Overview: Get the complete JIPMAT Exam Analysis 2025, including section-wise highlights, difficulty levels, expected cut-offs, and topic-wise question division for IIM Jammu and IIM Bodh Gaya admissions.
NTA will conduct the JIPMAT Entrance Exam 2025 on April 26, 2025, between 3 PM and 5:30 PM for admission to the five-year IPM programs at IIM Jammu and IIM Bodh Gaya.
Scores secured by students in this session of the JIPMAT exam will be valid for admissions only this year.
JIPMAT paper analysis of the previous year is an important exercise that all candidates should do.
The JIPMAT exam analysis provides vital insight into what might appear in the next year's paper.
JIPMAT Exam Analysis 2025
The JIPMAT question paper consists of 3 sections: quantitative aptitude, data interpretation & logical reasoning, and verbal ability & reading comprehension.
Difficulty Level 2025 (Expected)
Data Interpretation & Logical Reasoning
Quantitative Aptitude
Easy to Moderate
Verbal Ability
JIPMAT 2024 Exam Highlight - Section Wise
Here, we will discuss the session's highlights, followed by the difficulty level if there were any surprise elements, topics-wise breakup, and the difficulty level in each section.
The examination proved to be more challenging than last year's.
New question patterns were introduced in this iteration.
The paper showcased a wide variety of questions, enhancing its complexity.
Notable inclusions were two grammar questions that employed a "Match the columns" format.
Additionally, the exam featured a question focused on punctuation.
Among the reading materials, two passages were presented, one particularly intricate and ambiguous.
The reading comprehension section included an innovative assertion-reason question.
The paper also posed a question on foreign phrases, highlighting its comprehensive and well-structured nature.
Highlights of Quantitative Ability
Match the following" type questions were introduced across all sections this year.
Each section required more time to complete than in previous years.
Students reported some questions to contain errors, although these claims remain unverified.
Highlights of JIPMAT Logical Reasoning
The exam featured a "Match the Column" question.
The Logical Reasoning section included one to two mathematical questions.
The level of difficulty was slightly higher compared to last year.
While some questions were lengthy and straightforward, others presented challenging complexities.
JIPMAT Exam Analysis 2024 Cut-Offs
Expect high cut-offs for JIPMAT 2024, highlighting the importance of JIPMAT results in reaching the interview stage.
As per our experts, the JIPMAT cut-off for general is around 308 this year and 305 for SNG.
Other category students can consider deductions from last year's cut-offs based on the expected cut-off for JIPMAT 2024.
Sectional Cut-Off for JIPMAT - General Category
JIPMAT Sectional Cut-Off Scores 2024
JIPMAT Cut off
Data Interpretation and Logical Reasoning
Quantitative Aptitude
Easy to Moderate
Verbal Ability
Easy to Moderate
Note: Students will be selected based on the exam's overall cutoff.
JIPMAT Exam Analysis 2024 - Ideal Number of Attempted Questions
Following the safe score and JIPMAT cut-off prediction, here's a section-wise breakdown of safe attempts for this time's JIPMAT exam.
If you've attempted the same number of questions with a higher accuracy rate, you'll likely make it into the next round of the JIPMAT selection process.
Range of Attempts
Quantitative Aptitude
Data Interpretation and Logical Reasoning
Verbal Ability
JIPMAT Exam Analysis - Exam Writing Experience
Aptitude tests like IIM Jammu's JIPMAT usually draw the claim that the test was too lengthy or too tricky to complete. Over the years, JIPMAT paper analysis has revealed that the exam is relatively challenging in terms of exam writing experience.
The exam writing experience was notably engaging for students with a strong conceptual understanding.
The paper focused heavily on application-based questions.
Vocabulary and grammar were extensively covered in the SG modules and mock exams.
However, the small size of the visible screen posed difficulties for some students, affecting their ability to navigate the exam efficiently.
Let’s understand the test-taking experience of students in the 2024 JIPMAT exam.
Q1. Question on number system (A 9 digit number divided by 72, find a and b)
Q2. Ratio A:B and B:C given (Find C-A=?)
Q3. 2 geometry questions (Equilateral Triangle inscribed in Circle, radius 20√3, find the median of Triangle.)
Q4. Shape triangles, circles, pentagons, and squares in the same area, and arrange the perimeter in ascending order.
Q5. 2 questions on Equations
Two Quadratic equations having p.q resp variables in the equation, finding value or p.q
Another one, find the root of the cubic equation.
One as Equation is given, finding some relation using the sum and product of root value
Q6. 2-3 questions on Trigonometry (2 direct questions on Values of trigonometry angle. 1 statement-based)
Q7. One question on Linear equation (2rs, 5rs, 10rs equal coin are there, total value be 620. Find the number of coins)
Q8. Two people running on a running track, at speed of 5km/h, 10km/h, they start at 9 am and 9:45 am. Find the time and distance when B overtakes A.
