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How To Prepare For IPMAT From Class 11? Preparation Strategy & Study Plan

Author : Leekesh Suryavanshi

February 21, 2025


Overview: Learn how to prepare for IPMAT from Class 11 with practical strategies, including early preparation, detailed study plans, and the importance of regular mock tests and coaching to ensure exam success.

Firstly, Congratulations if you are in 11th grade and aware of the IPMAT examination.

Many students become aware of IPMAT only in their 12th grade, and while juggling between the boards and IPMAT preparation, they get only a few hours of preparation time in their 12th.

Such students only have one or two months of dedicated preparation time (after board and before IPMAT).

But if you are currently in 11th, you probably have months to prepare.

Try to follow all the tips to know how to prepare for IPMAT from class 11 to crack your entrance test in the first go! 

Latest Update:

  • IIM Rohtak has initiated its IPMAT registration process, which will last until April 11, 2025.
  • The IPMAT Rohtak will be conducted on May 05, 2025.
  • The IPMAT Indore will be held on May 12, 2025, in the Afternoon shift.
  • IIM Amritsar has announced its IPM program commencing July 2025.

How to Prepare for IPMAT From Class 11?

IPMAT Preparation Strategy from Class 11

  • Students who start early get a few days or sometimes just a few hours to complete a topic, but because they have time, they can complete each topic in-depth and with adequate practice.
  • First and foremost, you need to understand the IPMAT syllabus, exam pattern, and list of the essential topics for the IPMAT before starting the exam preparation.
  • After understanding the syllabus, you can follow the strategy below for your preparation.
  • You can make the necessary changes depending on the time you allocate each day for IPMAT Preparation. Still, the below strategy assumes that you can study 3 hours every day during the 11th Std, 2 hours every day during the 12th Std, and 7-8 hours every day after the board exams.

During 11th Std

Tasks Time Allocated
Cover 1-2 related Quants topics weekly: Finish the syllabus in 3-5 days, then use the rest for extra practice and short answers. 1.5 hours every day
Read the Newspaper daily: This will help to improve your English as well as GK and Current Affairs, which will help you during personal interviews. 45 mins daily

Complete and practice one grammar topic daily.
Every alternate week, finish 1-2 related Logical Reasoning topics with practice questions.

45 mins daily
Every Sunday: Solve sectional mock tests on the topics you studied and questions from the previous year's question papers. 3 hours

So even if you are in the middle of the 11th grade, by the start of the 12th grade, you will have studied entirely your IPMAT syllabus

Now, you have a basic idea of how to prepare for IPMAT from class 11.

During 12th Std

  • Allocate 30-45 minutes daily for the newspaper reading.
  • Every week, pick a set of Quants/LR/Verbal topics (for example, in one week, pick Arithmetic; in the next week, like Algebra. The following week, Reading Comprehension).
  • Practice the week's topics for 75-90 mins, five days a week.
  • While practising, create a list of strengths and weaknesses so you can allocate more time to topics you are weak in after the board exams.
  • Every Saturday, take a mock test; every Sunday, analyze that mock test.

ipmat coaching

ipmat coaching

After Board Exams

Some students have only about a month between the IPMAT and board exams, while others have more than two months of gap.

Thus, depending on your time, you must create a strategy for yourself.

Use the pointers below while creating your After Board IPMAT preparation strategy (assuming your syllabus is completed and you have practised most of the topics again).

  • Try to incorporate a mock-up every two to three days into the strategy.
  • More than attempting the mock, the critical aspect is to analyze the mock. Thus, thoroughly examine the mock and solve the questions again that you couldn't solve during the mock.
  • Every day, read a newspaper for about 30-45 minutes.
  • Solve 1-2 reading comprehension, 5-6 para jumbles daily.
  • Solve one set of LR questions every day.
  • Revise the formulas from time to time.
  • Focus on practising questions from the topics in which you are weak.

What are the Important Topics for the IPMAT Exam?

Knowing the essential topics holds the key to your journey on how to prepare for IPMAT from class 11. 

As said above, you will be tested on your vocabulary and mathematical skills in the IPMAT entrance exam.

Before starting with how to prepare for IPMAT from class 11, going through the detailed syllabus is essential, as it will help you better understand the critical topics for the IPMAT exam.

IPMAT Quant Topics IPMAT Verbal Topics IPMAT Reasoning Topics
Algebra & Arithmetic Reading Comprehension Logical Sequence Series
Number System Paragraph Completion Blood Relations
Set Theory Word Jumble Arrangements
Data Interpretation Word Usage Cubes and Dices
Geometry Vocabulary and Analogy Venn Diagrams
Percentage, Profit, and Loss Para Jumbles Statements and Conclusions
Time, Speed Fill in the Blanks Syllogisms
Distance, Time, and Work Grammar Critical Reasoning
Mensuration Tenses Linear and Circular Seating Arrangements

ipmat results

ipmat results

When is the Right Time to Start Preparing for the IPMAT 2025 Exam?

