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How to Score 90 in Chemistry Class 12 CBSE: Theory, Practical Prep Tips

Author : Akash Kumar Singh

August 6, 2024


Overview: Is achieving 90 marks in Chemistry possible? Yes, it is now! Read this blog to how to score 90 in chemistry class 12 CBSE in both theory & practical.

Chemistry, often described as the central science, is pivotal in bridging the gap between Physics and Biology. Yet, for many class 12 students, it can be a subject that evokes a mix of liking and disliking.

The good news, however, is that scoring 90+ in CBSE Class 12 Chemistry is not an unattainable dream. It's a goal well within reach, provided you have the right resources, a solid conceptual foundation, and an unwavering commitment to consistent practice.

By prioritizing key chapters and understanding their weightage, success becomes attainable. Furthermore, excelling in both theory and practical exams necessitates rote learning, a deep comprehension of concepts and consistent practice.

Here's a glimpse of what lies ahead in this blog:

  • Best Strategy to Attempt Chemistry Class 12 CBSE Question Paper?: A step-by-step strategy for tackling the CBSE 12th Chemistry Board Question Paper to achieve a perfect score.
  • How to Score 90 in Chemistry Class 12 CBSE?: In-depth insights into achieving that elusive 90+ score in the theory exam, including study schedules, concept mastery, and exam preparation.
  • How to Score Good Marks in Chemistry Class 12 CBSE Practical?: Essential do's and don'ts for scoring well in the practical exam, covering preparation, safety, and execution.
  • How to Prioritize Chapters in Chemistry Class 12 CBSE?: A breakdown of the most crucial chapters, their weightage in marks, and the key topics to focus on to maximize your scores.

How to Attempt Question Paper to Score 100 in Chemistry Class 12 CBSE?

Attempting the CBSE 12th Chemistry Board Question Paper 2024 to achieve a perfect score requires time management, strategy, and knowledge. Here’s a strategy you can adopt:

Read the Entire Paper First (5 minutes)

  • Quickly skim through all the questions to understand what you're up against. This will also help you identify questions you're confident in and those you may need more time for.

Start with MCQs (25 minutes)

  • Begin with the 18 MCQs, as they are quick to attempt. If you come across any difficult ones, mark them and move on. Don't spend too much time on a single MCQ.
  • It's crucial to read each option carefully, as sometimes the options can be tricky or very close.

Move to 2 Marks Questions (40 minutes)

  • Try to answer them concisely and to the point, avoiding unnecessary details.
  • Use relevant chemical formulas or equations wherever required.

Attempt 3 Marks Questions (60 minutes)

  • Each of these questions often requires more explanation or multiple steps.
  • Ensure you answer every part of the question and provide logical explanations.

4 Marks Questions (50 minutes)

  • Focus on clarity and coherence in your answers.
  • If there are numerical problems, write all the steps clearly and mention the formula you're using.

5 Marks Questions (45 minutes)

  • These questions often involve practical-based concepts or in-depth explanations. Use diagrams, equations, and reactions wherever necessary.
  • Make sure to give a thorough answer, covering all required points.

Revisit Skipped Questions (10 minutes)

  • Now is the time to attempt those questions you were unsure about or had marked for review.

Review Your Answers (20 minutes)

  • Check to ensure you haven't missed any questions.
  • Scan your numerical problems to ensure there are no computational mistakes.
  • Verify that all your answers, especially the MCQs, are marked correctly on the answer sheet.

How to Score 90 in Chemistry Class 12 CBSE [Theory + Practical]?

Achieving a 90+ score in Chemistry in CBSE Class 12 is a commendable goal, and it is more than attainable with the right strategies and dedication. Here's a detailed approach for both theory and practical exams:

Structured Study Schedule:

  • Allocate Time: Dedicate specific time slots for Organic, Inorganic, and Physical Chemistry. Each segment requires a different approach.
  • Consistency: Regular daily study helps reinforce concepts and ensures the entire syllabus is covered well in time.

Break Down Topics:

  • Chunking: Breaking down chapters into manageable sections or topics can make study sessions more productive.
  • Use Mind Maps: They help visualise complex processes, which is especially useful for Organic reaction mechanisms.

Active Study Techniques:

  • Flashcards: Particularly useful for learning formulas, chemical reactions, and the properties of elements.
  • Teach Someone: Explaining a concept to someone else is a great way to test your understanding.