Q9. Time and work problem (A has 40% more efficiency than B. B has 20% less efficiency than C. Find time taken to complete work.)
Verbal Ability Memory-Based Questions Types
Q1. The Synonym of Hackneyed was asked.
Q2. Foreign phrase: Meaning of "Ultra vires"
Q3. Idiom: The meaning of "Gentleman at large" was asked
Q4. Match the following: "All" was used in different sentences, and different parts of speech, viz. nouns, pronouns, adjectives and adverbs, were given. The student had to match the part of speech with the sentence using that part of speech
Q6. Match the following: Tenses were given in one column, and sentences using those tenses were placed in the other. Students had to match the tenses with the correct sentence.
Q8. 1-2 Spellings Asked.
JIPMAT Exam Analysis - Level of Difficulty (Overall)
The IIM Jammu JIPMAT conducted in 2024 was perceived by most students who took the exam as moderate.
Over the years, the JIPMAT exam pattern has continuously reflected this trend of being easier than IPMAT Indore.
Let’s understand the level of difficulty of the JIPMAT exam through the analysis of experts below:
JIPMAT Exam Analysis - Level of Difficulty (2024 vs 2023)
As per our experts, the overall difficulty of the JIPMAT paper was moderate but lengthy compared to last year's paper.
Expert Analysis of the difficulty level trend over the years in JIPMAT 2024 vs 2023 exam.
Let’s dissect the JIPMAT exam section-by-section to understand which topics in each section had the highest weightage and which sections experienced a lower turnout.
JIPMAT 2024 Exam Analysis for Verbal Ability
Number of Questions
Reading Comprehension
2 (4Q. each)
Assertion Reasoning
Synonyms & Antonyms
Cloze Test
Foreign Phase
Sentence Correction
Match the Following
Para Jumbles/ Sentence Jumbles
JIPMAT 2024 Exam Analysis for Logical Reasoning & Data Interpretation
Number of Questions
Calendar (Time Sequence Based)
Blood Relation
Coding & Decoding
Alphabet Test
Missing Number in Figure
2 (1 Set of 2 Qs)
Circular Arrangement
Classification Arrangement
Assertion & Reason
Statement & Argument
Statement & Conclusion
Figure Counting
Venn Diagram
Arithmetic Based Qs
Table Graph
Pie Chart
Bar Graph
JIPMAT Exam Timings 2024
The JIPMAT 2024 examination is scheduled for June 6, 2024. You are requested to make note of the critical exam-related timings for the JIPMAT Aptitude Test conducted by NTA.
JIPMAT Exam Timing
JIPMAT Exam Reporting Time
1:30 PM
JIPMAT 2024 Begins
3:00 PM
5:30 PM
JIPMAT Exam 2024 Highlights
Name of the Exam
Conducting Body
National Testing Agency
Exam Frequency
Once a Year
Exam Level
National Level Exam
Mode of Exam
Online at Exam Center
Exam Language
Mode of Application
Exam Duration
150 Minutes
JIPMAT Marking Scheme and Exam Pattern 2024
Below is the prescribed JIPMAT exam pattern for the Aptitude Test:
According to students, the difficulty level of the JIPMAT 2024 paper was moderate. Students also stated that the paper was easier than the IPMAT Indore 2024 exam.
Students stated that math was the most straightforward section, followed by verbal ability. LR received mixed opinions but was the longest section.
Students considered the difficulty level in RCs as easy to moderate and rated 7 out of 10, and vocabulary questions were also normal.
Students also stated that the paper included questions from every topic and section, showing various questions.
Students acknowledged the importance of clear concepts and higher math topics when solving quantitative aptitude questions. Students also stated that all data interpretation questions were easy and encountered numerous questions about sequences and series.
The logical reasoning section also covered all the topics from the syllabus, including coding, number series, bar charts, etc.
Some students also mentioned that the verbal ability section was the lengthiest, and the questions were tricky.
Students also mentioned that they could not concentrate on the questions properly because of the hot weather.
Students attempted approximately 70–90 questions out of 100.
Our experts have curated a detailed JIPMAT exam analysis for the students preparing for the exam.
Students are advised to review the JIPMAT papers from the previous year and cut them off to adjust their preparation approach.
Highlights on JIPMAT Exam 2023
Overall, the paper was reported to be between easy to moderate difficulty levels.
JIPMAT 2023 was a comparatively more difficult paper than 2022. However, the JIPMAT cut-off still exceeds 90% of the total marks.
The number of Good Question Attempts in the JIPMAT Exam 2023 can be considered at 85 Questions.
Approximately 8,500 students attempted JIPMAT 2023 on May 28, 2023 (based on Supergrads' conversations with dignitaries from the college in the past and an insight on the registration data).
IIM Jammu and IIM Bodhgaya utilise JIPMAT scores, so if you don’t get into one college, there is no need to worry; you might qualify for the other college, as their final selection criteria are different.
JIPMAT Exam Analysis 2023 for Quantitative Aptitude
This section was trickier than expected and required a lot of calculations, which students were not expecting.
