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IPMAT Grammar Questions: Tips and Insights for Verbal Ability

Author : Leekesh Suryavanshi

March 10, 2025


Overview: In 2024, IPMAT Indore included five grammar questions, and IPMAT Rohtak featured 8. Dive in to master IPMAT grammar questions with expert tips on key areas, effective preparation strategies, and common pitfalls to ensure your success in the Verbal Ability section.

The Integrated Program in Management Aptitude Test (IPMAT) is a vital entry point for students aiming for the prestigious five-year integrated management programs at IIM Indore and IIM Rohtak.

The Verbal Ability section is a critical component of IPMAT, including a series of challenging grammar questions.

These IPMAT grammar questions test candidates on various aspects of English grammar, making them a key area for preparation.

Overview of IPMAT Grammar Questions for 2025

In 2024, IPMAT grammar questions constituted significant portions of the Verbal Ability sections in both IPMAT exams.

Mastering grammar questions for IPMAT is crucial because they evaluate a candidate's ability to apply grammatical rules in different contexts, reflecting their readiness for the rigorous academic demands of management programs.

IPMAT grammar questions cover various topics, each requiring a specific understanding of English grammar.

These grammar questions require a deep understanding of grammatical rules and the ability to apply them in context.

Sample IPMAT Grammar Questions for the 2025 Exam

The complexity and variety of grammar questions require a focused approach.

Here are some of the sample grammar questions from previous year's papers for IPMAT verbal ability:

Q1. Unless he__________he will not be allowed to watch television.

  • A) does not finish his homework
  • B) will finish his homework
  • C) will not finish his homework
  • D) finishes his homework

Ans: D

Q2. He is ---------honourable person.

  • A) a
  • B) an
  • C) the
  • D) None

Ans: B

Q3. Despite his best efforts, the scientist could not replicate the experiment's results, which led to the conclusion that the initial data may have been flawed.

  • A) replicate the experiment's results, which led
  • B) replicate the results of the experiment, which led
  • C) replicate the experiment's results, thus leading
  • D) replicate the results of the experiment, thus leading

Answer: B

Read: How to Tackle the Verbal Ability Section of the IPMAT 2025

Q4. The company's profits has been steadily increasing for the past five years, allowing them to expand their operations and hire more employees.

  • A) profits has been steadily increasing
  • B) profits have been steadily increasing
  • C) profit has been steadily increasing
  • D) profit have been steadily increasing

Answer: B

Q5. The football player, having the more muscular physique of everyone in the room, dominated the entire party as soon as he arrived.

  • A) having the most muscularly physique of everyone in the room
  • B) having the more muscular physique of everyone in the room
  • C) having the most muscular physique of everyone in the room
  • D) having the most muscular physique of everyone, in the room

Answer: C

Q6. Working an assumption of increased sales, the executive was blindsided by the difficulties presented by customers' waning interest in his products.

  • A) Worked from an assumption of increased sales
  • B) Working from assumption of increased sales
  • C) Working from an assumption of increased sales
  • D) Working from an assumption to increased sales

Answer: B

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Q7. His behaviour with all his employees is so pleasing that everyone come forward for helping him.

  • A) came towards him for help.
  • B) comes towards him for help.
  • C) comes forward to help him.
  • D) comes forwards for help him.

Answer: C

Q8. The report does not minces words about the incompetence of some government officials.

  • A) does not mince words
  • B) does not do mincing words
  • C) have not minced words
  • D) had not been doing mincing

Answer: A

Q9. The students in addition to the teacher is all receiving special recognition for their excellent research.

  • A) in addition to the teacher are
  • B) in addition to the teacher was
  • C) in addition to the teacher has been
  • D) along with the teacher has been

Answer: A

Q10. He informed his adoring fans that he was planning on hanging up his hats at the end of the season.

  • A) hanging up his assets
  • B) hanging up his patience
  • C) hanging up his talents
  • D) hanging up his boots

Answer: D

Read: IPMAT Verbal Ability Preparation Tips 

Trickiest IPMAT Grammar Questions for the 2025 Exam

Q1. If I had known that you needed to go to the airport yesterday, I could drive you there.

  • A) should have driven you there.
  • B) would have driven you there.
  • C) would drive you there.
  • D) should drive you there.

Answer: B

Q2. The Principal and professors are authorized to sanction leave to a student provided she will have a good attendance record.

  • A) provided she has a good attendance record.
  • B) provided she will have a good attendance record.
  • C) provided she had a good attendance record.
  • D) provided that a good attendance record is maintained by her.

Answer: A

Q3. He was having a difficult time, but never once he complained.

  • A) not once did he complain.
  • B) not once did he give the complaint.
  • C) not once any complaining happened.
  • D) not once he complained

Answer: A

Q4. Although the coastal city of Kundapur was once home to a flourishing maritime trade, their economy has been dependent in more recent years on the cotton textile and sugar industries.

  • A) it's economy had depended in more recent years
  • B) its economy has in more recent years depended
  • C) the economy having in more recent years depended
  • D) their economy has depended in more recent years

Answer: B

Q5. Due to the progress in the field of modern medicine and advances in nutrition and hygiene, less people die every year from infectious diseases then ever before.

