aptitude. 

NATA Phase 3 Exam Analysis 2023

We have provided a detailed exam analysis for NATA phase 3 exam to help the candidates understand the types in the above video. 

Our experts have provided a detailed exam analysis covering subjects such as mathematics, aptitude, general science, and english. They have discussed various questions from ach section in both the shifts of NATA Phase 3 Exam. 


  • Time, Speed & Distance 
  • Time & Work 
  • Mensuration 
  • Syllogism 
  • Character Puzzle 
  • Ratio & Proportion 
  • Percentage 
  • Blood Relations 
  • Direction Sense 

General Science 

  • Physics 
  • Power 
  • Sound
  • Properties of Element 


  • Passages
  • Grammar 
  • Synonyms 
  • Antonyms 


  • Geometry 
  • Algebra

Know more: What is Architecture Aptitude Test (AAT)?

NATA Phase 2 Exam Analysis 2023 (Section-wise) 

We have provided section-wise analysis here to help applicants understand the type of questions from each topic and the difficulty level of the NATA 2023 question paper. 

Check out the table below to know the subject-wise NATA Exam Analysis for Phase 2 exam. 

Subject Difficulty Level
Memory-based drawing questions Easy-Moderate
Aptitude Moderate
Mathematics Easy
Overall Moderate


As per students who appeared for the NATA 2023 Phase 1, the aptitude section was easier as compared to Phase 1. The aptitude section consists of all the questions from quantitative aptitude, logical reasoning and verbal reasoning sections which are provided below: 

  • Time, Speed, and Distance - 1 
  • Syllogism - 2 
  • Character puzzle - 3 
  • Ratio and Proportion 
  • Percentage 
  • Visual Puzzle - 3 


  • Field of view (concave, convex, plane, cylindrical) 
  • Charged particle 
  • Transverse nature of light 
  • Displacement current 
  • Solid sphere 
  • Frequency determination 

Architectural Aptitude 

  • Ceiling POP - 1 
  • Type of Bridge - 1 
  • Logos - 3 
  • Gestalt Principle - 1 
  • Lintel - 1 


  • Co-ordinate Geometry – 2 
  • Mensuration – 3

Design & Drawing 

  • Name of Painting – 1
  • Elements & Principle Based - 3 

NATA Phase 2 Exam Analysis and Student's Review 

  • A few questions were tricky. 
  • The questions quite resembled the previous NATA exam conducted this year (Phase 1). 
  • Math wasn't very calculative; a few questions based on geometry were asked. 
  • Questions from mensuration were asked. The level of the questions was class 8 to 10 based. 
  • Passages contained questions based on Synonyms and Antonyms. 

Learn more: How to Prepare for NATA 2025?

What was the pattern of the exam? 

According to the NATA exam pattern noticed in Phase 1, questions were divided into two separate sections. Both, however, focused on testing the students' aptitude knowledge. 

The second half was entirely comprised of drawings. Students, however, were not required to sketch anything. For 30 seconds, an image was displayed, followed by questions about the image. 

Experts on NATA 2023 Phase 2 Exam Analysis

According to experts, the NATA 2023 Phase 2 exam was moderately difficult. The first section, on general aptitude, was a little more challenging than the second. 

Students were tested on a number of topics in the general aptitude section, including counting and figures, orthographic projections, time and work, speed and distance, ratio and proportions, and clocks. Some of the problems were fairly difficult, and students with strong analytical skills performed better in this section. 

The drawing section was based on the previous year's patterns, and questions were asked on form concepts of design, perspective, shading, and rendering. The questions were generally straightforward, but few candidates may have found the time pressure to be challenging. 

Overall, the NATA 2023 Phase 2 exam offered a thorough evaluation of student's knowledge and abilities. Students who prepared appropriately and used their time efficiently should have performed well on the exam. 

NATA 2023 Phase 1 Exam Analysis 

Check out the table below to know the subject-wise NATA Exam Analysis for phase 1 exam. 

Subject Difficulty Level
Memory-based drawing questions Easy
Aptitude Moderate
Mathematics Easy
Overall Easy

NATA Phase 1 Exam Analysis 2023 (Section-wise) 

There were a total of 125 questions in the NATA 2023 Exam, and the paper was of the same difficulty as compared to the previous year. 

The exam analysis of NATA 2023 is based on the candidate’s reviews, experts’ analyses, and more. The overall paper was easy and based on the previous year's papers.