The primary surprise students faced in the exam was answering the 12-15 Questions that were statement-based. These questions revolved around true/false and assertion/reasoning.
Reasonable attempts in this section: 24-28 Questions out of 33 Total Questions.
Students given IPMAT Indore could have attempted up to 31 questions, too. Experts have observed that the style of questions and JIPMAT exam pattern seem to have moved more towards the IPMAT Indore pattern in both question type and difficulty level.
Many students reported that the questions were conceptual, so this section was lengthy.
Here's an overview of the topic-wise question division across the JIPMAT Exam 2023, including high-weightage topics.
Number of Questions
Number System
Set Theory
Profit & Loss + Compound Interest
Profit & Loss + Ratio
Mean, Mode, Median
Arithematic Progressions
Time, Speed, Distance
Boats & Streams
Permutations/Combinations, Probability
Geometry (Tangent)
JIPMAT Exam Analysis 2023 for Verbal Ability
The exam was quite balanced. This section was just as expected. It was reported to be relatively easy to solve.
The only things that were surprising in the exam were synonyms and antonyms. Students who didn't memorise specific words might have had trouble attempting the questions.
The RCs and para-jumble questions were more straightforward and were doable by both prepared and unprepared candidates. Questions based on idioms and phrases were also fair and direct.
The questions in this section were limited to the JIPMAT syllabus and what is usually asked in the JIPMAT Exam Paper. Nothing beyond what should have appeared was asked in the Verbal Ability section.
In fact, on the whole, this section should have proved to be a time-saver for students struggling to complete the other two sections.
Reasonable attempts in this section: About 30 Questions out of 34 Total Questions, with an accuracy of at least 90%.
JIPMAT Exam Analysis 2023 for Logical Reasoning and Data Interpretation
According to student feedback, this section was rated as moderately easy.
The section consisted of 10 questions based on Data Interpretation, with an unexpected question on Time, Speed & Distance.
Some students reported having a critical reasoning question, while others did not.
Students have previously reported having attempted as many as 31 questions in this section, so to do better, you need to aim for more questions.
A good attempt for this section would be to answer 28-30 out of the total 33 questions.
Students who saved time during the Verbal Section would have had enough time to perform well in this section.
Number of Questions
Data Interpretation
2 sets with 4 Q's each and 1 set with 2 Q's
Data Arrangement
Number Series + Missing Numbers
Critical Reasoning
Selection Criteria for IIM Bodh Gaya and IIM Jammu
IIM Bodh Gaya Selection Criteria:
Candidates must have at least 30 percentile marks in each section to be considered for selection.
Your 10th or 12th marks hold importance. Selection is purely based on JIPMAT scores.
IIM Bodh Gaya has increased seat intake to 120 seats.
In the event of students having the same overall composite score, the following tie-breaking criteria will be applied in descending order:
Overall JIPMAT score (higher score ranks higher)
VARC section score (higher score ranks higher)
QA section score (higher score ranks higher)
DILR section score (higher score ranks higher)
Class XII score (higher score ranks higher)
Class X score (higher score ranks higher)
Class XII exam appearance
Class X exam appearance
Date of Birth: Younger candidates’ rank will be higher.
Note:Candidates appearing in the more recent 10th and 12th exams will be ranked higher.
IIM Jammu Selection Criteria:
JIPMAT score holds 95% weightage.
5% for Gender diversity, where an extra 5% out of the total score will be given to female candidates.
Students will be taking the exam for 120 JIPMAT seats.
Students must have a minimum sectional cut-off to be considered for the selection. The required marks are listed in the table below:
Quantitative Aptitude
Data Interpretation
Verbal Ability
*Scores for these categories are based on IIM Bodh Gaya's official past-year cut-offs. The JIPMAT Exam cut-off for 2024 will likely be a bit higher than these numbers for all categories.
Important Points to Note for JIPMAT 2024
Time-consuming papers cannot be viewed as 'tough'. The problem a lot of students faced in this exam was time management. Whatever time was lost in QA and DI could be recovered in VA; therefore, cut-offs will be higher.
IIM Jammu had a seat intake of 140; IIM Bodhgaya also walked on the same line and increased its seat intake from 60 to 120.
JIPMAT tends to make some changes in each exam each year.
Key Takeaways:
The JIPMAT Exam was reported to be between easy to moderate difficulty levels. However, it was trickier than expected and required a lot of calculations in the Quantitative Aptitude section.
The Verbal Ability section was reported to be relatively easy to solve. The only surprise was word meanings and synonyms/antonyms.
The Logical Reasoning and Data Interpretation section was rated as moderately easy. There was an unexpected question on Time, Speed & Distance.
For IIM Bodh Gaya, a minimum percentile of 30 in all three sections is required for selection.
For IIM Jammu, a minimum percentile of 50 in all three sections is required to select a general candidate. The weightage of the JIPMAT score is 95%, with a 5% weightage for female candidates.