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CLAT PG Question Papers and Answer Keys: Available for Download!

Author : Samriddhi Pandey

February 25, 2025


Overview: Prepare for the CLAT PG 2026 exam by practising with previous years' question papers and answer keys from the last four years, available in this article. If you are looking for a CLAT PG 2025 Question Paper, then you are at the right place.

You can view the CLAT PG question papers on this website or download them and keep them with you for preparation and future reference. So, let's begin!

Key Contents

  1. Question Papers and Answer Keys: Links to download question papers and answer keys from 2021 to 2025.
  2. Free Preparation Demo Class: Information on accessing a free demo class for CLAT PG 2026.
  3. Syllabus Information: Detailed list of subjects covered in the CLAT PG exam.
  4. Important Questions: Sample important questions from various law subjects.
  5. Benefits of Using Previous Papers: Explanation of the benefits of practicing with previous years' question papers and answer keys.


CLAT PG Previous Year Question Papers with Answer Key 

  • The consortium of NLUs successfully conducted the CLAT PG exam for admissions to 25 NLUs.
  • The answer key is available online on the official website in two stages:
    • Provisional Answer Key: Allows you to verify answers and raise objections if there are discrepancies.
    • Final Answer Key: Scheduled for release within the next week.
  • You can download CLAT PG question papers and answer keys from previous years using the links below:

CLAT PG Previous Year's Question Papers

You can download free PDFs of these papers here and refer to CLAT preparation books that include previous years' papers for practice.

CLAT PG Syllabus Information

The CLAT PG previous year's question paper will help you identify the type of questions asked from each section.

You can also determine the difficulty level and list down the important sections with maximum weightage, helping your preparations. 

CLAT PG Syllabus includes subjects like:

  • Constitutional Law and other areas of law, such as:
  • Jurisprudence
  • Administrative Law
  • Law of Contract
  • Torts
  • Family Law
  • Criminal Law
  • Property Law
  • Company Law
  • Public International Law
  • Tax Law
  • Environmental Law
  • Labour & Industrial Law

Learning and practising all these subjects/ sections are crucial to clear the CLAT PG exam.

Read Detailed Guide: CLAT PG Syllabus 2026

CLAT PG 2025 Important Questions 

As said above, practice plays an important role in your CLAT PG preparations.

Hence, to aid your preparation, we have given some important Landmark Judgements Questions for CLAT PG 2025.

To learn more about this topic, refer to Landmark Judgement Questions For CLAT PG 2024

Landmark Judgements Questions for CLAT PG 2025

1 - Which of the following case decided by the Supreme Court is related to ‘mental cruelty'?

a. Rooplal v Kartaro

b. Sayal v Sarla

c. Dastane v Dastane

d. None of the above

2 - Muhammad Afzal v Ghulam Kasim (1903) ILR 843 is a leading case on which of the following?

a. Doctrine of election

b. The doctrine of holding over

c. The rule against perpetuity

d. None of the above

3 - S.R. Bommai v Union of India, JT 1994 (2) SC 215 is related to

a. President Rule in State under Article 356

b. National Emergency under Article 352

c. Financial Emergency

d. None of the above

4 - The NJAC Act was declared unconstitutional in

a. Sakal Chand v Union of India

b. S P Gupta v Union of India

c. SC Adv on Record Association v Union of India

d. In re Presidential reference of 1998

5 - The case relating to Parliamentary Privileges is

a. Keshav Singh v Speaker of The UP Assembly

b. Maneka Gandhi v Union of India

c. Minerva Mills v Union of India

d. A K Gopalan v Union of India

Criminal Law Questions for CLAT PG 2024

1- Maintenance under Section 125 of the Criminal Procedure Code can be claimed by

a) Wife

b) Everyone

c) Parents

d) Both a and c

Ans - Wife and Parents

2 - A person who helps the other person is an

a) Abettor

b) Instigator

c) Accomplice

d) Friend

Ans - Accomplice

3 - The offence of theft can only be against

a) Movable property

b) Immovable property

c) Both (a) and (b)

d) All properties

Ans - Movable property

4 - The Law of the contract is a:

a) Criminal Law

b) Civil Law

c) International Law

d) Disputed Laws

Ans- Civil Law

5 - The tort is a species of:

a) Criminal wrong

b) Breach of contract

c) Civil wrong

d) Moral wrong

Ans- Civil wrong

Constitutional Law Questions for CLAT PG 2024

1 - Which one of the following is not formally considered an amendment to the Constitution under Article 368?