Choose the Right Books:

  • Starting Point - NCERT: Begin your preparation with NCERT books. They form the backbone of the CBSE curriculum and cover all essential concepts. Ensure you understand and remember all reactions, concepts, and examples given therein.
  • Reference Books for Depth: Once thorough with the NCERT, you can delve into reference books. They offer detailed explanations and a variety of questions to practice.

Here's a list of some top reference books for CBSE Chrmistry:

S.No. Names of Reference Books for CBSE Class 12 Chemistry Author
1 S.C. Kheterpal, S.N. Dhawan, P.N. Kapil J. D. Lee
2 Modern's ABC of Chemistry Class - 12 (Part 1 & 2) S. P. Jauhar
3 Modern Approach to Chemical Calculations R.C. Mukherjee
5 Pradeep’s New Course Chemistry for Class XII (Vol I and II) S.C. Kheterpal, S.N. Dhawan, P.N. Kapil
6 CBSE Chapterwise Solutions - Chemistry (Class 12): A Collection of Fully Solved Questions Purnima Sharma

Strengthen Concepts:

  • Understanding Over Rote Learning: The key to mastering Chemistry lies in understanding. Once concepts are clear, they stay with you, enabling you to tackle various questions.
  • Focus on Weak Areas: Allot dedicated time to topics you find challenging. Breaking them down into smaller sections and studying them multiple times can help.
  • Group Study: Interacting and discussing with peers can offer new perspectives, clarify doubts, and reinforce concepts.


  • Self-assessment: After each topic or chapter, test yourself. Identify areas of improvement.
  • Sample Papers and Previous Year Papers: Regularly practice with these. They give you a clear picture of the examination pattern, familiarize you with the type of questions, and improve your time management skills.
  • Timed Practice: Emulate exam conditions. This will build your speed, accuracy, and confidence.

Practice Numerical Problems:

  • Consistent Practice: Numerical problems test your application of concepts. Dedicate time daily to solve a variety of problems.
  • Seek Help: If stuck, don't hesitate to consult your teachers, peers, or reference books. Understanding the method is crucial.
  • Accuracy and Speed: Regular practice will clarify concepts and enhance your problem-solving speed.

How to Score Good Marks in Chemistry Class 12 CBSE [Practical]?

Scoring well in the CBSE Class 12 Chemistry practical exam requires careful preparation, attention to detail, and adherence to specific guidelines. Here's a table of do's and don'ts to help you achieve this goal:

Do's Don'ts
1. Plan and Prepare in Advance: Start your practical preparation well ahead of time to avoid last-minute rush. 1. Procrastinate: Avoid leaving practical preparation until the last moment.
2. Understand the Experiments: Fully comprehend the theory and objectives behind each experiment in your syllabus. 2. Cram Without Understanding: Don't memorize the procedure without understanding the underlying concepts.
3. Organize Your Lab Notes: Keep your lab notes neat, well-organized, and up-to-date throughout the year. 3. Rush Through Note-Taking: Don't be hasty while recording observations or measurements.
4. Practice Regularly: Practice each experiment multiple times to improve your technique and accuracy. 4. Skip Practice: Don't skip practising experiments, assuming you know them well.
5. Safety First: Follow all safety precautions and guidelines while conducting experiments. Use safety equipment like goggles and lab coats. 5. Compromise on Safety: Never overlook safety measures; protecting yourself and others is crucial.
6. Clean Equipment: Ensure all glassware and equipment are clean and contaminant-free before starting an experiment. 6. Use Dirty or Contaminated Equipment: Don't use dirty or contaminated equipment, as it can affect results.
7. Measure Accurately: Pay careful attention to measurements, use the correct units, and record data accurately. 7. Guess Measurements: Avoid making guesses; measure precisely and record your observations.
8. Practice Volumetric Analysis: For titration experiments, practice the technique to achieve precise and consistent results. 8. Rush Through Titration: Don't rush through titration experiments; be patient and accurate.
9. Prepare Observation Tables: Organize your observations systematically in well-structured tables with headings and units. 9. Neglect Organizing Data: Don't haphazardly jot down observations; use tables and proper formatting.
10. Understand the Calculations: If calculations are involved, understand the formulas and principles behind them. 10. Use Incorrect Formulas: Avoid using incorrect formulas or making calculation errors. Double-check your math.
11. Practice the Viva Voce: Be prepared for viva voce questions related to your experiments. 11. Be Unprepared for Viva: Don't skip practising viva voce; it's an integral part of the practical exam.
12. Revise Lab Record: Review your lab record and notes before the practical exam to refresh your memory. 12. Show Up Unprepared: Don't go to the practical exam without revising your lab record and notes.
13. Stay Calm and Confident: Maintain composure during the exam and answer questions confidently. 13. Panic or Nervousness: Avoid panicking or getting nervous during the practical exam; it can affect your performance.
14. Follow Instructions: Adhere to the instructions provided by your examiner and perform each step as directed. 14. Deviate from Procedures: Don't deviate from the experiment procedure unless explicitly allowed.
15. Submit a Neat Lab Record: Ensure your lab record is neat, organized, and properly signed by your teacher. 15. Submit an Incomplete or Messy Lab Record: Don't submit an incomplete or difficult-to-read lab record.

