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Circular Arrangement Questions for Law Entrance Exams PDF

Author : Tanya

August 1, 2023


The following are some of the sample questions based on the circular arrangement topic. These questions were curated from the previous exam question papers.

Direction: (Question 1 - Question 3): Study the following information to answer the given questions.

Eight people are sitting in two parallel rows containing four people each. In such a way that there is an equal distance between adjacent persons. In row - 1 A, B, C, and D are seated (but not necessarily in the same order) and all of them are facing North. In row - 2 P, Q, R, and S are seated (but not necessarily in the same order) and all of them are facing South. Therefore, in the given sitting arrangement, each member in a row faces another member of the other row. 

S sits second to the left of Q. A faces the immediate neighbour of S. Only one person sits between A and C. P does not face A. B is not an immediate neighbour of A.

Question 1: Which of the following is true regarding D?

  1. D sits at one of the extreme ends of the line.
  2. A sits to the immediate left of D
  3. Q faces D
  4. C is an immediate neighbor of D.

Answer: (d) C is an immediate neighbor of D 

Question 2: Who amongst the following faces C?

  1. P
  2. Q
  3. R
  4. S

Answer: (a) P

Question 3: Who amongst the following sits to the immediate right of the person who faces C?

  1. P
  2. Q
  3. R
  4. S

Answer: (b) Q


In this question, it is given that A, B, C, and D are sitting in row 1 and are facing North.


 P, Q, R, and S are sitting in row 2 and are facing South.

It is given that all the members seated in a row face another member of the other row. 

This question is about Linear Arrangement

The statement is, 

S sits second to the left of Q. A faces the immediate neighbor of S. Only one person sits between A and C. P does not face A. B is not an immediate neighbour of A.

The below linear arrangement shows the arrangement made on the basis of the statement given in the exam.

To solve this type of question you have to take every possible way to make the arrangement.

Now see question 1,

It says which statement is true regarding D

  1. D sits at one of the extreme ends of the line. - this statement is false as you can see in the above arrangement that B and A sit at the extreme ends of the line.
  2. A sits to the immediate left of D - this statement is also false because A sits to the immediate right of D not the immediate left of D.
  3. Q faces D - this statement is also false because as you can see in the above linear arrangement D faces S, not Q.
  4. C is an immediate neighbour of D - this statement is true regarding D because C is an immediate neighbour of D, as you can see in the above linear arrangement.

Now see question 2,

It says who faces C 

As you see the above linear arrangement it is clear that P faces C

Now see question 3,

It says who sits to the immediate right of the person who faces C.

As you see the above linear arrangement it is clear that C faces P and on the immediate right of P it is Q. So, Q sits to the immediate right of the person who faces C.

Question 4:

It is given that ’Y’ is selected and ‘B’ is rejected


It is confirmed that two male members will be A and C and one female is Y.

Now, we have to find the other female member

As per the above conditions given,

W will not play with Y

And C will not play with Z.

So, the remaining female member who can play with A, C, and Y is X

A and C are male members

Y and X are female members

So, the team will be A, C, Y, and X

In Question 2,

It is given that ‘B’ is selected and ‘Y’ is rejected 


As per the conditions given in the question that ‘B’ will not play with ‘W’ so, W is not in the team it is confirmed. 


‘Y’ and ‘W’ are not on the team, it is confirmed.

Now, we will use the elimination method and will see the option given for this question.

First, we will see if there is ‘Y’ in any option then we will eliminate that option.

So, as we see option (b). And option (d) consists of ‘Y’. so, both of these options are eliminated immediately.

After this, we will see the options again and will see if there is ‘W’ in any option because it is given in the question that ‘B’ is selected and B will not play with ‘W’.

So, after looking at the option we have found in option (a). So, option (a). It will also get eliminated.

So the remaining option and the correct option for this question is option (c).

Therefore, the team will be A, B, C, and X.

In Question 3,

In this question, it is given that all the 3 males are selected.


