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CLAT Question Papers PDF Download Here [PYQ, Sample Papers]

Author : Samriddhi Pandey

February 25, 2025


Overview: The Common Law Admission Test (CLAT) is a important to crack to secure admission to NLUs. To succeed in the CLAT exam and secure a seat in a top law college, it is essential to have an adequate preparation strategy and a disciplined study approach.

One of the most effective ways to prepare for CLAT is through regular practice with CLAT Previous Year Question Papers (PYQs). In this blog, we will explore the significance of practicing with these question papers, the exam structure, the syllabus, top law schools, and why these elements are key to cracking the CLAT exam.

Why CLAT Previous Year Question Papers (PYQs) Matter:

The CLAT exam is conducted annually at the national level, providing admission to undergraduate (UG) and postgraduate (PG) programs at the National Law Universities (NLUs) and other participating institutions. The exam assesses candidates on various subjects including English, General Knowledge, Legal Aptitude, Logical Reasoning, and Mathematics. Practising with CLAT Previous Year Question Papers is important to understand the exam format, gain familiarity with the question types, and improve time management.

About CLAT (UG) and its Structure:

The Consortium of National Law Universities manages the CLAT exam to streamline admissions into NLUs. For students aiming to secure a seat in a top law school, achieving a high score in CLAT is crucial. To excel in this highly competitive exam, it is important not only to focus on exam strategy but also to familiarize oneself with the core syllabus and exam pattern.

Importance of Practicing CLAT Previous Year Question Papers:

Practicing CLAT PYQs helps students get accustomed to the format of the questions, the weightage of each section, and the overall difficulty level of the exam. It also builds familiarity with commonly tested topics and improves problem-solving speed.

Regular practice with these papers helps in:

  • Identifying important topics and frequently asked questions.
  • Enhancing time management skills, which is crucial during the actual exam.
  • Building exam-taking confidence and reducing test-day anxiety.
  • Tracking progress and identifying areas of improvement.

Download CLAT Previous Year Question Papers for Preparation:

To adequately prepare for the CLAT UG exam, students must thoroughly understand the exam pattern and syllabus. This knowledge will help candidates approach the exam with confidence and boost their chances of achieving their desired results. Regular practice with CLAT PYQs will also give aspirants a clearer picture of what to expect in the exam and better equip them to tackle the questions efficiently.

Here are some of the most obvious reasons why every aspirant must prioritise solving the previous year's questions:

  • Understand the Exam Pattern: Solving the CLAT 2025 sample paper helps you understand the CLAT exam pattern, marking scheme and the time duration for each section.
  • Identify Important Topics: By solving CLAT's previous year's papers, identify the essential topics frequently asked in the exam to score well. 
  • Practice Time Management: You can know how much time you should devote to each section and practice solving the CLAT previous year's question papers within the time limit.
  • Boost Confidence: By solving the CLAT 2025 sample paper, you can boost your confidence level as you will better understand the exam and the type of questions asked. 

Check CLAT's Latest Updates.

LegalEdge CLAT Result

LegalEdge CLAT Result

CLAT Sample Papers PDF with Answers

In the official notification, the Consortium mentions the cost of previous years' question papers as Rs.500/-. However, we have provided the CLAT PYQ PDF free of charge to ace your CLAT exam preparation.

Here are the links to the CLAT papers PDF:

CLAT 2024 Question Paper with Answer Key PDF

The CLAT 2025 question paper, along with the CLAT answer key in PDF format, will be made available here shortly after the exam.

CLAT Previous Year Question Papers Download Link
CLAT UG 2024 Question Paper Click Here
CLAT PG 2024 Question Paper Click Here
CLAT UG 2024 Answer Key Click Here
CLAT PG 2024 Answer Key Click Here

CLAT 2025 Sample Papers PDF Download

One of the most effective ways to prepare for CLAT is by solving sample papers. Sample papers give you a fair idea of the exam pattern and the expected questions.

It also helps you identify your strengths and weaknesses to work on them accordingly. Check CLAT Marks vs Rank.

Solving CLAT sample papers will help analyse your preparation levels and focus on improving your weak areas. 

CLAT Previous Year Question Papers PDF for LLM

If you're preparing for CLAT LLM, it's no secret that one of the most important things you can do is practice with the CLAT previous year's question papers.

Fortunately, plenty of resources are available to help you do that, including CLAT LLM's previous year's question paper PDFs.

  • Like the CLAT UG pattern, the LLM Entrance Exam also has questions based on reading comprehension. 
  • This means you will be provided extracts from primary legal materials, such as significant court decisions in various fields of law, statutes, or regulations, which a series of objective-type questions will follow.
  • The question paper has 120 objective-type questions, each with one mark.
  • Also, there is a negative mark of 0.25 for each wrongly answered question.
  • Practice as many questions as possible from the previous year's papers, as it helps to enhance your CLAT PG Exam Preparation.

