Explore Fastest Growing STEM Careers in 2024: High-Paying Job Opportunities:

Author : Pooja Manchanda

Updated On : July 1, 2024


Reader’s Digest: Could you picture a world without technology? Have you ever thought how things might turn out in five or even ten years for your job in STEM? Discover some of the fastest growing careers in STEM

We engage with the field of STEM from the moment we get up until we go to bed. STEM fields encompass a wide range of professions, many of which are in great demand and offer good salaries. Included in this are some of the fastest growing STEM careers, which continue to expand due to groundbreaking innovations and discoveries. 

  • STEM fields are still being advanced and new job titles are being created by groundbreaking innovations and discoveries.
  • STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) occupations are predicted to expand by 15% between 2021 and 2031, according to recent data. 
  • Despite tens of thousands of layoffs this year, jobs in the STEM fields are still in great demand. By 2031, it is anticipated that employment in STEM fields would grow by around 800,000, with careers in mathematics and computers accounting for more than half of this growth. 

Topics to be covered 

  • What Are Some Emerging Technologies in the Fastest Growing STEM Careers? 
  • Fastest Growing STEM Careers across a range of disciplines 
  • STEM Careers by the Numbers

What Are Some Emerging Technologies in the Fastest Growing STEM Careers? 

The boundaries between the four STEM disciplines—science, technology, engineering, and math in particular—continue to be blurred by emerging innovations, including the fastest growing STEM careers. 

Here are a few instances of cutting-edge STEM innovations: 

Robotics: A robot is a machine that can move on its own, sense its surroundings, and react appropriately. 

Artificial intelligence (AI) is computer software that simulates reasoning, learning, problem-solving, and other aspects of human intelligence.

Nanotechnology is the application of science and engineering together to manipulate matter at almost atomic scales. Numerous things, including consumer electronics and medical devices, can be made using nanotechnology.

The term "Internet of Things" describes the network of objects, such as light bulbs, that are normally not connected devices but are instead linked to the Internet. This is frequently done for amusement or convenience. 

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Fastest Growing STEM Careers across a range of disciplines 

Fast-Growing STEM Careers in Science 


Job role: A biochemist advances environmental science, agriculture, and medicine, and the fastest growing STEM careers by investigating the chemical processes that occur within living things. They study biological materials, carry out tests, and create novel cures or goods. 

Responsibilities of a Biochemist: A biochemist works with other scientists, conducts lab experiments, evaluates data, and produces research papers. In addition, they create and evaluate novel pharmaceuticals, agricultural items, and biotechnological uses.

Average Salary: Rs 5-9 LPA 

Projected Job Growth: 15% 


Job role: An Epidemiologist investigates the patterns and causes of diseases in populations to improve public health. They collect and analyze data, design studies, and develop strategies to prevent and control diseases. 

Responsibilities of a Epidemologist: An Epidemiologist conducts field research, analyzes statistical data, writes scientific papers, and advises on public health policies. They also monitor disease outbreaks and evaluate the effectiveness of health programs. 

Average Salary: Rs 11-25 LPA 

Projected Job Growth: 26% 


Job role: A physicist conducts experiments and creates hypotheses to explain physical occurrences as they investigate the underlying ideas of the universe. They are employed in industry, academia, and research facilities, among other fields. 

Responsibilities of a Physicist: A physicist creates theoretical models, plans and executes experiments, evaluates data, and disseminates research findings. In addition, they use their expertise to create new technologies and find solutions to real-world issues. 

Average Salary: Rs 7-12 LPA 

Projected Job Growth: 8.2% 

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Fast-Growing STEM Careers in Technology 

Computer Scientist 

Job role: A computer scientist advances technological innovation through the design and development of software, algorithms, and computing systems. To tackle challenging computer issues, they operate in a variety of domains, such as software development, cybersecurity, and artificial intelligence. 

To work as a computer scientist, you must have at least a bachelor's degree in computer science. A higher degree will be necessary for advanced roles. 

Responsibilities of a Computer Scientist: A computer scientist works with other IT specialists, writes and tests code, creates algorithms, and does research. Along with designing solutions and analyzing computational challenges, they also keep up with the most recent developments in technology. 