  • Mathematics: Mathematics: Math was simple. There were no problems from the Surface area and volume, Trigonometry, Geometry, or the difficulty level in the Mathematics part that were completely unexpected. Because there is no negative marking, attempting the section was not difficult. 
  • General Aptitude: The questions in this section covered everything from counting and figures to orthographic projections, time and work, speed and distance, ratio and proportions, clock, and more. There were numerous complex sentences that twisted around, making it difficult to fully understand the content. Those with outstanding analytical skills found the material challenging but interesting. 
  • Drawing: This section paper was based on a pattern from the previous year's NATA question paper. The question asks about design principles and concepts. 

The NATA Exam Analysis 2023 provides useful information on subject-specific difficulty levels, questions asked, and a review of question papers. This analysis will help future NATA aspirants prepare effectively. Stay up to date on the most recent developments and use this knowledge to excel in the NATA and gain admission to your selected college.

Prepare for NATA Phase 2 with: NATA Free Mock Test Series

NATA 2022 Exam Paper Analysis (Overall)

Our expert team from CreativeEdge will provide a detailed exam review of the NATA phase 2 as soon as the exam gets over. 

The exam analysis will be provided based on the feedback received from the students who have appeared for the exam.

Only those who will score above the NATA Cut Off are eligible to get admission to the architecture programs at architectural colleges.

NATA 2022 Phase 1 Exam Analysis

COA successfully concluded the NATA Phase 1 exam on 12 June 2022 in a single session i.e., from 10 AM to 1 PM. The exam was conducted online i.e., a computer-based test.

There were a total of 125 questions for 200 marks and the time duration of the exam was 3 hours.

In the NATA 2022 entrance exam, the question paper was divided into two sections:

  • Section 1: 115 questions (1 or 2 marks questions)
  • Section 2: 10 questions (3 marks questions)

The questions were based on design, mathematics, and aptitude. Check out the table below to know the subject-wise NATA Exam Analysis for phase 1 exam.

Subject Difficulty Level
Memory-based drawing questions Easy-Moderate
Aptitude Easy
Mathematics Easy
Overall Easy

NATA Phase 1 Exam Analysis 2022 (Section-wise)

As said above, there were a total of 125 questions in the NATA 2022 Exam and the paper was very easy compared to the previous year.

We have provided the section-wise analysis here to help you understand the type of questions from each topic and the difficulty level of the paper.

Quantitative Aptitude

  • 70-80% of the questions were based on picture explanations.
  • Explain the picture- mark four things, rhythm, and contrast.
  • Maximum questions were based on ratio & proportion, and percentage.


  • Architecture Names
  • Most of the questions were based on elements of design & architecture.


In the NATA aptitude section, the questions were asked on the following topics.

  • Venn diagram - 2 questions
  • Directions - 4
  • Ratio & proportion - 2
  • Odd one out - 1 question
  • Speed & time - 2 questions
  • Mixtures - 1 question
  • Cube
  • Isometric shapes
  • Blood relations
  • Clock
  • Area & Volume
  • Angle of polygon


  • There were puzzle questions like joining all the puzzles of the Taj mahal.
  • Picture detection: Which is the correct picture of the Taj Mahal.

NATA 2021 Exam Analysis

As we all know, the Council of Architecture conducted the NATA exam in three phases last year.

Have a look at the table below to know the overall difficulty level of phase 1, phase 2, and phase 3 of NATA exam.

Phase Difficulty Level
Phase 1 Easy-Moderate
Phase 2 Easy-Moderate
Phase 3 Easy

NATA Phase 3 Exam 2021 Analysis and Student's Review

Our expert, Konark Bhatia from CreativeEdge, spoke to the students who appeared for the exam and gathered our insights in the article. 

Overall, the difficulty level of the exam was elementary and easier than the phase 2 exam. A total of 125 questions were asked for 200 marks.

  • Based on the student's review, the question paper was quite lengthy.
  • The aptitude section had simple questions, and the level of questions was 7th to 10th standard.
  • Also, there were questions on architecture and design.
  • There were questions from physics, and the standard of questions were 9th and 10th standard levels.
  • In the English section, there were 4 passages and questions on topics like puzzles, jumbled-up sentences, etc.

NATA Phase 3 Analysis 2021 (Section-wise)

We have provided the section-wise analysis here to help you understand the type of questions and difficulty level.