Most of you might be worried about when to start preparing for IPMAT, how much time you can spare daily to prepare for the entrance exam, and more. 

As said above, you would need at least six months to one year to prepare for the Integrated Program in Management Aptitude Test.

So, if you are asking how to prepare for IPMAT from class 11; you will get ample time to understand the concepts, practice the previous year's papers, and revise all the topics at least twice before the exam.

Each one of your preparation strategies may vary. Hence, plan your preparation at your convenience and complete the scheduled task on time. 

Is Coaching Required for IPMAT?

If you do not understand the concepts of quantitative aptitude and verbal ability, opting for the best IPMAT online coaching institute is always a good option.

More beneficial would be specialized guidance and mentorship from aspirants who cleared the exam or professors from the admission committee.

Mocks are an essential part of your preparation. So, the coaching classes will provide you with many mock tests.

Section-wise IPMAT Preparation Strategy from Class 11

Remember that the exam tests your fundamentals rather than your computational efficiency.

Each of your preparation strategies may vary. Hence, you should plan a well-structured study plan for IPMAT to crack the exam with a high score.

Here are a few section-wise preparation strategies experts provide to ease your preparation.

How to Prepare for IPMAT From Class 11: Quantitative Aptitude

As we all know, the quantitative ability section plays a vital role in the IPMAT exam because it is more weighted than other sections.

The following are a few tips to enhance your IPMAT Maths preparation.

Most questions are about time, speed and distance, time and work, trigonometry, geometry, data interpretation, set theory, and age. So, try to revise all the formulas related to these topics regularly.

  • Prepare a list of topics in which you are strong and weak. This will help you plan your preparation and study topics accordingly.
  • Books like R.D. Sharma and R.S. Agarwal are some of the best-suggested books for Quant preparation, as they explain every topic in-depth and include many questions.
  • Start and complete your favourite topics first and then move to complex issues.
  • Try to solve as many questions as possible from the previous year's IPMAT question papers, as this will help improve your time management skills and speed in the final exam.

ipmat mock

ipmat mock

How to Prepare for IPMAT From Class 11: Verbal Ability

The questions in this section are designed to test your verbal ability, skills, and vocabulary. 

The most critical topics in the verbal ability section are Synonyms and Antonyms, Sentence Rearrangement, Reading Comprehension, Correct usage of words and phrases, Sentence correction, Sentence completion, Verbal analogies, and grammar.

  • Firstly, don't start your IPMAT verbal ability preparation as you would prepare for the Quantitative section.
  • Instead, learn three new words daily to improve your English language skills.
  • Do not stick to one style of reading. Try and explore different types. In this way, you can remember the new words quickly.
  • Try to answer different questions about the topics mentioned above.
  • Prepare specific notes on idioms and phrases, proverbs, and grammar rules.
  • Reading newspapers and magazines will let you improve your vocabulary and grammar skills.

How to Prepare for IPMAT From Class 11: Logical Reasoning

The logical reasoning part is asked only when you appear for the IPMAT Rohtak entrance exam. For the IPMAT Indore, only one set of 5-6 LR questions is generally asked in the MCQ quantitative section. 

Follow the simple tips below to enhance your IPMAT Logical Reasoning preparation.

  • The difficulty level of questions varies in this section. Therefore, analyzing previous year's papers will help you understand the type of questions and the difficulty level.
  • Develop a mental checklist of strategies to comprehend the logical reasoning questions, including shapes, sizes, numbers, etc.
  • Attempt weekly IPMAT mock tests to improve your speed and accuracy while solving logical reasoning questions in the exam.
  • Try to solve puzzle-related problems that demand more logic.
  • Remember, with enough practice, you can solve the problem to the best of your ability.

The article underscores the substantial benefits of initiating How to Prepare for IPMAT From Class 11, enabling a thorough understanding and practice of the necessary subjects.

By following a detailed, long-term study plan, engaging in regular assessments through mock tests, and leveraging resources like newspapers and coaching, students can significantly enhance their readiness for the IPMAT exam.

This strategic approach prepares students academically and builds the confidence and skills necessary for succeeding in competitive entrance exams.

Key Takeaways

  • Early Preparation: Starting in Class 11 offers more time for in-depth topic coverage and practice compared to starting in Class 12.
  • Detailed Study Plan: Our guide on how to prepare for IPMAT from class 11 suggests a structured study schedule, emphasizing consistent daily study hours over two years.
  • Regular Assessments: Emphasizes the importance of regular mock tests and newspaper reading to improve test readiness and general knowledge.
  • Section-Specific Strategies: Provides targeted strategies for Quantitative Aptitude, Verbal Ability, and Logical Reasoning to enhance preparation.
  • Coaching Benefits: Online coaching is recommended for students needing extra help, and it provides structured guidance and additional resources.

Read: How to Prepare for IPMAT in One Month?

Frequently Asked Questions

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How to Prepare for IPMAT From Class 11?

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