Average Salary: Rs 21-30 LPA 

Projected Job Growth: 21% 

Check out: Highest Paying Careers in Computer Science in India 

Software Developer 

Job role: Systems, programs, and applications for software are developed and maintained by software developers. They create, develop, test, and implement user-centered software solutions across a range of sectors.

Software developers may work as project managers overseeing programmers or they may be directly involved in writing code.

Responsibilities of a Software Developer: Code is written and tested by a software developer, who also works with stakeholders and other developers to solve software problems and upgrade software to suit evolving requirements. They also offer technical support for software programs and document the development procedures. 

Average Salary: Rs 7-12 LPA 

Projected Job Growth: 25% 

Computer network architects 

Job role: Local area networks (LANs), wide area networks (WANs), and intranets are among the data communication networks that a computer network architect develops and constructs. They guarantee dependable and secure network functionality to facilitate organizational functions. 

Responsibilities of a Computer network architects: In addition to designing network architectures, implementing and maintaining network hardware and software, and guaranteeing network security, a computer network architect also assesses organizational needs. In order to keep up with changing needs, they also diagnose problems, upgrade systems, and monitor network performance. 

Average Salary: Rs 12-28 LPA 

Projected Job Growth: 4.3% 

Data Scientist 

Job role: A data scientist uses statistical methodologies, machine learning, and data visualization techniques to evaluate data and assist businesses in making well-informed decisions. 

Responsibilities of a Data Scientist: A data scientist organizes experiments, develops prediction models, produces insights, cleans data, and produces data visualizations to convey results. 

Average Salary: Rs 12.5 LPA 

Projected Job Growth: 36% 

Read More: How to Start a Career In Data Science In India 

Fast-Growing STEM Careers in Engineering

Biomedical Engineer 

Job role: A biomedical engineer designs and develops healthcare devices, software, and equipment by fusing engineering concepts with biological and medical sciences. Their goal is to raise the standard and efficacy of patient treatment. 

In addition, they create software applications and computer systems that power these. Working at the nexus of science, medicine, engineering, and technology are biomedical engineers. 

Responsibilities of a Biomedical Engineer: A biomedical engineer works with medical specialists to build medical devices, conducts research, tests, and assesses equipment. They also focus on innovations to enhance healthcare solutions, guarantee regulatory compliance, and offer technical assistance. 

Average Salary: Rs 5-12 LPA 

Projected Job Growth: 10%

Industrial Engineer 

Job role: Industrial engineers create procedures and systems to improve business productivity. In addition to saving businesses money and time, this frequently makes them more sustainable.

Improving distribution and manufacturing are major areas of interest for industrial engineers. They are employed in various areas, such as the service, manufacturing, and logistics sectors.

Responsibilities of an Industrial Engineer: An industrial engineer creates management control systems, builds effective systems, executes quality control procedures, and examines workflows. To increase overall productivity, they also assess production costs, guarantee safety regulations, and work with other experts. 

Average Salary: Rs 3-7 LPA 

Projected Job Growth: 10% 

Fast-Growing STEM Careers in Math 


Job role: Actuaries estimate the probability of various financial events using models and analytical math methods. The insurance sector employs most actuaries. A bachelor's degree in actuarial science, business administration, or a similar discipline is typically held by actuaries. 

Responsibilities of an Actuary: An Actuary analyzes statistical data, designs and tests financial models, evaluates insurance policies, and advises on investment strategies. They also provide risk management solutions and ensure compliance with regulatory standards. 

Average Salary: Rs 7-15 LPA 

Projected Job Growth: 21% 


Job role: A mathematician studies new mathematical concepts and applies mathematical ideas and methods to solve practical issues. They are employed in governmental, commercial, academic, and scientific sectors. 

Responsibilities of a Mathematician: A mathematician creates and validates mathematical ideas, examines data, creates computational strategies, and uses mathematical approaches to address real-world issues. To promote research and innovation, they also work in conjunction with other experts and scientists. 

Average Salary: Rs 7-13.5 LPA 

Projected Job Growth: 31% 


Job role: To assist in resolving practical issues in a variety of fields, including business, government, engineering, and healthcare, statisticians gather, examine, and interpret data.

After creating surveys, tests, and opinion polls to collect data, they employ statistical techniques to examine the information and make inferences. 

