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NTA CUET 2025 Exam Day Instructions [Do's & Don'ts]

Author : Paakhi Jain

March 4, 2025


Overview: CUET is currently a hot topic among students and universities for admissions to UG courses. Since the exam is approaching near, you may have doubts regarding CUET exam day instructions and dress code for CUET. Know what to carry & what not to carry in the article & stay sorted! 

Following the CUET exam day instructions ensure a stress-free and smooth exam experience. 

Get all your answers to questions like:

  • Should I carry a paper to the examination hall for rough work?
  • Can I ask for a change of examination centre?
  • What is the dress code for CUET UG 2025? 

This article will walk you through the CUET exam day instructions pdf, dress code and essentials to carry to the exam hall. So keep reading! 

NTA CUET Exam Highlights 2025 

The CUET exam is a national-level exam that will be conducted this year in both online and offline mode. Knowing the CUET exam day instructions is important to avoid last-minute stress and hassles. 

Before proceeding with the CUET dress code or things to carry, we will look at important dates you must know before the exam. 

Particulars Dates of Examination
CUET-UG exam date  TBD
CUET City Intimation Slip release date  TBD
CUET Admit Card  TBD
  • The admit card will mention your exam centre details and exam time.
  • The admit card will be available on the official website. 
  • You can download your CUET Admit Card using your login credentials.

The CUET exam shift timings are listed below - 

Mode  Start Time  Dates 
Pen & Paper  10:00 AM  TBD 
Computer-based Test 9;00 AM  TBD

cuet exam results

cuet exam results

NTA CUET Exam Day Instructions 2025

During the exam, do not furnish false information, as it may lead to the cancellation of the NTA CUET result. Go through the list of instructions below: 

  • A clear admit card along with self-declaration. 
  • A transparent ballpoint pen
  • 2-3 passport-sized photographs
  • Please carry additional photographs (the same as uploaded) on the online application form. It will be posted on the examination room/hall attendance sheet.
  • A seat indicating roll number will be allocated. You must sit in the allotted seat only. 
  • You should also ensure that the question paper is available on the computer for the subjects indicated on your admit card. If you find other question papers than those opted for, bring them to the invigilator's attention.
  • NTA will not retest students who fail to appear on the scheduled test dates under any circumstances.
  • Under no circumstances will the choice of the cities for the centre and timings of the examinations provided in the admit card be changed.
  • You are advised to report to the Examination centre 2 hours before the exam starts. No reasons, such as traffic jams, train/bus delays, etc., will be entertained. The NTA will not be responsible for any delay.
  • You will be required to show the admit card on-demand whenever asked.
  • You shall appear at the allotted exam centres at your own cost. The test/subjects and timings of the examination are indicated in the admit card issued by the NTA.
  •  If you do not possess a valid admit card and authorized Photo ID, the centre superintendent will not permit you to take the examination.
  • Do not carry any CUET answer key papers or textual material other than your hall ticket and self-declaration form.
  • As per CUET exam day instructions, all the calculations/rough work will be done only on blank sheets. You must write your Roll Number and name on the rough sheets before the exam commences. On completion of the test, you must drop these rough sheets in the designated box, as instructed by the invigilator on duty.
  • Do not move across the tests at your convenience. 

Important documents to carry as per CUET Exam Day Instructions 2025

Once the CUET City Intimation slip is released, you must plan your travel accordingly to the exam centre and keep these documents handy. 

Here is the list of documents required for CUET exam hall: 

  • Printout of the NTA CUET Admit Card with self-declaration ( A4 Size sheet)
  • One passport-size photograph ( same as uploaded on the online application form)
  • Any original photo IDs (valid and non-expired), such as a School Identity Card, PAN card, Driving License, Voter ID, Passport, Aadhaar Card (Witness photograph), E-Aadhaar with photograph, Ration Card with photograph, Class 12 Board / Admit Card with photograph, or bank Passbook with Photograph.
  • PwBD certificate issued by the authorized medical officer if you are appearing under the PwD category. 

