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Which are the sections included in NIFT GAT for Design Course?

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How many questions are asked in GAT for B.Des and M.Des?

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What is the time duration for NIFT CAT Exam?

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Is there any negative marking for NIFT Exam?

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What is the required qualification to apply for the NIFT B.Des course?

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What is the age limit to apply for NIFT PG Courses?

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What is NIFT Syllabus 2025?

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What is the NIFT Entrance Exam Syllabus 2025 for GAT?

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What are the important topics that need to be prepared for NIFT CAT Exam?

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Is it difficult to clear the NIFT examination?

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Can I reappear for the examination if not cleared in one go?

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Can I download the NIFT Mock Test Papers?

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Which is the best book to prepare for GAT in NIFT?

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How to prepare for NIFT entrance exam 2025?

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How tough is the NIFT exam?

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How can I apply for NIFT Exam?

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Is Maths compulsory to apply for NIFT 2025 Exam?

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