Download the LLM CLAT Question Papers from the table below and enhance your preparation levels for the upcoming exam:

How To Use CLAT Previous Year Question Papers PDFs?

Before starting the preparation, you need to be aware of the detailed syllabus and exam pattern, as this will help you focus on important topics of the CLAT syllabus from the exam point of view.

If you're planning to use CLAT previous year question paper PDFs to prepare for your exam, here are a few tips to help you get started:

  1. Start by reviewing the exam pattern: Before working through the previous year's question papers, take some time to review the exam pattern. This will help you understand the types of questions that are likely to be asked and the total number of questions and marks.
  2. Begin with the most recent papers: While it's essential to review as many previous year question papers as possible, it's a good idea to start with the most recent papers first. This will give you a better idea of the types of questions currently being asked and help you understand the current CLAT exam trends.
  3. Work through the questions systematically: When working through the questions, make sure to do so systematically. Start by answering the questions you know, then move on to the more difficult questions.
  4. Analyse your performance: After you've completed a previous year's question paper, take some time to analyse your performance. Identify the areas where you did well, as well as the areas where you need to spend more time studying.
  5. Repeat the process: Once you've analysed your performance, repeat the process with another question paper from the previous year. Continue to do this until you feel confident you're ready for the exam.

Read More: How to Prepare for CLAT in 1 Month?

Solved Questions from CLAT 2025 Sample Papers

As said above, practising CLAT question papers will help you understand the different questions asked in the exam.

We have provided a few sample questions for the CLAT Entrance Exam here to help you understand the questions asked in the exam.

Solved English Language Questions from CLAT 2025 Sample Paper 

The following are some of the Important reading comprehension questions for CLAT. Practising these questions will help enhance your reading comprehension skills for the upcoming exam.

The summer he turned 82, my father lost his stories. He was still vibrant, garrulous, and energetic. Initially, none of us noticed that his anecdotes were getting repetitive, that he forgot names and places, and that he was confusing times and references. A man of many narratives, we listened to his oft-repeated tales, sometimes with feigned patience and sometimes with visible impatience.

Till the day the stories stopped. The words dried out, and the memories disappeared. The change happened so gradually that its final suddenness took us, his immediate family, by complete surprise. And when the stories dried up, the energy seemed to drain away from his soul. This loss of power was immediately and visibly apparent as this was one trait, above all others, that characterised my father.

A child of Partition, Baba had left his native Barisal in present-day Bangladesh on the eve of this momentous event in 1947 at 14. My grandmother, widowed since my father's birth, her youngest son, decided to leave their sprawling homestead with extensive farming lands and immigrate to the yet-to-be-formed republic of India, along with her four other sons. Thus, family lore tells us that she liquidated some of her assets, packed her immediate family and necessary belongings onto a steamer, and sailed into Calcutta's teeming, seething city to set up a new life.

A seminal rupture in the subcontinent, Partition had wreaked havoc among countless families, uprooted and flung far and wide without recourse. Baba often became that resource – his contribution significantly impacted families struggling to survive with some dignity. It seemed his experience of early loss and deprivation had, in a strangely converse way, endowed him with a generosity of soul that I have yet to encounter in another person.

It was thus shocking to see this extraordinary man with the mind, heart, and soul of a Colossus shorn of his spirit.

I urged him to write down stories from his life to revive his flagging interest. With great flourish, I bought him a notebook and announced his assignment. Stories were my particular stock in trade. I'd nurtured an early passion for storytelling and story writing into a teaching career focusing on literacy. I used specific strategies to build a writing habit in my students, centred on the belief that we all have stories to tell. As the children became confident and joyful storytellers, their acquisition of benchmarked literacy skills outstripped their peers.

Could I use these same strategies to draw the forgotten stories from Baba? Would these forgotten stories, in turn, help him reconstruct a sense of self?

Check Here: CLAT English Preparation Tips

Q1. Which of the following most accurately expresses the author's main idea in the passage?

  1. As people get older, they tend to lose their memories.
  2. Asking an old person who is losing their memory to write stories from their life may help them or reconstruct their sense of identity.
  3. Partition was a disruptive event in our subcontinent's history, and we should ensure our grandchildren know about it.
  4. Listening to old people repeatedly tell the same stories can be tiresome and boring.

Q2. Why did the author think asking their father to write stories would help him?

  1. Because the author had come across genetics research that indicated that this had also helped other people.
  2. Because the author thought that thinking about the past would help their father regain his memory.
  3. Because the author had seen how their students had benefitted tremendously from similar strategies in their teaching careers.
  4. Because the author had done the same thing in the past and had regained their memory as a result.

Q3. What does the word 'garrulous' as used in the passage mean?