Responsibilities of a Statistician: Collect and analyze data using statistical software to identify trends and patterns. Develop and validate mathematical models to predict future outcomes and behaviors. 

Present findings through reports, charts, and presentations, making complex data understandable for stakeholders. 

Average Salary: Rs 3-8 LPA 

Projected Job Growth: 32% 

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STEM Careers by the Numbers 

Fastest-Growing STEM Careers 

Careers with the highest projected growth for 2021 to 2031, according to the BLS: 

  1. Data scientist 
  1. Information security analyst 
  1. Statistician 
  1. Web developer 
  1. Software developer 

Highest-Earning STEM Careers 

The five careers with the highest mean annual wage: 

  1. Computer and information research scientist 
  1. Database architect 
  1. Software developer 
  1. Computer network architect 
  1. Actuary 

Most Popular STEM Careers 

STEM occupations with the highest employment as of May 2022: 

  1. Software developer 
  1. Computer user support specialist 
  1. Computer systems analyst 
  1. Network and computer systems administrator 
  1. Software quality assurance analyst or tester 

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  • The quick rise in STEM employment, including the fastest growing STEM careers, provides a window into a world full of development and innovation. 
  • There are unmatched opportunities due to the growing demand for specialists in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics, especially in the fastest growing STEM careers. 
  • It is anticipated that between 2021 and 2031, the STEM professions would grow by 15%, adding almost 800,000 new jobs, prominently featuring the fastest growing STEM careers. 
  • The barriers between STEM fields are becoming hazier due to emerging technologies like robotics, artificial intelligence, and nanotechnology. 
  • Examining rapidly expanding STEM professions puts people in the vanguard of global problem-solving and technology innovation. Examples of these professions include software developers, biomedical engineers, and data scientists.

Frequently Asked Questions

Which STEM fields are expanding the fastest?

How can I pursue a STEM career?

What is the hardest stem career to get into?

In 2030, which jobs will be in demand?

Is it important to teach about Computer Science, or STEM, in school? What about students who aren’t interested in a STEM career?

What professional and personal qualities are necessary for a STEM career?

Which degree is best for a data scientist?

Explore Fastest Growing STEM Careers in 2024: High-Paying Job Opportunities:

Author : Pooja Manchanda

July 1, 2024


Reader’s Digest: Could you picture a world without technology? Have you ever thought how things might turn out in five or even ten years for your job in STEM? Discover some of the fastest growing careers in STEM

We engage with the field of STEM from the moment we get up until we go to bed. STEM fields encompass a wide range of professions, many of which are in great demand and offer good salaries. Included in this are some of the fastest growing STEM careers, which continue to expand due to groundbreaking innovations and discoveries. 

  • STEM fields are still being advanced and new job titles are being created by groundbreaking innovations and discoveries.
  • STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) occupations are predicted to expand by 15% between 2021 and 2031, according to recent data. 
  • Despite tens of thousands of layoffs this year, jobs in the STEM fields are still in great demand. By 2031, it is anticipated that employment in STEM fields would grow by around 800,000, with careers in mathematics and computers accounting for more than half of this growth. 

Topics to be covered 

  • What Are Some Emerging Technologies in the Fastest Growing STEM Careers? 
  • Fastest Growing STEM Careers across a range of disciplines 
  • STEM Careers by the Numbers

What Are Some Emerging Technologies in the Fastest Growing STEM Careers? 

The boundaries between the four STEM disciplines—science, technology, engineering, and math in particular—continue to be blurred by emerging innovations, including the fastest growing STEM careers. 

Here are a few instances of cutting-edge STEM innovations: 

Robotics: A robot is a machine that can move on its own, sense its surroundings, and react appropriately. 

Artificial intelligence (AI) is computer software that simulates reasoning, learning, problem-solving, and other aspects of human intelligence.

Nanotechnology is the application of science and engineering together to manipulate matter at almost atomic scales. Numerous things, including consumer electronics and medical devices, can be made using nanotechnology.

The term "Internet of Things" describes the network of objects, such as light bulbs, that are normally not connected devices but are instead linked to the Internet. This is frequently done for amusement or convenience. 