A, B, C are selected

Now we will see the conditions given in the question

Condition says that

B will not play with W

And C will not play with Z

So as per the condition

We will have 2 possibilities of making the team 

The first team can be - A, B, C, and X

The second team can be - A, B, C, and Y

Read more: Important Logical reasoning questions for CLAT

Direction 2. (Q1 to Q3) (LSAT) 

From a group of seven people - J, K, L, M, N, P and Q - exactly four will be selected to attend a diplomat's retirement dinner. Selection conforms to the following conditions: 

Either J or K must be selected, but J and K cannot be selected

Either N or P must be selected, but N and P cannot be selected 

N cannot be selected unless L is selected. 

Q cannot be selected unless K is selected.

Question 1: If P is not selected to attend the dinner, then exactly how many different groups of four are there each of which would be an acceptable selection? 

(a). One

(b). Two

(c). Three

(d). Four

(e). Five

Answer: (c). Three

Question 2: There is only one acceptable group of four that can be selected to attend the retirement dinner if which one of the following pairs of people is selected?

(a). J and L

(b). K and M

(c). M and Q

(d). L and Q

(e). L and N.

Answer: (c). M and Q


In this question, it is given that there are 7 people but only exactly 4 people will be selected to attend a diplomat’s retirement dinner.

There are the following conditions also given in the questions that are: -

Read more: Short tricks to prepare for CLAT Exam in 4 months

Either J or K must be selected, but J and K cannot be selected - this condition states that J or K must be selected but both cannot be selected together.

Either N or P must be selected, but N and P cannot be selected - this condition states that N or P must be selected but both cannot be selected together.

N cannot be selected unless L is selected - this condition states that we cannot select N unless and until we have selected L. They both will be selected together in every team.

Q cannot be selected unless K is selected - this condition states that we cannot select Q unless and until we have selected K. They both will be selected together in every team.

Now see Question 1,

 Question 1 says that ‘P’ is not selected to attend the dinner

So, in that case, we have to make a 4 person team.

 If ‘P’ is not selected then the above conditions state that ‘N’ or ‘P' one of them must be in the group.

So, one member is ‘N’ it is confirmed

But 3 condition states that we can take ‘N’ only when there is ‘L’ in the team 

So, the two-member is ‘ L’ 

Now, we will make possible teams,

The first member is ‘ N’

Second member is ‘L’

Let the Third member be ‘J’

So, now see the conditions

It is confirmed that ‘P’ is not in the team and if we are taking ‘J’ in the team then ‘K’ will not be in the team. And the last condition says that ‘K’ can come with ‘Q’ only so, P,, K, Q, is eliminated.

So the remaining member will be who is in the team is N, L, J, and M (1 possible team)

The second possible team can be,

The first member is ‘N’

The second member is ‘L’

Let the third member be ‘K’

So, now see the conditions

It is confirmed that ‘P’ is not in the team and if we are taking ‘K’ in the team then ‘J’ will not be in the team. And the last condition says that ‘K’ can come with ‘Q’ only so, P, J, and M is eliminated 

So the remaining member will be who is in the team is N, L, K, and Q (2 possible teams)

The third possible team will be N, L, K, M

Read more: Short tricks to enhance your reading comprehension skills for CLAT

Question 2:

In this question, we have to form only one acceptable group. So as to form one acceptable group we will have to see the option and eliminate them by using elimination methods.

The first option is J and L 

So, we will take J and L and see if they form one acceptable team or not

Now we will form a team

The first member is J

The second member is L

The third member will be N (because L and N can come together)

The fourth member will be M (because Q we cannot take because there is no K)

First, possible team is J, L, N, and M

The second possible team with J and L is

J, L, P, and M 

so the first option is not the option

Now we will take the second option i.e. K and M

The first member is K

The second member is M

We can take a third member as L (because if we have taken K then we cannot take J so we have left with L, N, P, and Q so in this we have taken L and N).

And the fourth member as N

First, the possible teams can be K, M, L, and N.

Now see second possibilities with K and M

The first member is K

The second member is M

Now the third member will be P

And the fourth member will be Q

The second possible team with K and M is K, M, P, and Q

This option is also not correct

The third option is M and Q

We will now form the team with these options

The first member is M

The second member is Q

The third member will be K (because we cannot take Q without K)

The fourth member will be P (because after selecting these 3 members we have left with only 3 members because J is automatically eliminated because of K so we left with L, N, and P. so as per the condition we cannot take N without L and we have only one slot left so N and L is also eliminated and the first condition says that either N or P should be in the team).

