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How to Crack XAT Exam in 1 month​: XAT Test-taking Strategy & Tips

Author : Leekesh Suryavanshi

March 7, 2025


Overview: From time management tips to section-specific tricks, learn how to boost your score and secure a top MBA college. Read further to know How to Crack XAT exam in 1 month​ 

Xavier Aptitude Test, commonly abbreviated as XAT, is a national-level management entrance exam conducted by XLRI. Every year, approximately 70,000 students enroll for this exam to bag seats in top B colleges. 

Are you also appearing to XAT 2025 which is scheduled for January 5, 2025? Then, you might be curious to know how to crack XAT in the first attempt.

Read further to understand How to Crack XAT exam in 1 month​ and learn XAT exam tips every topper uses to score a good percentile.

How Difficult is it to Crack XAT 2025?

XAT is challenging and difficult as it is one of those national-level management entrance tests that takes you into India's leading business schools.

XAT has two tough sections: General Knowledge and Decision-making that demand most of your time. Compared to CAT, the verbal sections will possess lengthier passages.

However, with the right resources and preparation, you can crack XAT with good marks. Apart from this, you need to work on your time management skills to cover most of the questions in due course. We hope the answer to how hard to crack XAT is clear to you now.

How Much Time is Required to Crack XAT Exam 2025?

This is one of the most sought questions asked by students when it comes to how to crack XAT. Well, the answer to this depends on how early you start your XAT exam preparation.

For example, if you begin 6 to 8 months prior to the exam date, you can build sound knowledge around the core concepts and have much time to revise.

Does this mean, if you have one month left, you can't learn how to crack XAT exam? No, you can still pass it with focused preparation and the right mentorship.

Read More: XAT Last Month Preparation Strategy

 CAT Online Coaching

 CAT Online Coaching

How to Crack XAT Exam in 1 month​? 

The journey to how to crack XAT lies in maximizing your efforts in the last 30 days. Here are a few things that you need to keep in mind:

1. Understand the Exam Pattern 

The first step to how to crack XAT is understanding the exam format. XAT differs from CAT when it comes to time management, switching between sections with the incorporation of Decision Making (DM) and General Knowledge (GK).

Compared to CAT, which has rigid timing for each section, XAT allows for flexibility when changing between sections.

Also Check: Does XAT exam have negative marks

2. Effective Time Management

As XAT doesn't impose sectional time limits, plan your time distribution according to your strengths. For instance, if you excel in Quantitative Aptitude (QA), you might dedicate additional time to areas such as Decision Making (DM) or Verbal and Logical Reasoning (VLR).

3. Utilize the Scientific Calculator

The scientific calculator available online can be a significant benefit in XAT, particularly for quickly tackling complex calculations. Discover how to utilize it efficiently, since it is intended to help you, not overwhelm you.

Know More: How to prepare for decision making in XAT

4. Prioritize Sections Based on Strengths

Determine your strengths (e.g., QA, VLR, DM) and concentrate your efforts on those areas. Don't spend time on questions you doubt-particularly in decision-making, where uncertainty can create confusion.

5. Mock Tests for Practice

Everything depends on your XAT test-taking strategy. So, prior to the real exam, practice and revise XAT Previous Year Papers to try out various strategies (e.g., which section to begin with).

Modify your strategy according to practice test outcomes to discover what suits you best. Taking mock test strengthens your how to crack XAT preparation.

6. Decision-making Strategy

In Decision Making, try to answer more questions, even if you are uncertain about a few. These questions can be challenging, but making an effort to answer them boosts your likelihood of achieving a good score.

Read More: Download XAT response sheet

7. Adapt Your Strategy on Exam Day

Be ready to adjust your approach according to the questions you encounter. If a particular section feels challenging, think about moving to a different section for a while and returning to it later.

8. Don't Be Complacent

Numerous students who perform well in CAT tend to become complacent and fail to prepare sufficiently for XAT. Remain driven and concentrate on strategies unique to the XAT, since its format and level of challenge vary.