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Fastest Growing STEM Careers across a range of disciplines 

Fast-Growing STEM Careers in Science 


Job role: A biochemist advances environmental science, agriculture, and medicine, and the fastest growing STEM careers by investigating the chemical processes that occur within living things. They study biological materials, carry out tests, and create novel cures or goods. 

Responsibilities of a Biochemist: A biochemist works with other scientists, conducts lab experiments, evaluates data, and produces research papers. In addition, they create and evaluate novel pharmaceuticals, agricultural items, and biotechnological uses.

Average Salary: Rs 5-9 LPA 

Projected Job Growth: 15% 


Job role: An Epidemiologist investigates the patterns and causes of diseases in populations to improve public health. They collect and analyze data, design studies, and develop strategies to prevent and control diseases. 

Responsibilities of a Epidemologist: An Epidemiologist conducts field research, analyzes statistical data, writes scientific papers, and advises on public health policies. They also monitor disease outbreaks and evaluate the effectiveness of health programs. 

Average Salary: Rs 11-25 LPA 

Projected Job Growth: 26% 


Job role: A physicist conducts experiments and creates hypotheses to explain physical occurrences as they investigate the underlying ideas of the universe. They are employed in industry, academia, and research facilities, among other fields. 

Responsibilities of a Physicist: A physicist creates theoretical models, plans and executes experiments, evaluates data, and disseminates research findings. In addition, they use their expertise to create new technologies and find solutions to real-world issues. 

Average Salary: Rs 7-12 LPA 

Projected Job Growth: 8.2% 

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Fast-Growing STEM Careers in Technology 

Computer Scientist 

Job role: A computer scientist advances technological innovation through the design and development of software, algorithms, and computing systems. To tackle challenging computer issues, they operate in a variety of domains, such as software development, cybersecurity, and artificial intelligence. 

To work as a computer scientist, you must have at least a bachelor's degree in computer science. A higher degree will be necessary for advanced roles. 

Responsibilities of a Computer Scientist: A computer scientist works with other IT specialists, writes and tests code, creates algorithms, and does research. Along with designing solutions and analyzing computational challenges, they also keep up with the most recent developments in technology. 

Average Salary: Rs 21-30 LPA 

Projected Job Growth: 21% 

Check out: Highest Paying Careers in Computer Science in India 

Software Developer 

Job role: Systems, programs, and applications for software are developed and maintained by software developers. They create, develop, test, and implement user-centered software solutions across a range of sectors.

Software developers may work as project managers overseeing programmers or they may be directly involved in writing code.

Responsibilities of a Software Developer: Code is written and tested by a software developer, who also works with stakeholders and other developers to solve software problems and upgrade software to suit evolving requirements. They also offer technical support for software programs and document the development procedures. 

Average Salary: Rs 7-12 LPA 

Projected Job Growth: 25% 

Computer network architects 

Job role: Local area networks (LANs), wide area networks (WANs), and intranets are among the data communication networks that a computer network architect develops and constructs. They guarantee dependable and secure network functionality to facilitate organizational functions. 

Responsibilities of a Computer network architects: In addition to designing network architectures, implementing and maintaining network hardware and software, and guaranteeing network security, a computer network architect also assesses organizational needs. In order to keep up with changing needs, they also diagnose problems, upgrade systems, and monitor network performance. 

Average Salary: Rs 12-28 LPA 

Projected Job Growth: 4.3% 

Data Scientist 

Job role: A data scientist uses statistical methodologies, machine learning, and data visualization techniques to evaluate data and assist businesses in making well-informed decisions. 

Responsibilities of a Data Scientist: A data scientist organizes experiments, develops prediction models, produces insights, cleans data, and produces data visualizations to convey results. 

Average Salary: Rs 12.5 LPA 

Projected Job Growth: 36% 

Read More: How to Start a Career In Data Science In India 

Fast-Growing STEM Careers in Engineering

Biomedical Engineer 

Job role: A biomedical engineer designs and develops healthcare devices, software, and equipment by fusing engineering concepts with biological and medical sciences. Their goal is to raise the standard and efficacy of patient treatment. 

In addition, they create software applications and computer systems that power these. Working at the nexus of science, medicine, engineering, and technology are biomedical engineers. 

Responsibilities of a Biomedical Engineer: A biomedical engineer works with medical specialists to build medical devices, conducts research, tests, and assesses equipment. They also focus on innovations to enhance healthcare solutions, guarantee regulatory compliance, and offer technical assistance. 

