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Karnataka Judiciary Exam Preparation Tips 2025

Author : Yogricha

January 10, 2025


Overview: Judicial Services are one of the prestigious jobs for candidates who have completed their bachelor's degree in law. Across India, the Judiciary Exam is conducted separately for each state. Recently, the Karnataka Judiciary released a notification for filling up 53 vacancies in the Karnataka High Court.

As the exam date is not yet announced, aspirants can gear up their Karnataka Judiciary Exam Preparation by following expert suggestions and tips. This article explains preparation strategies, tips, tricks, and important books to be referred to in order to prepare well. 

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Karnataka Judiciary Preparation Tips 2025

  • The selection process includes three stages, i.e., Prelims, Mains, and Viva-Voce. Candidates qualifying all three stages above the cut-off will be eligible for final selection. 
  • Before proceeding with the preparation, it is very important to be thorough with the detailed Judiciary Exam Syllabus. Be sure to make a note of all topics included in the prelims and mains. 
  • Candidates must understand all these important topics in-depth and be well-prepared. This post provides detailed topic-wise preparation strategies for both the Prelims and Mains exams.

Karnataka Judiciary Prelims Exam Preparation Tips 2025

The prelims exam is conducted for 100 marks with 100 multiple-choice questions. If you are worried about how to prepare for the Karnataka Judiciary 2025 Prelims exam, then here are the detailed tips and tricks. Go through the subject-wise Karnataka Judicial Service Exam Preparation methods.

Read moreSimple tricks to enhance your English preparation for Judiciary Exams

Indian Contract Act

  • Students must read all the basic concepts and be thorough with them. 
  • In the exam, definitions will be asked, and students must answer the definition heading. So, basic reading would be enough to crack this section.
  • Make sure all the concepts under each case law are studied and covered.
  • Some of the important case laws are Harvey vs Faisile, Lalman Shukla vs Gowri Dutt, Carlill vs Carbolic Smoke Ball company.
  • Terms like Void, Voidable, Legal, Illegal, agreement, and Contract must be covered, and definitions must be understood well.
  • Knowing the Examples and illustrations given after the section numbers would help in Karnataka Judicial Service Exam Preparation. 

NI Act 1981 (Negotiable Instrumentation)

  • This subject requires covering the time period given for each topic.
  • Understand the basic definition clauses, section 4: promissory note, section 5: bill of exchange, section 6: regarding a cheque, section 7: drawer.
  • Chapter 2 regarding notes, bills, and cheques are very important. So make sure to read and understand the topics in depth.
  • Section 138 is very important for this Act. There are no tough topics to be studied in the NI Act, however, definitions that are covered under the subject must be read well.

CPC (Code of Civil Procedure)

  • The basic reading of topics mentioned under the Contract Act must be done. 
  • Sections 1 - 25 are very important to study. Order numbers 1-10 and 27-37 are also important and considered the core area for CPC preparation.
  • Important sections like Sections 60, 61, 35, and 35A must be covered under CPC. Also, Section 26, 27, 28, 31, 33, 34, 38, 39, 40, 45, 50, 55, 57, 60 (very important). 
  • In addition, 80, 81, 82 are very important in this subject. The majority of the questions are asked from these important sections and orders. But going through all sections is also good for scoring more as we never know unexpected questions.

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Karnataka Rent Act

  • Every state has its own Rent Act, however, some of the important topics are the Number of days, the Eviction act, and many others. 
  • There is no specific preparation strategy for this subject, as you must study all the topics in-depth and be prepared.
  • Ensure to understand any topic in detail and note important terminologies. This can help in answering any question asked. 

The Constitution of India

  • In this subject, the basic provisions like the Preamble, Article numbers, parts of the constitution, and specifically the amendments made to the constitution.
  • Make sure to be thorough with the numbers in which amendment applies to what. 

Indian Evidence Act

  • Knowing the basics is very important. Terms covered under the Act as presumptions may presume Shall presume are important.
  • Also, Sections number 1-32 are very important. Please go through the whole act and be thorough with each of them.
  • After 136, sections 101-146 are very important. Make sure to read all of these in-depth. 
  • Also, go through the illustrations provided as they help in enhancing Karnataka Judiciary Exam Preparation. The Criminal Procedure Code and Indian Penal Code are also important.

 Download free: Judiciary Exams Question Paper 

CRPC - code of Criminal procedure

  • Basic definitions are very important, like complaint, charges, investigation, and inquiry.
  • Generally, trials are not very important in Judiciary exams, but for Karnataka, the Judiciary read the Trials once. After Section 154, the area of investigation, and 190-210, the area of charges, had to be read in-depth.
  • Sections 1-40, 41-60 are very important for this state.