a) Creation of new states

b) Change in the Preamble

c) Change in Part IV A

d) Change in Part XII

Answer: (a)

2 - Which of the following category of judges is not mentioned in the Constitution?

a) Acting Judge

b) Additional Judge

c) Ad hoc Judge

d) Puisne Judge

Answer: (d)

3 - The ordinance-making power of the President under the Indian Constitution is:

a) An Executive power

b) A legislative power

c) Quasi-legislative power

d) Quasi executive power

Answer: (a)

4 - Who was the Constitutional Advisor to the Constituent Assembly?

a) B N Rau

b) B R Ambedkar

c) Rajendra Prasad

d) K M Munshi

Answer: (a)

5 - The recent amendment to the Constitution of India paving the way for 10% reservation for Economically Weaker sections was done by amending:

a) Article 14

b) Articles 15 and 16

c) Article 15

d) Article 338

Answer: (b)

Read Detailed Guide: Constitutional Law Preparation for CLAT PG 2026

Law of Contract Questions for CLAT PG 2024 

1 - Which of the following is a fundamental element of a valid contract under Indian contract law?

a. Offer and Acceptance

b. Consideration

c. Legal capacity of the parties

d. All of the above

Answer: (d) All of the above

2 - In a contract, what do we call an agreement made without any intention of creating legal relations?

a. Void contract

b. Voidable contract

c. Social agreement

d. Agreement without consideration

Answer: (c) Social agreement

3 - What is the maximum number of persons that can constitute a 'Promissory Estoppel' under the Indian Contract Act?

a. 2

b. 3

c. 4

d. It varies depending on the situation

Answer: (a) 2

4 - A contract with a minor is considered:

a. Valid

b. Void

c. Voidable at the minor's option

d. Unenforceable

Answer: (c) Voidable at the minor's option

5 - In contract law, what is a unilateral contract?

a. A contract that is valid only when both parties fulfill their obligations.

b. A contract in which one party makes a promise in exchange for the other party's performance.

c. A contract that can be canceled by one party unilaterally.

d. A contract that is legally binding without any offer or acceptance.

Answer: (b) A contract in which one party makes a promise in exchange for the other party's performance.

Law of Torts Questions for CLAT PG 2024

1 - What is the key element of the tort of negligence?

a. Intent

b. Duty of care

c. Damages

d. Strict liability

Answer: (b) Duty of care

2 - Which of the following is not a defense to a claim of defamation in tort law?

a. Truth

b. Fair comment

c. Qualified privilege

d. Consent

Answer: (d) Consent

3 - In the tort of nuisance, what type of nuisance involves interference with an individual's right to use and enjoy their land?

a. Private nuisance

b. Public nuisance

c. Absolute nuisance

d. Vicarious nuisance

Answer: (a) Private nuisance

4 - What tort involves causing a person to fear that they are about to be physically harmed?

a. Assault

b. Battery

c. Trespass

d. False imprisonment

Answer: (a) Assault

5 - What is the term for the act of intentionally causing someone to believe in a false statement that causes harm?

a. Defamation

b. Misrepresentation

c. Trespass

d. Negligence

Answer: (b) Misrepresentation

Jurisprudence Questions for CLAT PG 2024

1 - Who is known for his theory of legal positivism, emphasizing the separation of law and morals?

a. John Locke

b. Immanuel Kant

c. Jeremy Bentham

d. John Stuart Mill

Answer: (c) Jeremy Bentham

2 - Which jurisprudential theory is primarily concerned with the idea that laws should promote fairness and justice?

a. Natural Law

b. Legal Realism

c. Utilitarianism

d. Positivism

Answer: (a) Natural Law

3 - In jurisprudence, what is the "veil of ignorance" conceptually associated with?

a. Feminist Jurisprudence

b. Rawlsian Justice

c. Analytical Jurisprudence

d. Sociological Jurisprudence

Answer: (b) Rawlsian Justice

4 - Which jurisprudential concept refers to the principle that laws should be clear and understandable to those subject to them?

a. Certainty

b. Justice

c. Equity

d. Equality

Answer: (a) Certainty

5 - Who is famous for his "doctrine of precedent" in jurisprudence, also known as "stare decisis"?

a. H.L.A. Hart

b. Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr.

c. John Austin

d. Roscoe Pound

Answer: (b) Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr.