So the only possible team in this option is M, Q, K, and P

And the answer is an option (c). M and Q

Direction 3 (Question 1 - Question 3): Read the following information carefully and answer the questions given below it.

Seven friends Kamla, Manish, Rohit, Amit, Gaurav, Pritam, and Priya are sitting in a circle facing the centre. Kamla, Manish, Rohit, Amit, Pritam, and Priya are sitting at equal distances from each other. Rohit is sitting two places right of Pritam, who is sitting one place right of Amit. Kamla forms an angle of 90 degrees from Gaurav and an angle of 120 degrees from Manish. Manish is just opposite Priya and is sitting on the left of Gaurav.

Question 1: Who is the only person sitting between Rohit and Manish?

  1. Pritam
  2. Amit
  3. Gaurav
  4. Kamla

Answer: (c) Gaurav

Question 2: Gaurav is sitting ------ of Priya?

  1. To the left
  2. To the Right
  3. Two places right
  4. None of these

Answer: (d) None of these

Question 3: Which of the following statements are not correct?

  1. Pritam is between Manish and Kamla
  2. Manish is two places away from Priya
  3. Gaurav is sitting opposite Pritam
  4. All of the above.

Answer: (d) All of the above


In the question, it is given that there are Seven friends Kamla, Manish, Rohit, Amit, Gaurav, Pritam, and Priya are sitting in a circle facing the centre. 

And it is given that Kamla, Manish, Rohit, Amit, Pritam, and Priya are sitting at equal distances from each other.

Put Gaurav on hold because we don’t have any information regarding him at this point.

so, now we will make a circular arrangement of six friends sitting at equal distances. 

First, always see the definite condition.

Rohit is sitting two places right of Pritam, who is sitting one place right of Amit.

Manish is just opposite Priya and is sitting on the left of Gaurav.

In this statement, it is clear that Manish and Priya are sitting opposite to each other so we have placed them in the position which is opposite to each other and the remaining place will be for Kamla.

Kamla forms an angle of 90 degrees from Gaurav and an angle of 120 degrees from Manish

As this statement says that Kamla forms a 120 degrees angle from Manish and 90 degrees from Gaurav and Manish is sitting to the left of Gaurav it is given.

The below circular arrangement shows the positions of all the seven friends.

Direction 4 (Question 1): A medical clinic has a staff of five doctors - Drs Albert, Burns, Calogero, Defeo, and Evans. The national medical society sponsors exactly five conferences, which the clinic’s doctors attend, subject to the following constraints:

If Dr. Albert attends a conference, then Dr. Defeo does not attend it.

If Dr. Burns attends a conference, then either Dr. Calogero or Dr. Defeo but not both, attend it.

If Dr. Calogero attends a conference, then Dr. Evans does not attend it.

If Dr. Evans attends a conference, then either Dr. Albert or Dr. Burns but not both, attend it.

If Dr. Burns attends one of the conferences, which of the following could be a complete and accurate list of the other members of the clinic who also attend that conference?

  1. Dr. Albert and Dr. Defeo
  2. Dr. Albert and Dr. Evans
  3. Dr. Calogero and Dr. Defeo
  4. Dr. Defeo
  5. Dr. Evans

Answer: (D) Dr. Defeo


This question is of team formation so, we will solve it by using the given condition.

It is beneficial for us to use elimination methods in this type of question.

 This question is of conditional Arrangement

We have to solve this question by using the above conditions only


Look at all the conditions what it says,

  • If Dr. Calogero attends a conference, then Dr. Evans does not attend it - it means if Dr. Calogero will attend the conference then Dr. Evans will not attend it.
  • If Dr. Albert attends a conference, then Dr. Defeo does not attend it - it means if Dr. Albert will attend the conference then Dr. Defeo will not attend it.
  • If Dr. Burns attends a conference, then either Dr. Calogero or Dr. Defeo but not both, attend it. - it means that if Dr. Burns will attend the conference then only one of the Dr. between Dr. Calogero or Dr. Defeo will attend it with him.
  • If Dr. Evans attends a conference, then either Dr. Albert or Dr. Burns but not both, attend it - it means that if Dr. Evans will attend the conference then only one of the Dr. between Dr. Albert or Dr. Burns will attend it with him.

