CBSE Class 12 Geography Syllabus 2024-25: A Comprehensive Guide
Author : Paakhi Jain
August 30, 2024
Overview:To score 100/100 in your Geography board exam, a thorough understanding of the CBSE Class 12 Geography syllabus, including its objectives, unit-wise weightage, marking structure, and reference books, is what you need!
The CBSE Class 12 Geography exam has two parts: Theory and practical. The CBSE Class 12 Geography Syllabus for theory paper is worth 70 marks, and the Practical paper is worth 30. It is divided into 2 books:
Book 1: 3 units with 8 chapters
Book 2: 5 units with 9 chapters
CBSE Class 12 Geography Syllabus 2024-25: Overview
Geography is introduced as an elective subject at the senior secondary stage. It explores the relationship between people and their environment.
The class 12th syllabus for Geography includes studies of physical and human environments and their interactions at different local, state/regional, national, and global levels.
The objectives are-
Broaden students' perspective on human-environment interactions.
Understand population dynamics, resources, and the development spectrum.
Provide insights into the spatial attributes of India's diverse landscape and socio-economic entities.
Explain the relationship of transport and communication networks to the economic development of a region.
Describe the major highways and major rail networks of different continents.
Discuss the location and economic significance of the Trans-Siberian, Trans-Canadian, Union and Pacific, and Trans-Australian Railways.
Describe the location and the economic importance of the major sea routes of the world.
Discuss how the Suez Canal and Panama Canal are major commerce gateways for the Eastern and Western worlds.
Discuss how modern communication systems have made a global village a reality.
Unit 8 - International Trade
Define international trade and describe how it impacts various countries.
Describe the basis of International Trade.
Discuss types of and aspects of International trade.
Explain the terms Dumping, Trade liberalisation and Globalisation.
Discuss the impact of WTO on current global trade.
Evaluate how international trade can be detrimental to some Nations.
Analyse how seaports act as chief gateways of International trade
Book 2: India People and Economy: Chapters & Learning Outcomes
The CBSE Class 12 Geography Syllabus contains 9 chapters from this book, and it covers some important long questions. You must check this book's important questions for Geography to prepare well.
Chapter 1 - Population
Differentiate between the distribution of population and density of population.
Define Physiological Density, Agricultural Density, Population doubling time, Working Population, Participation Rate, Main Worker, Marginal Worker,
Rural Population, Urban Population, and Adolescent Population.
Discuss the factors responsible for the uneven distribution of population in India.
Explain trends of population growth in India since 1901.
Describe the composition of the rural-urban population, religious composition, linguistic composition, and sectoral composition of the workforce in India.
Discuss the occupational structure of India’s population.
Chapter 2 - Human Settlements
Differentiate between rural and urban settlement.
Describe the factors that govern the types of rural settlements in India.
Compare and contrast clustered, semi-clustered, Hamleted and dispersed settlements with examples.
Describe the evolution of towns in India since prehistoric times.
Classify towns based on their functions.
Chapter 3 - Land Resources and Agriculture
Name and define the land use categories.
Compare the Changes in shares of Land-use Categories in India between 1950 and 2014.
Discuss the importance of common property resources for the community.
Compare dryland and Wetland farming and evaluate its importance.
Compare the geographical conditions required for the growth of the following crops and their distribution/growing areas. Rice, Wheat, Jowar, Pulses, Oilseeds, Cotton, Jute,
Sugarcane, Tea, Coffee
Evaluate technological developments that have taken place in Indian agriculture since Independence.
Discuss the challenges faced by the Indian farmers and suggest measures to overcome them.
Chapter 4 - Water Resources
Describes the available water resources in India.
Evaluates the water demand and supply in India.
Discuss the reasons for water scarcity in the country.
Discuss water resources in India, its geographical distribution, sectoral utilization, and conservation and management methods.
Recognize various emerging water problems and analyse the causes of the deterioration of water quality.
Evaluate the scope to use rainwater harvesting techniques to conserve precious water resources.
Chapter 5 - Mineral and energy resources
Classify minerals based on chemical and physical properties.
Describe the major mineral belts of India and mark them on an outline map of India.
Describe different types of nonconventional mineral resources.
Analyse why renewable energy resources will be the future source of resources.
Suggest measures to conserve our non-renewable resources.
On an outline political Map of India, mark and label the following:
Chapter 6 - Planning and Sustainable Development in the Indian Context
Develop an understanding of various types of planning.
Justify the Planning Commission's need for target areas and target group planning with examples.
Explains the aims and approaches of the Hill Area Development Programme and the Drought-Prone Area Programme. Critically evaluates the aims and social benefits of ITDP in the Bharmaur tribal region.
Evaluate the measures that can be taken to promote sustainable development in Indira Gandhi
Canal Command Area Critically evaluate the aims and social benefits of ITDP in the Bharmaur tribal region.
Evaluate the measures that can be taken to promote sustainable development in the Indira Gandhi Canal Command Area.
Chapter 7 - Transport and Communication
Develop an understanding of various means of transport used in different parts of India.
Analyse the impact of the physical environment on the development of various modes in different regions.
Describe different types of highways found in different parts of our country.
Discuss the role of Indian Railways in the growth of India’s economy, focusing on recent technological advancements.
Describe the five National Waterways of our country.
Discuss the role of OIL and Gail in developing gas pipelines in India.
Discuss reasons for the state-wise variation in road density in India.
Elucidate the impact of modern communication networks in our lives.
Mark and label the following on an outline political map of India: Terminal stations of the north-south corridor, the west corridor & Golden Quadrilateral.
Chapter 8 - International Trade
Give reasons for the changing the composition of India’s import and export pattern.
Discuss the strategies adopted by India to double its share in international trade. Evaluate the role of seaports as gateways of international trade with examples.
Mark and label the major sea ports and airports on an outline map of India.
NCERT Prescribed Textbook for CBSE Class 12 Geography Syllabus
NCERT Prescribed Textbooks covering the CBSE Class 12 geography syllabus term 1 & term 2 is as follows -
Fundamentals of Human Geography
India- People and Economy
Practical Work in Geography- Part II
Key Takeaways
The CBSE Class 12 geography syllabus is divided into 17 chapters across 2 books. Be well-acquainted with the syllabus, exam pattern, and recommended reference books.
Conceptual Clarity: Focus on understanding the underlying concepts rather than rote memorization.
Map Work: Practice map reading and interpretation regularly to enhance spatial thinking.
Practical Application: Relate geographical concepts to real-world examples and current events.
Time Management: Create a study schedule to cover all topics effectively.