Family Law Questions for CLAT PG 2024

1 - In family law, what legal term is used to describe the formal ending of a marriage by a court order?

a. Separation

b. Divorce

c. Annulment

d. Custody

Answer: (b) Divorce

2 - What is the term for a legal relationship between an adult and a child who is not biologically related but is legally treated as a child of the adult?

a. Adoption

b. Guardianship

c. Custody

d. Foster care

Answer: (a) Adoption

3 - Which principle in family law presumes that a child born during a marriage is the legal child of the husband and wife?

a. Paternity presumption

b. Adoption

c. Presumption of legitimacy

d. Child custody

Answer: (c) Presumption of legitimacy

4 - In family law, what term is used to describe the legal process through which a child's biological parents' rights are terminated, and another adult or couple adopts the child?

a. Surrogacy

b. Guardianship

c. Termination of parental rights

d. Child custody

Answer: (c) Termination of parental rights

5 - What legal document allows an individual to specify their wishes regarding medical treatment in case they become incapacitated and unable to make decisions?

a. Will

b. Trust

c. Power of Attorney

d. Living Will

Answer: (d) Living Will

Public International Law Questions for CLAT PG 2024

1 - In public international law, what is the term for a formal agreement between two or more states that is governed by international law?

a. Treaty

b. Constitution

c. Statute

d. Protocol

Answer: (a) Treaty

2 - Which body is the principal judicial organ of the United Nations, responsible for settling legal disputes between states and providing advisory opinions on legal questions referred to it by the UN General Assembly, Security Council, and other UN bodies?

a. International Court of Justice (ICJ)

b. International Criminal Court (ICC)

c. International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY)

d. Permanent Court of Arbitration (PCA)

Answer: (a) International Court of Justice (ICJ)

3 - What doctrine in public international law allows a state to assert jurisdiction over a foreign national for crimes committed outside its own territory against its interests?

a. Doctrine of Sovereign Immunity

b. Doctrine of State Responsibility

c. Universal Jurisdiction

d. Diplomatic Immunity

Answer: (c) Universal Jurisdiction

4 - Which international organization is responsible for the codification and development of international law and has a primary role in the peaceful settlement of international disputes?

a. International Monetary Fund (IMF)

b. United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)

c. International Court of Justice (ICJ)

d. United Nations (UN)

Answer: (d) United Nations (UN)

5 - What is the principle in public international law that emphasizes the peaceful coexistence of states and the avoidance of the use of force in international relations?

a. Principle of Territorial Integrity

b. Principle of Sovereign Equality

c. Principle of Non-Intervention

d. Principle of Pacifism

Answer: (c) Principle of Non-Intervention

Environmental Law Questions for CLAT PG 2024

1 - Which international treaty, also known as the Biodiversity Convention, aims to conserve biological diversity and promote the sustainable use of its components?

a. Kyoto Protocol

b. Paris Agreement

c. Ramsar Convention

d. Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD)

Answer: (d) Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD)

2 - What is the term for the practice of setting aside and protecting certain areas of the environment to maintain their natural state and conserve biodiversity?

a. Conservation

b. Preservation

c. Biodiversity

d. Wilderness

Answer: (b) Preservation

3 - Which international agreement, adopted in 1987, aims to protect the ozone layer by phasing out the production and consumption of ozone-depleting substances?

a. Rio Declaration

b. Montreal Protocol

c. Basel Convention

d. Stockholm Convention

Answer: (b) Montreal Protocol

4 - What is the primary purpose of an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) in environmental law?

a. To regulate land use in urban areas

b. To assess the impact of a proposed project on the environment

c. To enforce air quality standards

d. To manage natural resources

Answer: (b) To assess the impact of a proposed project on the environment

5 - Which international body is responsible for regulating the trade in endangered species of wildlife through its Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES)?