How to Score 90 in Chemistry Class 12 CBSE by Prioritizing Chapters?

To score 90 in the CBSE Class 12 Chemistry exam, it's essential to prioritize chapters based on their weightage and focus on major topics within those chapters.

Here's a table that outlines which chapters to focus more on, their weightage in marks, and the topics to study within each chapter:

Chapter Weightage (Marks) Key Topics to Study
Electrochemistry 9 - Electrochemical cells and their types
- Nernst equation and its applications
- Electrode potential and cell potential
- Conductance and its measurement
Haloalkanes and Haloarenes 6 - Nomenclature and isomerism
- Preparation methods of halogen derivatives
- Chemical reactions of haloalkanes and haloarenes
Alcohols, Phenols and Ethers 6 - Preparation and properties of alcohols and phenols
- Chemical reactions of alcohols, phenols, and ethers
Biomolecules 7 - Carbohydrates, proteins, and nucleic acids
- Structure and function of biomolecules
Chemical Kinetics 7 - Rate of chemical reactions
- Factors affecting the rate and order of reactions
d-and f-Block Elements 7 - Properties and electronic configuration
- Transition metals and their compounds
Coordination Compounds 7 - Werner's theory and coordination number
- Isomerism in coordination compounds
Aldehydes, Ketones and Carboxylic Acids 8 - Nomenclature and preparation methods
- Reactions of aldehydes, ketones, and carboxylic acids
Amines 6 - Classification and preparation methods
- Chemical reactions of amines

Based on the weightage of marks, it's clear that you should prioritize the following chapters and give them extra attention during your preparation:

  1. Electrochemistry (9 marks)
  2. Aldehydes, Ketones and Carboxylic Acids (8 marks)
  3. Biomolecules (7 marks)
  4. Chemical Kinetics (7 marks)
  5. d-and f-Block Elements (7 marks)
  6. Coordination Compounds (7 marks)

In conclusion, scoring 90+ in Chemistry Class 12 CBSE requires a blend of consistent theory revision and practical hands-on experience. It's about the depth of understanding, the accuracy of experimentation, and the confidence you exude on paper and in the lab.

Key Takeaways:

  • Integrated Preparation: Success requires a balanced focus on both theory and practical aspects of Chemistry.
  • Chapter Prioritization: Concentrate on chapters with higher weightage to efficiently allocate study time.
  • Active Learning: Utilize methods like flashcards, teaching others, and mind maps to deepen understanding.
  • Quality Resources: Start with NCERT books, then explore additional reference books for comprehensive coverage.
  • Exam Strategy: Implement effective time management and question-attempting strategies to optimize exam performance.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I manage my time effectively during the Chemistry Class 12 CBSE theory exam?

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What is the significance of practicing numerical problems in Chemistry Class 12 CBSE?

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How important is understanding concepts compared to rote learning in Chemistry?

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Can you recommend some reference books for in-depth preparation in Chemistry Class 12 CBSE?

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How can I ensure success in the practical exam for Chemistry Class 12 CBSE?

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What are the key chapters and topics I should focus on to maximize my score in Chemistry?

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How should I tackle the multiple-choice questions (MCQs) in the Chemistry paper?

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What should be my first step when attempting the Chemistry Class 12 CBSE question paper?

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