Ratios & percentage
Speed, Time & distance
Odd one out
Boats and streams
Sitting arrangement
Paper folding
Paper cutting
Basics of algebra


In the NATA GK section, the questions were a little tricky, you can find some of the sample questions below.

  • In PNG, p stands for?
  • Which country has the longest coastline?
  • In TIFF, T stands for?
  • In which country 2016 Olympics took place?
  • Last ruler of the Mughal dynasty?
  • What is the Google logo color?


  • Why is it easy to walk on cement instead of sand?
  • What is the wavelength of greenlight?


  • Match the following - building and their cities
  • Match the following - Elevation and sectional views


  • Four paintings, names of the painter, and identify the glow of hope out of them?
  • Epigraphy is?
  • Visual-based principle questions
  • 4-5 questions on paintings
  • Match the following - different paintings and their names
  • Which color relates to 'fear' - purple, yellow, blue, brown

NATA Phase 2 Exam Analysis and Student's Review

  • There were 1-2 questions from Riddles.
  • The questions quite resembled the previous NATA exam conducted this year (Phase 1).
  • Maths wasn't much calculative; questions based on geometry were asked.
  • Mathematical Reasoning based questions were asked. The level of the questions was class 6th to 10th based.
  • Passages contained questions based on Synonyms and Antonyms.

NATA 2021 Exam Analysis (Phase 1)

NATA Exam is over for Phase 1. The students came out with happy faces stating that the changed pattern didn't seem difficult. Here is what they added about the NATA Phase 1 Paper Analysis:

  • The changed pattern seemed easy to students this time. The questions were randomly ordered, covering all the topics enlisted in the syllabus.
  • There were no questions from Physics, Chemistry, or Maths of Class XI or Class XII.
  • There were no specific drawing-based questions. However, memory drawing was tested by posing questions from an image shown for 30 secs on the screen.
  • There were questions to check and find differences between the two images.
  • There were basic aptitude questions. Architectural aptitude was also asked. It involved an architectural plan, and students had to locate what is emphasized design-wise.
  • The level of the exam was easy to moderate.
  • Questions based on Area, distance, and time were also asked.
  • Students were asked a few tricky questions involving situations and their understanding of the same.
  • You can go through the cut-off form above post to get an idea about how many marks you need to secure to get shortlisted for the NATA counseling process

NATA 2021 Analysis (section-wise)

  • Maths was quite basic this time. Questions based on the triangle and their angles, area calculation, etc., were asked.
  • GK was prominent in the exam. There were a lot of questions testing the general knowledge. 
  • Section 2 was probably the drawing section since it has all questions based on Images shown for 30 seconds. It tested the observation skills of the students along with their memory.

There was a total of 5 pictures, and there were 2 questions asked from each picture.

The marking scheme followed for the image-based questions was 3 marks for 1 question, meaning that 1 image held a weightage of 6 mark weight in this section.

Students mentioned 3-4 passages in the exam in the English section, which had 4-5 questions each.

Section Number of Questions
English (Reading Comprehension) 30 Questions
Non- Verbal reasoning (Orthographic projections- Plan elevations) 15 questions
Maths (Geometry- Area, Volume, Angle) 10 questions
G.K and AAT (Geography, Architectural awareness, Paintings) 15 questions
Aptitude (Ratio, Percentage, Logic-based questions, Riddles, Puzzles) 10 questions
Design and Drawing (Principles of design, elements) 35 questions
Section- B - Observation Based questions 20 questions

Read more: How to crack NATA in 1 month

NATA Exam Analysis 2020

As per the exam review, the overall difficulty level of the exam was moderate. There were 20 questions from Maths, 40 questions from Aptitude, and 2 questions to test the drawing skills of the candidates.

  • There were no unexpected questions in the maths section. So, attempting the section was easy.
  • In the general aptitude section, there were some confusing statements, and that was tricky to answer.
  • The drawing questions asked in the exam had confusing figures, which many students found difficult to answer.
  • Download NATA Question Papers to know which type of questions were asked and the difficulty level of the exam. 
Section Difficulty Level
Maths  Easy
Aptitude  Moderate
Drawing  Moderate-Difficult
Overall  Moderate

NATA Exam Analysis 2019

Here is the detailed NATA Exam Review of 2019. You can go through the number of good attempts and difficulty levels. 