a. World Wildlife Fund (WWF)

b. International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN)

c. United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)

d. CITES Secretariat

Answer: (d) CITES Secretariat

Company Law Questions for CLAT PG 2024

1 - In the context of Company Law, what is the significance of the term "ultra vires"?

a. Beyond the powers

b. Intra powers

c. Ultra powers

d. Extra powers

Answer: a. Beyond the powers

2 - Which of the following statements is true regarding the doctrine of lifting the corporate veil?

a. It is applicable only to private companies

b. It is a legal fiction disregarding the separate legal personality of a company

c. It is primarily used in criminal cases

d. It applies only to public companies

Answer: b. It is a legal fiction disregarding the separate legal personality of a company

3 - Under Company Law, what is the minimum number of members required to form a private company?

a. 2

b. 5

c. 7

d. 10

Answer: a. 2

4 - What is the purpose of a Memorandum of Association in the formation of a company?

a. It defines the rights and duties of the shareholders

b. It outlines the company's financial statements

c. It specifies the company's objectives and powers

d. It appoints the company's directors

Answer: c. It specifies the company's objectives and powers

5 - According to Company Law, what is the role of the Registrar of Companies (RoC) in the registration process?

a. To manage the company's finances

b. To ensure compliance with legal requirements and maintain company records

c. To represent the company in legal proceedings

d. To handle the company's public relations

Answer: b. To ensure compliance with legal requirements and maintain company records

To find more questions like the ones listed above, attend the CLAT PG Mocks to assess your preparation level. 

Benefits of Using CLAT PG Question Papers & Answer Keys

Let's break down the benefits of using CLAT PG question papers and answer keys:

  • Enhanced Exam Readiness:

    • Practicing with CLAT PG question papers helps you get familiar with the format and question styles.
    • Regular practice makes you comfortable with the question patterns, boosting your confidence during the actual exam.
  • Predicting Question Types:

    • By working through CLAT PG question papers, you can identify common question types and topics.
    • For example, if Constitutional Law questions frequently appear, you can focus more on studying that area.
  • Tracking Your Progress:

    • Self-assessment with CLAT PG question papers allows you to gauge your improvement over time.
    • Compare your initial scores with later ones to see if your study methods are effective.
  • Time Management Skills:

    • Solving CLAT PG question papers helps you practice time management.
    • Learn how to allocate your time for different sections and questions effectively, developing strategies to pace yourself better.
  • Realistic Exam Simulation:

    • Attempting a full-length CLAT PG question paper simulates actual exam conditions.
    • This can reduce anxiety and help you stay focused during the real test.
  • Clarification with Answer Keys:

    • Answer keys provide clarity by showing you the correct answers and explanations for each question.
    • Understand the reasoning behind correct answers, clearing any doubts.
  • Access to Multiple Resources:

    • Find CLAT PG question papers from various sources, including the official CLAT website, coaching centers, and online platforms.
    • This variety ensures a wide range of practice materials.
  • Holistic Preparation:

    • Using CLAT PG question papers with your regular study materials offers a comprehensive approach to exam preparation.
    • Apply your knowledge in a test-like setting for better learning.
  • Focused Revision:

    • Identifying weak areas through practice papers helps you revise those topics more thoroughly.
    • For example, if you struggle with Constitutional Law questions, spend extra time reviewing that subject.
  • Confidence Boost:

    • As you see improvements in your scores and ability to answer questions correctly, your confidence in your exam preparedness will grow.

 Key Takeaways 

  • Access CLAT PG Question Papers:

    • This article provides easy access to previous years' CLAT PG question papers for thorough exam preparation.
  • Understand Exam Patterns:

    • Practicing with CLAT PG question papers helps you understand the exam pattern, question types, and difficulty levels.
  • Boost Confidence:

    • Regular practice with CLAT PG question papers increases your confidence and readiness for the exam.
  • Improve Time Management:

    • Using these question papers helps you develop effective time management skills.
  • Identify Weak Areas:

    • Practicing with past papers helps you identify and focus on your weak areas.
  • Comprehensive Preparation:

    • Combine these question papers with your regular study materials for a complete preparation strategy.

Frequently Asked Questions

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