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CUET Marking Scheme 2025: Marks Distribution & Calculation

Author : Paakhi Jain

February 8, 2025


Overview: The primary factor in setting your target scores in the CUET UG exam is the CUET marking scheme 2025. It is an assessment process for evaluating your performance. Keep reading to learn the 'ins' and 'outs' of the evaluation process and its implementation for admission to 280+ universities. 

The CUET is a multi-section exam with 37 subjects to choose from. However, one thing remains constant: the CUET marking scheme. Get insights into:

  • Section-wise marks distribution & calculation
  • The re-evaluation process

CUET Marking Scheme 2025: Overview

The CUET entrance exam has adopted a comprehensive marking scheme for evaluating and assessing the performance of every exam participant. 

  • This system is designed to ensure fair assessment of all the students and accurately reflect their performance in the CUET entrance test. 
  • The marking scheme calculates marks in all three sections of the exam. 

The table below summarises the CUET exam pattern for three sections with the marking scheme for each section.

Parameters Language Test Domain Test General Aptitude Test
Number of Questions (to be attempted) 50 50 50
CUET Marks Distribution 250 250 each  250
Marking Scheme Correct Answer: +5 Correct Answer: +5 Correct Answer: +5
Incorrect Answer: -1 Incorrect Answer: -1 Incorrect Answer: -1
Unattempted Answer: 0 Unattempted Answer: 0 Unattempted Answer: 0

CUET Marking System 2025

In the exam, you must select the option that best reflects the accurate or most appropriate answer for multiple-choice questions. 

However, if any discrepancy is discovered during the CUET answer key verification challenge process, it must be addressed in the following manner using the CUET UG marking scheme:

  • Correct answer or the most appropriate answer: Five marks (+5)
  • For any incorrect option, there will be a negative marking in CUET of minus one mark (-1).
  • Unanswered/Marked for Review will be given no mark (0).
  • If more than one option is found to be correct, then Five marks (+5) will be awarded to only those who have marked any of the correct options.
  • If all options are found to be correct, then five marks (+5) will be awarded to all those who have attempted the question.
  • If none of the options is found correct or a question is found to be wrong, or a question is dropped, then all candidates who have attempted the dropped question will be given five marks (+5) marks according to the marking scheme of CUET.

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Implementing the CUET Marking Scheme

  • CUET universities may use the CUET (UG) 2025 scores or results per their eligibility requirements, standards, and applicable laws, regulations, guidelines, or rules.
  • Select the University, Institution, or Organisation in the online CUET Application Form carefully.
  • If you have not filled out any particular university before but later want to apply, you may be admitted if you have applied for the CUET(UG) 2025 exam. 
  • Additionally, you must meet the requirements for admission to the particular course.

Is there a negative marking in the CUET 2025 exam?

Yes, the CUET exam marking scheme has negative marking. Every incorrect answer will be given (-1). Therefore, focusing on accuracy is more important than answering more questions. 

How can I calculate the CUET marks?

You can calculate your score using the CUET marking scheme and the following formula: (Number of correct answers x 5) - (Number of incorrect answers x 1).

CUET Re-evaluation Process 2025

  • The result will be processed based on the final CUET Answer Key. 
  • No grievance concerning Answer Key(s) after the Declaration of Result will be entertained.
  • The marks obtained per the CUET marking scheme will be considered further for computing the CUET (UG) result.
  • There shall be no re-evaluation/re-checking of the CUET result. No correspondence in this regard shall be entertained.
  • No Scorecard will be dispatched. You are advised to download the scorecard from the official website of CUET. 

Key Takeaways

In conclusion, the CUET Marking Scheme is a comprehensive and structured system for assessing your performance in the exam.

  • CUET marking pattern helps you calculate your expected score before the official results are out. 
  • Don't guess in a hurry. Take calculated risks and skip the questions you don't feel confident about to avoid CUET negative marking. 
  • Leaving a question blank will not affect your score.
  • Attempt CUET Mock tests to get comfortable with the format and improve accuracy.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is the exam timing for CUET UG and PG Exam same?

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What is the CUET Marking Scheme?

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What is the full score of CUET?

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How often is the CUET marking scheme updated?

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Is the marking scheme applicable for all CUET universities?

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Where we can get the CUET Marking Scheme?

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