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Science STEM Careers: Top STEM Careers to Consider

Author : Pooja Manchanda

July 15, 2024


Reader’s Digest: Are you considering a career in science? Science offers a captivating journey of exploration and discovery, and it can also be financially rewarding. In this article, we'll delve into the world of science careers and unveil the top 10 highest paying science jobs currently in demand. 

For most people, a job in science is profitable, fulfilling, inventive, and difficult. It provides chances for knowledge advancement and improvement as well as aids in comprehending the people and environment around you. Making the best decision for your job can be aided by having knowledge about the many science careers.

There are continuously high wages associated with careers in science. Additionally, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics projects that employment in the science sector will expand by 8% through 2030, indicating a stable job growth trajectory. 

There are many levels of formal education required to work in science, ranging from an associate degree to a Ph.D. If you have a scientific degree or intend to get one in the future, it could be useful to understand the various job paths available to you and what your course of study might include if you're still in school.

To assist you in selecting the ideal career, we have gathered information on a variety of science careers, including major tasks, educational requirements, and typical pay for each position. 

Table of Content 

  • What are Science STEM Careers? 
  • List of Science STEM Careers
  • Top 10 Highest Paying STEM Careers 
  • Skills Needed for Science STEM Careers 
  • The Future of Science STEM Careers 

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What are Science STEM Careers? 

The natural sciences, which include physics, chemistry, biology, and earth sciences, are the main fields covered by science STEM vocations. Scientists labor in these domains to carry out investigations, verify theories, and broaden our understanding of the workings of the world. These professions are essential for creating new technologies, enhancing health results, comprehending shifts in the environment, and far more. 

List of Science STEM Careers 

Here is a table summarizing the average annual salaries for various career options in India: 

Career Option  Average Annual Salary (INR) 
Forensic Science Technician  3,00,000 - 5,00,000 
Biochemical Technician  2,50,000 - 4,50,000 
Nuclear Technician  4,00,000 - 7,00,000 
Microbiologist  3,00,000 - 6,00,000 
Meteorologist  5,00,000 - 8,00,000 
Environmental Scientist  4,00,000 - 7,00,000 
Geologist  4,50,000 - 8,00,000 
Laboratory Manager  7,00,000 - 12,00,000 
Cartographer  3,00,000 - 6,00,000 
Geographer  3,50,000 - 6,50,000 
Molecular Technical Supervisor  6,00,000 - 10,00,000 
Ecologist  4,00,000 - 7,00,000 
Geotechnical Engineer  5,00,000 - 10,00,000 
Hydrologist  5,00,000 - 9,00,000 
Molecular Biologist  4,50,000 - 9,00,000 
Computational Biologist  6,00,000 - 11,00,000 
Epidemiologist  5,00,000 - 10,00,000 
Regulatory Medicine Veterinarian  7,00,000 - 12,00,000 
Research Chemist  4,00,000 - 8,00,000 
Life Science Consultant  6,00,000 - 12,00,000 
Oceanographer  6,00,000 - 12,00,000 
Medical Scientist  5,00,000 - 10,00,000 
Geophysicist  5,50,000 - 11,00,000 
Pharmacist  2,50,000 - 5,00,000 
Medical Research Scientist  5,00,000 - 10,00,000 
Nuclear Physicist  8,00,000 - 15,00,000 
Biostatistician  6,00,000 - 12,00,000 
Neurologist  10,00,000 - 20,00,000 
Marine Biologist  3,50,000 - 7,00,000 
Science Educator  2,50,000 - 5,00,000 
Astronomer  5,00,000 - 10,00,000 

Top 10 Highest Paying Science STEM Careers 

Science STEM Career #1: Physicist 

Researchers in physics study matter, energy, and temporal properties through both theoretical and practical research.

While practical physicists employ their discoveries to advance technology like medical, renewable energy, and communication systems, theoretical physicists study the fundamentals of the world.

Requirements  Average Annual Salary (₹) 
Typically, a Ph.D. in Physics is required, although entry-level positions may be available with a master's degree in applied physics or related fields.  ₹6,00,000 to ₹15,00,000 

Science STEM Career #2: Forensic Science Technician 

A variety of specialists who may operate under the aegis of forensic science are collectively referred to as forensic science technicians. 

This category includes criminalists, scientists who work largely in laboratories evaluating the evidence, and crime scene investigators, who collect and record evidence at crime scenes. 

Requirements  Average Annual Salary (₹) 
A bachelor's degree in forensic science or a related field such as biology or chemistry is necessary.  ₹3,00,000 to ₹6,00,000 

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Science STEM Career #3: Epidemologists 

Studying disease trends, epidemiologists are essential to handling public health emergencies like the COVID-19 pandemic. 

Well, the focus of an epidemiologist's work is medical mystery solving; but, rather of identifying "who done it" like a police detective could, they identify "what caused it."

They discover connections between a disease and variables such as behavior, genetics, environmental pollutants, medical interventions, and other illnesses and location. 

Requirements  Average Annual Salary (₹) 
A master's degree in public health (MPH) or Epidemiology is typically required.  ₹4,00,000 to ₹12,00,000 

Science STEM Career #4: Chemist 

A scientist who investigates the properties and interactions of chemicals is known as a chemist. They study a wide range of chemicals, both inorganic and organic. 