Indian Penal Code

  • Sections 34, 35, 149 are very important. Apart from that, after the Criminal Law Amendment Act, candidates should study those sections. 
  • Also, offensive sections and their illustrations must be read and prepared thoroughly. 
  • Compounding of offensive section 320 must also be covered.

Karnataka Judiciary Mains Exam Preparation 2025

The Karnataka Judiciary Mains Exam consists of four papers, i.e., Law Paper 1, 2, 3, English to Hindi Translation and Essay Writing. 

  • The translation is asked for 30 marks, while the essay writing is for 70 marks
  • The other three law papers are asked for 100 marks each. 
Paper Maximum Marks
Translation Paper 100 marks
Law Paper I 100 marks
Law Paper II 100 marks
Law Paper III 100 marks
Total 400 marks
  • The first important strategy is that candidates must be quick enough to complete the entire question paper in 3 hours.
  • So, improving writing skills is highly important.
  • Practising the previous year's question papers is important. This can help in scoring more marks and 
  • For translation, candidates must read legal journals and daily newspapers to learn new words. 
  • Also, write a minimum of 300 words from each paper for translation.

Read More: Short tricks to deal with Negative Marking in Judiciary Exams

How to Present the Answer Paper

  • You will be given an A4 sheet of paper to write answers to.
  • Answers can be written only in the 16 lines. 
  • A border must be left along all four sides.
  • Good handwriting can fetch more marks.
  • Practice handwriting and copywriting to get neat handwriting. Also, avoid spelling mistakes.

How to Answer

  • If asked for any definition for any term, candidates must define the term as per the Bare Act only. You cannot write in your own language.
  • For differentiation or asked the difference between two sections, make a two-column table and tabulate the differences.
  • When there is a question asked about elaborate or discuss: write your own opinion and then legal key points that support the question.
  • If there is a question asking you to Explain, then you must write the meaning, illustration, and any judgment concerned to the point.
  • The most important tip is to minimize your number of words. Make sure you stick to the point. Do not exceed the word limit. For a 10-mark question, your word limit will be 400-500 words. 
  • The content you write, the English Language used, and the neat presentation are the three parameters checked upon in the Mains exam. 

Read moreSimple tricks to enhance your English preparation for Judiciary Exams

Karnataka Judiciary Exam Books

Books are one of the best preparation companions for any exam. The same is applicable to the Karnataka State Judicial Service Exam. Here are a few important books prescribed by experts for enhanced Karnataka Judiciary Exam Preparation. Check out these below tabulated Judiciary Exam Books and boost your preparation.

Subject Book Name Author Features
Criminal Law, Indian Penal Code, Indian Evidence Act Bear Act Criminal Manual Universal For Objective type questions, going through the Bear Act is important and helpful
Criminal Procedure Criminal Procedure  K.N. Chandrashekaran Pillai For the subjective part, this book is very much recommended. 
Indian Evidence Act The Law of Evidence Central Law Agency Each topic in Evidence is explained in depth
Indian Penal Code Indian Penal Code K.D.Gaur For the subjective part, this is the best book
Question papers & Guide Guide to Judicial Service Examination Universal This book includes sample papers and previous year's question papers. 
Code of Civil Procedure Code of Civil Procedure Bare Act, Universal This book explains each topic in depth
Code of Civil Procedure Civil Procedure with Limitation Act C.K.Takwani Another book on the same topic. This also can be referred fto or a better understanding of topics.
Indian Contract Act Indian Contract Act Dr. R.K.Bangia Along with Bear Act, this book will help in the subjective part


Preparing for the Karnataka Judiciary Exam is undoubtedly a challenging but rewarding journey. With its comprehensive syllabus, spanning constitutional law, procedural laws, and current legal developments, the exam demands focused and consistent effort. By following the detailed preparation strategies outlined above, you can build a strong foundation for success.

From mastering essential acts like the Indian Contract Act, CPC, and IPC to sharpening your translation and essay writing skills, every step of preparation plays a crucial role. Regular practice of previous years' question papers, thorough revision, and a clear understanding of how to present answers in the Mains exam are indispensable.

Books, as highlighted, remain your trusted companions in this journey, while the habit of staying updated with legal developments will give you a competitive edge. Remember, neat presentation, precision, and adherence to the syllabus are the keys to excelling in both Prelims and Mains.

Frequently Asked Questions

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Which are important topics in Judiciary Prelims Exam?

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