Section Easy Moderate Difficulty Good Attempts Accuracy Good Marks
Maths 10 6 4 15 80% 25
Aptitude 25 9 6 34 80% 50
Drawing - 2 - 2 70% 50

Know more: NATA government colleges in india

NATA Section-wise Exam Questions 2019

Check for the section-wise NATA Exam Questions 2019 from below-

Aptitude Questions Asked in NATA Exam: July 07, 2019

  1. 7-8 questions appeared from Architecture Awareness
  2. Question regarding 3D object rotation
  3. 2-3 questions from counting surface
  4. Questions regarding counting the number of shapes
  5. Rest, all of the questions were regarding General Aptitude

Maths Questions Asked in NATA Exam: July 07, 2019

Check what and how many questions appeared from the Maths section as follows:

  1. Most questions were asked regarding Probability
  2. Questions regarding Logistics, Average & Calculus were there
  3. 1 question appeared from Integration
  4. 3-4 questions were from Area and Volume
  5. From trigonometry, there were 3 questions

Check: How to fill NATA  application form

Drawing Questions Asked in NATA Exam: July 07, 2019

Imagine a memorable holiday in which u have to. Show your one, and only one family member and u are seeing a monument or nature-related surrounding or a landmark 2. The question was based on composition. The candidates had to use shapes and make a poster on global peace Swacch Bharat and harmony any one of the themes. 

Check: Is NATA Necessary for Architecture?

NATA Section-wise Exam Analysis 2019

Check for the section-wise NATA Exam Analysis 2019 from below-

Exam Analysis of NATA for Maths

Following are the topics from which questions were asked in Mathematics:

  • Matrices, Algebra, coordinate geometry, trigonometry, probability, statistics, calculus, equation of a circle.
  • Questions were doable and were on predictable lines; there was no surprise element in the section.
  • A decent number of attempts would be close to 15 at an accuracy of 80%, and one can easily score 25 marks in this section.

NATA Exam Analysis for Aptitude Test

This section basically checks students' logical mind, decision-making capability, thinking on feet, analytical skills, and mental fitness. For checking all these skills, there were questions from the following areas:

  • Puzzle-solving, syllogism, critical reasoning, inferential reasoning, statement assumption and conclusion, pictorial reasoning, mathematical reasoning, logical operations, even diagram, set theory, sets, union, intersection, 3-dimensional figures, visualization, understanding of isometric figures.
  • The section was tricky and required good analytical skills for cracking the correct answer.
  • For a well-prepared student, a decent number of attempts would be close to 32 to 34 at an accuracy of 80%, and a score of 50 is a decent score.

Read more: Verbal Reasoning Questions in NATA 

Exam Analysis of NATA Exam for Drawing Test

There were 2 questions of 40 marks each, someone who would have done good preparation and had a knack for drawing and understanding of proportionality, comfortable with freehand drawing and good with visualization of 2 dimensional and 3-dimensional figures can very easily score 50 plus marks in this section.

Check: How to Improve Your NATA Score

NATA Exam Analysis 2018

In 2018, the difficulty level of the NATA Exam was moderate. You can go through the section-wise analysis below for enhancing preparation levels.

NATA Maths Exam Analysis

  • Questions were asked from topics: Matrices, Algebra, coordinate geometry, trigonometry, probability, statistics, calculus, equation of a circle.
  • There were no unexpected questions in the exam. All questions were doable.
  • A score of 25 could be easily scored with a 15 number of attempts at an accuracy of 80%

NATA General Aptitude Analysis

  • Questions were mainly: puzzles-solving, syllogism, critical reasoning, inferential reasoning, statement assumption and conclusion, pictorial reasoning, mathematical reasoning, logical operations, ven diagram, set theory, sets, union, intersection, 3-dimensional figures, visualization, and understanding of isometric figures.
  • The section was tricky and required good analytical skills to crack the correct answer.
  • Around 32-34 is a good number of attempts at an accuracy of 80% to score 50 marks. 

NATA Drawing Analysis

  • There were 2 questions asked, and each question carried 40 marks.
  • With proper preparation and good at drawing and visualization of 2D and 3D, you could easily score 50+ in this section.

Enroll at: NATA Online Coaching by Creative Edge


The NATA 2024 exam analysis highlights the importance of applicants engaging in intensive preparation in mathematics, reasoning, and linguistic competencies.

This evaluation, which represents a modest challenge, offers aspiring architects advice on improving their preparatory efforts and, thus, their chances of success in the architectural field.

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