To create new compounds, enhance existing ones, or gain a better understanding of how chemicals behave, they conduct experiments with them.

Requirements  Average Annual Salary (₹) 
A bachelor's degree in chemistry is required for entry-level positions, but a master's or Ph.D. may be needed for research roles.  ₹3,00,000 to ₹8,00,000 

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Science STEM Career #5: Astronomer 

Space structures including stars, planets, galaxies, and black holes are studied by astronomers. They carefully record and analyze data as they examine the characteristics, motions, and compositions of these objects.

This science also necessitates the capacity to perform intricate mathematical computations. To carry out their studies, astronomers use telescopes, as well as other ground-based and space-based instruments, such the Hubble Space Telescope. 

Requirements  Average Annual Salary (₹) 
A Ph.D. in Astronomy or Astrophysics is essential for most research and academic positions.  ₹5,00,000 to ₹12,00,000 

Science STEM Career #6: SpaceTech 

Although there is little doubt that careers in medicine, engineering, biology, and pharmacy await scientific students, interest in space sciences among young people is gradually increasing. 

However, space technology is gaining traction as technology is incorporated into almost every subject of study.

A few thousand to a few lakhs can be earned by those who work in space technology and science each month. This discipline's reach is still growing, offering countless opportunities for progress. 

Requirements  Average Annual Salary (₹) 
A Ph.D. in Astronomy or Astrophysics is essential for most research and academic positions.  ₹5,00,000 to ₹12,00,000 

Science STEM Career #7: Geologist 

Scientists that focus on Earth and soil science are known as geologists. These specialists survey an area and predict potential hazards like volcanoes and earthquakes. 

They create designs for builders and construction companies to use while building structures based on this knowledge.

Since it is a rather unconventional and underappreciated field of study, the pay is not as high as it would be for the professions. 

Requirements  Average Annual Salary (₹) 
A bachelor's degree in Geology or Earth Science is the minimum, with higher qualifications preferred for advanced roles.  ₹4,50,000 to ₹8,00,000 

Science STEM Career #8: Geoscientists 

The structure, makeup, functions, and physical characteristics of the Earth are studied by geoscientists. These scientists can anticipate future changes and have a deeper appreciation for Earth's history by learning more about the planet.

The geosciences subject includes the disciplines of geology, geochemistry, geophysics, petroleum geology, seismology, oceanography, paleontology, and engineering geology. 

Geoscientists look at anything from earthquakes to rock formations. They may also conduct theoretical research or use their expertise to locate petroleum deposits for future drilling.

Requirements  Average Annual Salary (₹) 
A master’s degree in Geosciences, Geology, or a related field is usually necessary, though some positions may require a Ph.D.  ₹5,00,000 to ₹12,00,000 

Science STEM Career #9: Atmospheric Researchers 

Experts in studying the atmosphere to better understand and address issues like extreme storms, air pollution, droughts, and the effects of climate change are known as atmospheric scientists.

Scientists studying the atmosphere gather data on wind speed, pressure, temperature, and humidity.

They analyze the data using computer models and mathematics. The meteorological data that atmospheric scientists use to describe the current weather is also used to forecast future weather, both short- and long-term, which is possibly even more important.

Requirements  Average Annual Salary (₹) 
A Ph.D. in Atmospheric Sciences or Meteorology is often required for research-intensive roles.  ₹6,00,000 to ₹15,00,000 

Science STEM Career #10: Medical Scientist 

A medical scientist is an expert in conducting studies aimed at enhancing human health. 

In clinical settings, they investigate illnesses and ways to prevent them; they then publish their findings in medical journals. This kind of scientist will frequently focus for extended periods of time on a single illness. 

To create therapies or preventative medication, they frequently evaluate clinical trials, examine medical samples, and attempt to comprehend health difficulties. 


Average Annual Salary (₹) 

Most medical scientists need a Ph.D. in biological science, such as biochemistry, microbiology, genetics, or pharmacology. Some medical scientists obtain a medical degree instead of, or in addition to, a Ph.D., which allows them to perform patient clinical trials and administer medical procedures. 

₹4,00,000 to ₹12,00,000 

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Skills Needed for Science STEM Careers 

Analytical Skills: Necessary for deriving results from scientific tests and evaluating data. 

Technical Proficiency: Ability to use scientific tools and software. 

Critical thinking: Capacity to challenge received knowledge and investigate novel ideas. 

Communication Skills: Writing research papers, disseminating discoveries to the scientific community, and teaching the public. 

The Future of Science STEM Careers 

Science's future with ongoing technological developments and a growing worldwide focus on topics like public health, sustainable development, and climate change, STEM occupations appear to be promising.

New avenues for discoveries and breakthroughs are made possible by the incorporation of AI and big data into scientific study. 


A career in science provides a wide range of options for possibilities and subjects to choose from.

This post can assist you in examining a variety of possibilities and selecting the science field that most closely aligns with your hobbies and areas of interest if you're not sure which one is right for you. 

Frequently Asked Questions

STEM refers to what kind of science?

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What is the employment prognosis for STEM occupations centered on science?

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What skills are necessary for success in STEM fields with a science focus?

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Are there any specific credentials required for employment in STEM sectors with a science focus?

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What kind of education is necessary for a STEM profession in science?

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Are these jobs available everywhere, or are they limited to areas?

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What opportunities for advancement exist in these lucrative STEM fields?

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