In the question, it is clearly mentioned that Dr. Burns will attend the conference. We have to find that with him who all also had attended the conference.


By using the given conditions, the elimination method will be used and will eliminate the options given in the question.

Now see the first option i.e. Dr. Albert and Dr. Defeo

So, this option will be eliminated because as you will see the first condition given in the question that clearly says that if Dr. Albert attends the conference then Dr. Defeo will not attend it.

So , this option will be eliminated.

Now see the second option i.e. Dr. Albert and Dr. Evans

So, this option will be eliminated because as you will see the fourth condition given in the question that clearly says that if Dr. Evans will attend the conference then only one of the Dr. between Dr. Albert or Dr. Burns will attend it with him, not both.

So , this option will be eliminated.

Now see the third option i.e. Dr. Calogero and Dr. Defeo

So, this option will be eliminated because as you will see the second condition given in the question that clearly says that if Dr. Burns will attend the conference then only one of the Dr. between Dr. Calogero or Dr. Defeo will attend it with him, not both.

So , this option will be eliminated.

Now see the fourth option i.e. Dr. Defeo

So, this option is correct because as you will see the second condition given in the question that clearly says that if Dr. Burns will attend the conference then only one of the Dr. between Dr. Calogero or Dr. Defeo will attend it with him, not both.

So, as we know Dr. Burns will 100% will attend the conference so with him Dr. Defeo can also attend it 

So, option (D) Dr. Defeo is the correct answer.

Now see the fifth option i.e. Dr. Evans

This option was also eliminated because the information regarding Dr. Burns and Dr. Evans is incomplete.

Direction 5 (Question 1 - Question 3): Read the following passage and solve the questions based on it.

A company wants to select a team of four call center executives from its centre based in South India for a transfer to their newly set up centre in North India. The company is managed by professional managers and is very particular about human resources and Personal relations. There are seven team members of equal ability: X, Y, and Z (who are seniors) and A, B, C, and D (who are juniors). The company requires two senior executives and two junior executives in the team. It is necessary that all the executives in a particular team are friendly with each other, In order to maintain team spirit and avoid any personal relation problems in the new centre. The relationship between the seven executives is as follows:

  1. Y and A are not Friendly.
  2. Z and C are not Friendly.
  3. A and B are not Friendly.

Question 1. If A is in the team, then which other executives must be in the team as well?

  1. X, Y, and D
  2. X, Z, and D
  3. X, Z, and B
  4. X, Z, and C

Answer: (B) X, Z, and D 


This question is about team formation so, we will solve it by using the given condition.

It is beneficial for us to use elimination methods in this type of question.

 This question is of conditional Arrangement

We have to solve this question by using the above conditions only

Here in this question, it is given that there are 7 persons but we have to form a team of only 4 persons. In that 4 persons, there should be 2 seniors executives and 2 juniors executives and all of them should have a friendly relationship with themselves.

Seniors executives are X, Y, and Z

Juniors executives are A, B, C, and D

Now, look at the conditions given:

  1. Y and A are not Friendly - this condition means that Y and A are not friendly so, they can’t be in a team.
  2. Z and C are not Friendly - this condition means that Z and C are not friendly so, they can’t be in a team.
  3. A and B are not Friendly - this condition means that A and B are not friendly so, they can’t be in a team.

Now, see question no. 2

It says that A is in the team and we have to find the other 3 members of the team.

There are 7 executives

Seniors executives Juniors executives 

X, Y, and Z A, B, C, and D 

It is confirmed A is a member and A is a junior executive so, we will find 1 executive from a junior and 2 from a senior executive.

Now, see the conditions

The first condition says that A is not friendly with Y so, Y will not be a member of the team. So, it is clear that the remaining 2 senior executives will be the members. So, X and Z will be the members of the team from senior executives.

The second condition says that Z and C are not friendly so, in that case, C will also be eliminated from the team because it is confirmed that Z is a member of the team.

The third condition says that A and B are not friendly, in that B is also eliminated from the team because A is a member of the team.

So, the team members other than A will be X, Z, and D.

Question 2. Which statement (s) must be false?

  1. Y and C are never selected together
  2. Z and B are never selected together
  3. Z and D are never selected together
  1. I only
  2. I and II only
  3. I and III only
  4. I, II, and III

Answer: (d) I, II, and III.