  1. Quiet and restrained
  2. Tall and handsome
  3. Moody and reflective
  4. Excessively talkative

Q4. What role did the author's father play for families uprooted by the Partition?

  1. He acted as a source of help to them in a problematic situation through his generosity of soul.
  2. He helped them find lost family members and put them in touch with them.
  3. He helped them by providing food and medicines when they were in need.
  4. He told them stories of their homeland since he had such a large store of stories and anecdotes.

Know Here: CLAT Time Management Skills

Q5. Why did the sudden stop in their father's stories surprise the author and their family?

  1. Because the stop in stories was accompanied by an increase in his analysis of news and current affairs, the author and their family were very interested in the same things.
  2. Because one day, the author asked their father about the Partition, and he had forgotten it had occurred.
  3. Because the author wanted to hear more stories about their grandmother, he refused to talk about her.
  4. Because the author and their family used to listen to his stories impatiently since he would often repeat them, and he had not noticed he was forgetting or confusing some parts of the stories.

Solved General Knowledge Questions from CLAT 2025 Sample Paper 

The U.S. House of Representatives impeached President Donald Trump on charges of abuse of power and obstructing Congress, the culmination of an effort by Democrats that further inflamed partisan tensions in Washington and deepened the nation's ideological divide.

The historic votes, which won the support of almost all Democrats in the House chamber but not a single Republican, leave Trump as only the third president in U.S. history to be impeached -- and the only impeached president likely to win his party's nomination for reelection.

The Senate will hold a trial early next year to decide whether the president should be convicted on the charges and removed from office. However, the Republicans who have the majority in that chamber will almost certainly acquit him.

House Democrats took depositions from more than a dozen witnesses, held weeks of hearings, and wrote hundreds of pages documenting Trump's efforts to pressure the president of [1] to investigate former Vice President [2] and his son.

Find Out Now: CLAT GK Preparation Tips

Q1. Donald Trump is the third President of the United States of America to be impeached. Which of the following presidents has also been impeached?

  1. Bill Clinton
  2. Richard Nixon
  3. George Bush Sr
  4. George W. Bush

Q2. What is the name of the former Vice President of the United States of America whose name has been replaced with '[2]' in the passage above?

  1. Joe Biden
  2. Nancy Pelosi
  3. Mike Pence
  4. Al Gore

Q3. In the passage above, which country's name has been replaced with '[1]'?

  1. Russia
  2. United Kingdom
  3. Saudi Arabia
  4. Ukraine

Q4. Which Article of the Constitution of India sets out the process for the impeachment of the President of India?

  1. Article 45
  2. Article 365
  3. Article 61
  4. Article 370

Don't Miss: Short Tricks to Attempt Lengthy Passages in CLAT

Q5. Under the Constitution of India, a charge for the impeachment of the President of India can be preferred by:

  1. Either House of Parliament
  2. The Lok Sabha only
  3. The Rajya Sabha only
  4. Both Houses of Parliament simultaneously

Solved Legal Reasoning Questions from CLAT 2025 Sample Paper 

We have provided some sample questions for your reference here to ease your CLAT Legal Reasoning preparation. Practising these questions regularly will help you learn clever tricks to solve legal questions quickly in the exam.

India's Personal Data Protection Bill, 2019 ('Bill') starts encouragingly, seeking to protect "the privacy of individuals relating to their data". But by the end, it is clear it is not designed to deliver on the promise. For, even as it rightly requires handlers of data to abide by globally accepted rules — about getting an individual's consent first — it disappointingly gives broad powers to the Government to dilute any of these provisions for its agencies.

Recently, the messaging platform WhatsApp said that some Indian journalists and rights activists were among those who spied on using technology made by an Israeli company, which only works for government agencies worldwide by its admission.

One of the first to raise a red flag about the Bill's problematic clauses was Justice B.N. Srikrishna, whose committee's report forms the basis of the Bill. He has used words such as "Orwellian" and "Big Brother" in reaction to the removal of safeguards against the actions of Government agencies. In its report last July, the committee noted that the dangers to privacy originate from state and non-state actors. It, therefore, called for exemptions to be "watertight", "narrow", and available for use in "limited circumstances". It also recommended that the Government bring in a law to oversee intelligence-gathering activities and how the non-consensual processing of data takes place. A related concern about the Bill is regarding the constitution of the Data Protection Authority of India ('DPA'), which monitors and enforces the Act's provisions. A chairperson will head it with not more than six whole-time members, all of whom will be selected by a panel filled with Government nominees. This completely disregards the fact that Government agencies are also regulated under the Bill; they are significant collectors and processors of data themselves. The sweeping powers the Bill gives to the Government render the gains from the landmark K.S. Puttaswamy vs Union of India case meaningless, culminating in the recognition that privacy is intrinsic to life and liberty and, therefore, a fundamental right. That idea of privacy is not reflected in Bill's current form.