  • A) fewer people die every year from infectious diseases then ever before.
  • B) less people die every year from infectious diseases then ever before.
  • C) fewer people die every year from infectious diseases than ever before.
  • D) every year, fewer people die from infectious diseases than have ever before

Answer: C

Q6. My aunt Seema was the most generous of all the members of our family. Whenever we went out for dinner, she always insisted to pay for the meal.

  • A) that she will be paying for the meal.
  • B) that she pay for the meal.
  • C) that she had paid for the meal.
  • D) on paying for the meal.

Answer: D

Q7. Listening to the recording of cricket commentary from the past can be great fun. Especially, the last few overs, when the best players are gone, and the tailenders try their best to run between the wickets without getting out. This is when you realise that nothing much has changed, hasn't it?

  • A) nothing much has changed, hasn't it?
  • B) nothing much has changed, would it?
  • C) nothing much is changed, isn't it?
  • D) nothing much has changed, has it?

Answer: D

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ReadList of Best IPMAT Verbal Ability Books 2025

Additional IPMAT Grammar Questions for Practice

Q1. She ______ (go) to the market every Sunday.

A) goes
B) go
C) going
D) gone

Answer: A)

Q2. Choose the correctly punctuated sentence:

A) Lets go to the park.
B) Let's go to the park.
C) Lets' go to the park.
D) Let go to the park.

Answer: B)

Q3. Identify the correctly spelled word:

A) Recieve
B) Receive
C) Recive
D) Receeve

Answer: B)

Q4. Choose the correct preposition:

She is afraid ______ the dark.

A) in
B) on
C) of
D) with

Answer: C)

Q5. Identify the synonym of "Abundant":

A) Scarce
B) Plentiful
C) Insufficient
D) Rare

Answer: B) 

Q6. Fill in the blank with the correct conjunction:

He is rich, ______ he is not happy.

A) and
B) but
C) or
D) so

Answer: B)

Q7. Choose the correct article:

She adopted ______ European puppy.

A) a
B) an
C) the
D) no article

Answer: A)

Q8. Identify the part of speech of the word in quotes:

She "quickly" finished her homework.

A) Noun
B) Verb
C) Adjective
D) Adverb

Answer: D)

Q9. Select the correct word:

He gave me a ______ of advice.

A) piece
B) peace
C) peice
D) pace

Answer: A)

Q10. Identify the antonym of "Diligent":

A) Lazy
B) Hardworking
C) Intelligent
D) Careful

Answer: A)

Strategies for Tackling IPMAT Grammar Questions

Preparing for IPMAT grammar questions involves several strategic steps:

Understand Core Grammar Rules

  • IPMAT verbal reasoning questions test a broad spectrum of grammar rules, such as subject-verb agreement, tenses, prepositions, modifiers, and sentence structure.
  • To score well, master these fundamental rules, use grammar textbooks, online materials, and past years' question papers to reinforce your knowledge.
  • Be careful in frequently tested topics like misplaced modifiers, pronoun usage, and parallelism.

Practice Regularly

  • Regular practice is the secret to acing grammar questions in the IPMAT exam.
  • Practice a range of practice exercises such as sentence correction, error spotting, and fill-in-the-blanks.
  • Practice previous years' IPMAT papers and timed mock tests to get used to the IPMAT exam format and difficulty level.
  • This will enhance your speed and accuracy so you can confidently answer grammar-based questions in the test.

Review and Reflect

  • After practice exercises or mock tests, spend time reviewing your answers.
  • Look for patterns in errors and see the rationale behind correct answers. This will prevent the repetition of frequent mistakes.
  • Keep a grammar error log where you record incorrect answers with explanations so that you can monitor progress and build weak areas.
  • Go through this reflective learning process to help your understanding of grammar concepts firmly establish and further enhance your score in the verbal ability section of IPMAT.

IPMAT grammar questions are designed to test the grammatical acumen of management program candidates.

By thoroughly preparing for these questions, candidates can significantly enhance their verbal ability preparation and improve their overall scores or IPMAT.

A methodical approach to mastering IPMAT grammar questions, combined with regular practice and review, will equip aspirants with the skills necessary to excel in this challenging exam section.

Key Takeaways:

  • Broad Scope: IPMAT grammar questions cover subject-verb agreement, verb tenses, and article usage. Understanding these areas is vital for success.
  • Focused Preparation: Effective preparation involves mastering and applying fundamental English grammar rules in various contexts.
  • Practice with Purpose: Regularly practicing grammar questions and analyzing correct and incorrect answers helps deepen understanding of grammatical rules.
  • Beyond the Test: Excelling in verbal ability questions prepares candidates for the rigorous communication demands of management programs.
  • Strategic Approach: Tackling these questions effectively requires strategic study, including targeted practice tests and reflection on common grammatical pitfalls.

Read: Important Topics for IPMAT 2025 Preparation

Frequently Asked Questions

What types of grammar questions are included in the IPMAT?

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How many grammar questions are there in the IPMAT Verbal Ability section?

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