We have 7 executives

Senior executives Junior Executives

X, Y, and Z A, B, C, and D

Look at the first statement it says that Y and C are never together

So, out of the 7 executives, we have to select only Y and C and see if it is possible to put them in one team with 2 other members also. 

So, now we will form a team which includes Y and C and 2 other members one from senior and one from junior executives.

If we are able to form a team then, the statement is false and if we are unable to form a team then, the statement is true.

Now see,

We will select Y and C from the 7 executives.

Now, we will see the conditions given.

  1. Y and A are not Friendly - this condition means that Y and A are not friendly so, they can’t be in a team.
  2. Z and C are not Friendly - this condition means that Z and C are not friendly so, they can’t be in a team.
  3. A and B are not Friendly - this condition means that A and B are not friendly so, they can’t be in a team.

According to the conditions,

Y and A can’t be in one team

Z and C can’t be in one team

And, A and B can’t be in one team.


Now, we will first select the third member from senior executives 

The third member of the team will be X because as per the condition given Z and C can’t be in one team so, the remaining executives are Y and X. And Y is already a member so the other member from the senior executives will be X. 

so, the members of the senior executive's group will be X and Y. 

The fourth member of the team will be B or D because as per the condition given we have conditions related to Y and A, Z and C, and A and B. but we don’t have any condition related to B or D. A will be eliminated from the group because there is a condition that Y and A can’t be in one team so the remaining B and D can be in a team with Y, C, and X.

So, the teams which can be formed are X, Y, C, and B or X, Y, C, and D.

so, the first statement is False.

Look at the second statement it says that Z and B are never together

According to the conditions,

Y and A can’t be in one team

Z and C can’t be in one team

And, A and B can’t be in one team.

We will consider that Z and B are in one team.

Now, we will find 2 other members, one from the senior executive's group and one from the junior executives. 

First, we will find the member from the junior executive's group.

In the junior executive's group, there are 4 members A, B, C, and D.

B is already a member.

The third member will be D from the junior executive group because as per the condition given, B and A can’t be in one team, A is eliminated and Z and C are also can’t be in one team; the remaining member from the junior executive group is D, so the members from the junior executive's group which will form a team are B and D

The fourth member of the team will be X or Y because as per the condition given, we have conditions related to Y and A, Z and C, and A and B. but we don’t have any condition related to X or Y. So the remaining X and Y can be in a team with Z, B, and D.

So, the teams which can be formed are X, Z, B, and D or Y, Z, B, and D.

so the first statement is False.

Look at the third statement; it says that Z and D are never together

According to the conditions,

Y and A can’t be in one team

Z and C can’t be in one team

And, A and B can’t be in one team.

We have 7 executives

Senior executives Junior Executives

X, Y, and Z A, B, C, and D

We will consider that Z and D are together

so, we will find the other two members of the team

As per the conditions given we can eliminate only C because the condition says that Z and C can’t be in one team. So, C is eliminated.

After C is eliminated there is no other condition or restriction of A and B related to D or Z so we can consider both A or B as a member.

And the same goes with Z also because there is no condition or restriction of X and Y related to Z or D.

so we can form a team that has Z and D together

so this statement is also False.

All three statements are False.

Question 3. If both Y and Z are selected, which of the executives must be on the team with them?

  1. Both C and D
  2. Only D
  3. Both B and A
  4. Both B and D

Answer: (d) Both B and D. 


We have 7 executives

Senior executives Junior Executives

X, Y, and Z A, B, C, and D

So, out of the 7 executives, we have to select only Y and Z and see if it is possible to put them in one team with 2 other members also. 

So, now we will form a team that includes Y and Z and 2 other members from the junior executives' group.

According to the conditions given,

Y and A can’t be in one team

Z and C can’t be in one team

And, A and B can’t be in one team.

So, now we will find the other 2 members of the team.

In the junior executive's group, 4 members are A, B, C, and D.

As per the condition given we will eliminate A and C because there is a condition related to Y and A which says that Y and A can’t be in one team, and there is another condition which says Z and C can’t be in one team. So both A and C can’t be in one team with Y and Z.

so, the remaining members of the junior group are B and D.

so, the team will be Y, Z, B, and D. 