Q1. The Bill is amended, and the Government's powers to provide exemptions for its agencies are removed. In such a situation, according to the author:

  1. The Bill would not deliver on its promise since the Government must have such exemptions to do its work effectively.
  2. The Bill would not deliver on its promise of seeking to protect individuals' privacy regarding their personal information.
  3. The Bill would deliver on its promise of protecting the privacy of individuals relating to their personal.
  4. The Bill would be a failure since the Government would not be able to implement it.

Q2. Suppose the Bill provides a test of proportionality regarding privacy: "the act which infringes privacy must have a legitimate aim and must be the least restrictive way of achieving that aim". Suppose a journalist is known for reporting corruption in Government agencies, and the Government chooses to engage a surveillance company to collect messages exchanged by her on WhatsApp to intimidate her. Does it meet the test of proportionality?

  1. No, surveilling a journalist to intimidate her is not a legitimate aim.
  2. No, the Government should have taken measures such as imprisoning the journalist to ensure she does not continue reporting.
  3. Yes, without collecting the journalists' WhatsApp messages, there is no way for the Government to prevent her from reporting against it.
  4. Yes, reporting on issues that show the Government in lousy light creates disharmony, and the Government used proportionate force to prevent the same.

Q3. The author is concerned about the constitution of the DPA under the Bill because:

  1. The author believes that collectors and processors cannot be regulated by persons who have no experience in collecting and processing
  2. The author believes that if Government nominees elect the members of the DPA, the DPA will be ineffective in regulating Government agencies.
  3. The author believes that Government agencies should not be regulated under the Bill.
  4. The author believes that the DPA should be constituted of significant collectors and processors.

Q4. Which of the following views can be correctly attributed to the author of the above passage?

  1. Government agencies can override the idea of privacy since they protect citizens.
  2. The idea of privacy is not relevant to the Bill.
  3. Since the Bill gives sweeping powers to the Government, it isn't very sensible to reflect the idea of privacy in the Bill.
  4. The idea of privacy as a fundamental right is not adequately addressed in the Bill in its current form.

Q5. According to the passage, the committee headed by Justice B. N. Srikrishna called for:

  1. Watertight protection for Government agencies that process individuals
  2. They are limiting the grounds on which Government agencies may be allowed to act in a manner that endangers individuals' right to privacy.
  3. The right to privacy is to be exempted from the ambit of the Bill.
  4. State and non-state actors endanger the right to privacy.

Solved Logical Reasoning Questions from CLAT 2025 Sample Paper 

Practising the questions given below will help enhance your CLAT Logical reasoning preparation and score well in the upcoming exam.

Rahul Dravid, the head coach of India's Under-19 cricket team, explained that the 2018 Under-19 World Cup team selection strategy provided opportunities for many more players to enter the India Under-19 fold. He explained that more than winning — which is not the fitting touchstone of success of a program at this level — what matters is how many of the players can move to the next level, that is, playing first-class cricket.

He, therefore, made a conscious decision not to select players from the previous World Cup for the 2018 Under-19 World Cup squad.

Q1. If true, which of the following statements contradicts Dravid's selection strategy?

  1. First- cricket selectors evaluate under-19 cricketers based on their performances.
  2. First- cricket selectors evaluate under-19 cricketers based on the win-loss ratio of the team they were a part of.
  3. First- cricket selectors evaluate under-19 cricketers based on their ability to cope with injuries.
  4. Players who have played in international tournaments face domestic competition better than those who have not.

Q2. Which of the following is the most desirable outcome of Dravid's selection strategy from his perspective?

  1. The team lost the World Cup, but five players from the squad went on to play their first cricket.
  2. The team won the World Cup, and no player got selected for the next Under-19 World Cup team.
  3. The team won the World Cup, and five players from the squad went on to play their first cricket.
  4. The team won the World Cup, and one player was selected for the national team.

Q3. As stated above, which of the following statements is consistent with Dravid's 2018 Under-19 World Cup selection strategy?

  1. The Under-19 World Cup is a stepping-stone to the first cricket; winning should not be the end goal.
  2. Selecting an inexperienced team at the under-19 level ensures failure, and players who experience loss learn to be humble.
  3. When players are under 19, they do not feel stressed about playing at a World Cup; however, as they age, their ability to play well depends on the number of matches they have already played.
  4. Playing a sport is more important than winning or losing.


Practising with the previous year's question papers is one of the most effective ways to prepare for the CLAT Exam 2025.

Using CLAT previous years question papers PDFs, you can understand the questions likely to be asked, identify your strengths and weaknesses, and build your confidence. 

Here are the key takeaways:

  • Understanding the exam pattern and marking scheme by checking the CLAT Exam Analysis
  • Identifying important topics for better scoring
  • Improving time management skills by practising within time limits
  • Gaining confidence and insight into the type of questions asked

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