Do's and Don't during the CUET Exam 

As per the CUET exam day instructions, these are the things you must carry and avoid to take the exam: 

Things to Carry Things to not to Carry
Print and fill out the admit card with your CUET self-declaration form. Any electronic devices.
Carry a valid ID proof alongside your admit card for checking. Wallets, purses, belts etc. This must be kept in mind as part of dress code for CUET UG 2025.
Bring a photograph to attach to the attendance sheet. Any blank or pre-printed text material.
PwDB candidates must present a valid medical certificate. Jewellery of any kind, such as necklaces, chains, earrings, bangles, nose pins, hair bands, etc. This is an important instruction under CUET dress code 2025 for female students.
Ensure the pen you use is clear. Footwear, including shoes or sandals.
Sugar tablets in case you are diabetic. Any communication device like mobiles, Bluetooth, earphones etc.

CUET Exam Dress Code 2025 

  • Light clothes with long sleeves are not permitted.
  • If you want to attend the CUET exam centre in cultural/ customary dress, report at least one hour before the last reporting time.
  • Ensure you reach early for proper checking to maintain the sanctity of the examination.
  • Slippers and sandals with low heels are permitted. Shoes of any kind are not permitted.

Can I wear jeans in CUET exam?

As per the CUET exam day instructions, the CUET exam dress code for females and males is to wear light-coloured clothes with short sleeves. Avoid wearing long sleeves clothes and customary dresses to save on security checking time.

What is Considered an Unfair Means of Practice During the CUET Exam? 

The expected CUET exam analysis is released soon after each exam shift. However, please note that you may forget to keep some material in your bag while checking the exam analysis or revision during shift break. 

Check the list of things that are considered unfair means of practice: 

  • Possessing prohibited or potentially cheating-related items such as stationery, communication devices, accessories, packed food items & jewellery.
  • Engaging in impersonation or preparing materials for cheating.
  • Violating examination regulations or any CUET exam day instructions provided by the NTA. 
  • Assisting or receiving assistance from other candidates in cheating, directly or indirectly, or attempting to do so.
  • Attempting communication with individuals other than the examination staff during exam hours inside the centre.
  • Intimidating any officials involved in conducting the examination or other candidates.
  • Using or attempting to use any forbidden methods in relation to the examination.
  • Manipulating or fabricating online documents like the Admit Card, Rank Letter, Self Declaration, etc.
  • Forcibly entering or exiting the examination centre or hall.
  • Using or attempting to use electronic devices after entering the examination centre.
  • Misrepresenting identity by affixing or uploading incorrect or tampered photographs or signatures on the CUET Application Form, Admit Card, or Proforma.
  • Creating obstacles to the smooth and fair conduct of the examination.
  • Engaging in any other activities is declared an unfair practice by the NTA.

Punishment for Employing Unfair Means Practices 

  • If you participate in any of the practices mentioned above or identical approaches during or after the examination, you will be considered to have used unfair practices, further not eligible for results or the CUET counselling process
  • You will be prosecuted under the UNFAIR MEANS (UFM) statute for breaching the CUET exam day instructions and code of conduct. 
  • You will be prohibited from practising for the next three years and may face criminal charges and/or other disciplinary actions.

CUET Mocks

CUET Mocks

Key Takeaways

  • The article provides crucial information regarding the CUET exam day instructions.
  • It focuses on what to bring and what not to bring on exam day and highlights the importance of following the rules to avoid disqualification due to unfair practices.
  • It stresses the necessity of carrying essential items like the admit card and valid IDs and adheres strictly to the exam protocol for a smooth testing experience.
  • It also lists out the NTA dress code for the CUET 2025 exam as released by the exam conducting authorities. 
  • You must attempt the CUET Mock Tests Series in a real-time exam environment to boost your score. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Does CUET have a dress code?

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Is a bag allowed in a CUET exam?

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Is a smart watch allowed in the CUET exam?

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Is a rough sheet provided in CUET?

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Can I wear a nose ring in a CUET exam?

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What are the key CUET exam day instructions I should follow?

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