Also Check: XAT Score vs Percentile

9. Maintain Focus on Strategy Over Speed

In contrast to CAT, which emphasizes speed, XAT demands accuracy and a deliberate approach. You don't have to try to answer as many questions, but you should focus on increasing the correctness of your answers.

10. Mental Toughness and Temperament

When it comes to How to Crack XAT exam in 1 month​, the psychological pressure peaks as it has various sections with varying complexities. However, a peaceful mindset and steady temperament can help you make better decisions.

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How to Crack XAT Exam in 1 month​ 2025: Essential Resources and Study Materials

Here are the best book recommendations from experts while encountering how to crack XAT:

Sections Book Author
Verbal and Logical Ability A Modern Approach to Verbal & Non-Verbal Reasoning R.S. Aggarwal
High School English Grammar & Composition Wren & Martin
Word Power Made Easy Norman Lewis
Decision Making Target XAT (Past papers and mock tests) Disha Publications
Quantitative Ability and Data Interpretation Quantitative Aptitude for Competitive Exams R.S. Aggarwal
General Awareness Objective General Knowledge (Lucent's) Sanjiv Kumar

Students who want to excel in how to crack XAT must refer to the above resources.

Check: Total Marks in XAT Exam 

XAT Exam Tips for Success

Here are some additional tips on how to crack XAT exam:

  1. Stay Calm: It is obvious that entrance exam pressure can make you worn out. But with activities like meditation and breathing techniques, you can learn to calm your mind and make good decisions.
  2. Gain Knowledge from Sources: The General Knowledge (GK) section can help you score better. Read newspapers to know current happenings and events in categories like business, sports, awards, etc.
  3. Take Mock Test: There are many institutes that conduct free mock tests before the XAT exam to allow students to assess their preparation. Try to enroll in as many mock test series as possible. This will help you with speed and accuracy.

Read More | XAT Colleges 2025

When it comes to How to Crack XAT exam in one month, you require a well-structured approach, discipline, and consistency. You can enhance your score by working on your ability to balance speed and accuracy. Finally, keep a positive mindset throughout your XAT preparation.

XAT Exam Pattern 2025: Syllabus & Marking Scheme

Before you know how to crack XAT, it's important to comprehend the exam pattern of XAT 2025. Refer to the following to digest the XAT exam syllabus thoroughly:

Parts Sections Total Questions Duration
1 Verbal and Logical Ability (VALR) 26 170 minutes
Decision Making (DM) 21
Quantitative Ability and Data Interpretation (QA & DI) 28
2 General Knowledge (GK) 20 10 minutes
Total 95 180 minutes

Download PDF | XAT Syllabus 2025

XAT Marking Scheme 2025

Knowing about marking is important when learning how to crack XAT. Let's see the XAT marking scheme for 2025:

  • No sectional time limit in Part 1
  • For every correct answer, a +1 mark is given
  • For every incorrect answer, a -0.25 mark gets deducted
  • If you fail to attempt 8 questions in a row, -0.10 marks will be deducted
  • Essay writing will be scheduled during XLRI selection process

Know More: XAT Question Paper with Solutions

Enroll in SuperGrads XAT Online Coaching 2025

Key Takeaways:

  • Understand Exam Format: Acquaint yourself with the key sections like QA, VA, GK, DM, and Essay.
  • Practice Mock Tests: Regular mock tests help improve speed, accuracy, and time management.
  • Focus on Key Concepts: Prioritize important topics in QA and VA for effective preparation.
  • Create a Study Routine: Stick to a structured study plan with daily practice and regular revisions.
  • Time Management: When it comes to how to crack XAT, managing your time is important. Try to focus on strengths while tackling difficult sections strategically.
  • Stay Calm and Confident: Maintain a positive mindset and stay strong throughout the preparation and exam.

Also Check: List of XAT Exam Centres

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the best resources for XAT preparation?

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How can I improve my time management skills for XAT?

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What is the role of decision-making in XAT, and how can I prepare for it?

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How can I stay motivated during XAT preparation, especially with just one month left?

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How to practice essay writing for XAT?

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