Average Salary: Rs 5-12 LPA 

Projected Job Growth: 10%

Industrial Engineer 

Job role: Industrial engineers create procedures and systems to improve business productivity. In addition to saving businesses money and time, this frequently makes them more sustainable.

Improving distribution and manufacturing are major areas of interest for industrial engineers. They are employed in various areas, such as the service, manufacturing, and logistics sectors.

Responsibilities of an Industrial Engineer: An industrial engineer creates management control systems, builds effective systems, executes quality control procedures, and examines workflows. To increase overall productivity, they also assess production costs, guarantee safety regulations, and work with other experts. 

Average Salary: Rs 3-7 LPA 

Projected Job Growth: 10% 

Fast-Growing STEM Careers in Math 


Job role: Actuaries estimate the probability of various financial events using models and analytical math methods. The insurance sector employs most actuaries. A bachelor's degree in actuarial science, business administration, or a similar discipline is typically held by actuaries. 

Responsibilities of an Actuary: An Actuary analyzes statistical data, designs and tests financial models, evaluates insurance policies, and advises on investment strategies. They also provide risk management solutions and ensure compliance with regulatory standards. 

Average Salary: Rs 7-15 LPA 

Projected Job Growth: 21% 


Job role: A mathematician studies new mathematical concepts and applies mathematical ideas and methods to solve practical issues. They are employed in governmental, commercial, academic, and scientific sectors. 

Responsibilities of a Mathematician: A mathematician creates and validates mathematical ideas, examines data, creates computational strategies, and uses mathematical approaches to address real-world issues. To promote research and innovation, they also work in conjunction with other experts and scientists. 

Average Salary: Rs 7-13.5 LPA 

Projected Job Growth: 31% 


Job role: To assist in resolving practical issues in a variety of fields, including business, government, engineering, and healthcare, statisticians gather, examine, and interpret data.

After creating surveys, tests, and opinion polls to collect data, they employ statistical techniques to examine the information and make inferences. 

Responsibilities of a Statistician: Collect and analyze data using statistical software to identify trends and patterns. Develop and validate mathematical models to predict future outcomes and behaviors. 

Present findings through reports, charts, and presentations, making complex data understandable for stakeholders. 

Average Salary: Rs 3-8 LPA 

Projected Job Growth: 32% 

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STEM Careers by the Numbers 

Fastest-Growing STEM Careers 

Careers with the highest projected growth for 2021 to 2031, according to the BLS: 

  1. Data scientist 
  1. Information security analyst 
  1. Statistician 
  1. Web developer 
  1. Software developer 

Highest-Earning STEM Careers 

The five careers with the highest mean annual wage: 

  1. Computer and information research scientist 
  1. Database architect 
  1. Software developer 
  1. Computer network architect 
  1. Actuary 

Most Popular STEM Careers 

STEM occupations with the highest employment as of May 2022: 

  1. Software developer 
  1. Computer user support specialist 
  1. Computer systems analyst 
  1. Network and computer systems administrator 
  1. Software quality assurance analyst or tester 

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CAT Online Coaching


  • The quick rise in STEM employment, including the fastest growing STEM careers, provides a window into a world full of development and innovation. 
  • There are unmatched opportunities due to the growing demand for specialists in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics, especially in the fastest growing STEM careers. 
  • It is anticipated that between 2021 and 2031, the STEM professions would grow by 15%, adding almost 800,000 new jobs, prominently featuring the fastest growing STEM careers. 
  • The barriers between STEM fields are becoming hazier due to emerging technologies like robotics, artificial intelligence, and nanotechnology. 
  • Examining rapidly expanding STEM professions puts people in the vanguard of global problem-solving and technology innovation. Examples of these professions include software developers, biomedical engineers, and data scientists.

Frequently Asked Questions

Which STEM fields are expanding the fastest?

How can I pursue a STEM career?

What is the hardest stem career to get into?

In 2030, which jobs will be in demand?

Is it important to teach about Computer Science, or STEM, in school? What about students who aren’t interested in a STEM career?

What professional and personal qualities are necessary for a STEM career?

Which degree is best for a data scientist?


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