February 19, 2025
Reader's Digest: Are you taking the AILET exam? Don't underestimate the importance of the English section. Boost your vocabulary and reading speed to score well. Every second counts, so be ready to outrun your competitors. This blog will explore some fun and exciting tips to help you prepare for this section and ace the AILET exam. Let's get started!
Most of you preparing for the AILET entrance exam might think that English does not require much practice. But this is not true.
This section holds much importance in qualifying for the AILET exam. Therefore, you may require at least six weeks to months to prepare for the English subject.
If you are studying in 12th grade, you have to plan your AILET Preparation wisely.
Go through the English Syllabus according to the topics to cover, prepare a timetable, and collect study materials.
Once you have the study material and preparation plan, you must allocate 1-1.5 hours daily to prepare for AILET English.
Ensure you set reasonable targets and finish these many topics daily. Also, keep a checklist of what to study daily to avoid missing any topic.
Try to practice at least 2-3 reading comprehension passages daily, as the question paper includes passages followed by 4-5 questions.
Please watch this informative video for a comprehensive guide on preparing for AILET subjects. Although the video is from last year, it is still highly relevant for AILET 2026 preparation.
The best way to prepare for this section is to build a good vocabulary and increase reading speed without compromising accuracy.
In the AILET exam, a total of 50 questions will be asked from the English section. The questions are designed to test your grammar, vocabulary, and comprehension skills.
Hence, solving the previous year's question papers for the AILET exam every week will help you understand the type of questions asked and the difficulty level.
Also, getting a grip on grammatical rules would be best, as this will help you tackle error detection-based questions.
Knowing the syllabus will help you get a fair idea about the topics you need to focus on more as per their weightage and plan your AILET English preparation.
Before you begin preparing, review the essential topics for the AILET English section.
The AILET English syllabus is based on elementary-level English grammar.
Chapter | Topics |
English Vocabulary | Synonyms, Antonyms, Homonyms, Word definitions, Analogies |
English Proficiency | Idioms and Phrases, One-word substitution, Sentence improvement & rearrangement, Fill in the blanks. |
English Usage Errors | Grammatical errors, speech errors, Correct Spelling, Spotting errors |
English Comprehension | Based on the passage provided, the question paper includes various questions. It is advisable to first go through the questions and then read the passage. |
The English paper is broadly divided into three categories:
Planning and strategizing each area precisely will help you score well in this section.
To ease your preparation, we have provided topic-wise tips and tricks in the post below.
Vocabulary is one section that you can not prepare in a day. It would help to build a habit of regularly improving your word power.
Most of the vocabulary-based questions asked in the AILET exam are from Synonyms, Antonyms, Idioms, Foreign language words, and spellcheck.
This section asks most questions on topics like synonyms, antonyms, Idioms, spellcheck, fill-in-the-blanks, etc. Therefore, you should require strong vocabulary skills to attempt this section.
Check: English Quiz for AILET Exam
The section consists of general grammatical questions.
You can save time and invest the same while solving the lengthy comprehension-based questions in other sections.
You can refer to the English Grammar book by Wren and Martin to understand better the formula of English grammar and concepts.
Also, it is essential to be well-versed in the grammar rules to attempt sentence correction and error detection-based questions.
Practice more and more grammar questions asked in the previous year's AILET exam to understand the difficulty level and the type of questions.
While answering the question, identify the differences between the choices and eliminate those that offer less effective or grammatically incorrect alternatives. Try to download or obtain AILET english preparation pdf for a practice session.
This section contains a passage followed by 4-5 questions. It does not make a tough sound when you hear about the structure, but it makes it difficult to solve the questions based on their difficulty and complexity.
Develop a habit of reading about legal advancements regularly since the passage mainly relates to law or legal matters.
The following are some of the Best Books for AILET English Preparation that you can include during your preparation.
This AILET English preparation book will explain all the concepts in detail and include practice questions at the end of each topic.
The following are some of the best AILET English Preparation Tips you can follow while attempting the different questions.
Check: Mock Tests for AILET
To help you better understand which type of questions will be asked in the exam, we have provided some sample questions for your reference here.
Passage 1
Scholars have traditionally relied primarily on evidence from historical documents to understand the development of the Gangetic Valley plains. However, such documentary sources provide a fragmentary record at best. Reliable accounts are scarce in Northern India before the fifteenth century. Many relevant documents from the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries focus selectively on cultural or commercial interest matters.
Studies of fossilized pollens preserved in peats and lake muds provide an additional means of investigating vegetative landscape change. Details of changes in vegetation resulting from both human activities and natural events are reflected in the kinds and quantities of minute pollens that become trapped in sediments. Analysis of samples can identify which kinds of plants produced the preserved pollens and when they were deposited. In many cases, the findings can supplement or correct the documentary record.
For example, analysis of samples from a bay in Jammu has revealed significant patterns of cereal-grain pollens beginning in the fourth century. The substantial clay content of the soil in this part of Jammu makes cultivation by primitive tools difficult. Historians thought such soils were not tilled to any significant extent until the introduction of the wooden plough to India in the seventh century. Because cereal cultivation would have required soil tiling, the pollen evidence indicates that these soils must have been successfully tilled before introducing the new plough.
Know More: Short tricks to score well in the AILET Legal Aptitude section
Another example concerns flax cultivation in Jammu, one of the tremendous linen-producing areas of India during the sixteenth century. Some aspects of linen production in Jammu are well documented. Still, the documentary record tells little about the cultivation of flax, the plant from which linen is made, in that area. The record of sixteenth-century linen production in Jammu and the knowledge that flax cultivation had been established in India centuries before that time led some historians to surmise that this plant was being cultivated in Jammu before the sixteenth century. But pollen analyses indicate this is not the case; flax pollens were found only in deposits since the sixteenth century.
It must be stressed, though, that there are limits to the pollen record's ability to reflect the landscape's vegetative history. For example, pollen analysis cannot identify some plants' species but only the genus or family. Among these is turmeric, a cultivated plant of medicinal importance in India. Turmeric is a plant family comprising various native weeds, including Brahma Thandu. If Turmeric pollen were present in a deposit, it would be indistinguishable from that of uncultivated native species.
1. The phrase “documentary record” (para 2 and 4) primarily refers to -
(A) articles, books, and other documents by current historians listing and analyzing all the available evidence regarding a particular historical period.
(B) government and commercial records, maps, and similar documents produced in the past that recorded conditions and events of that time.
(C) documented results of analyses of fossilized pollen.
(D) the kinds and qualities of fossilized pollen grains preserved in peats and lake muds.
2. The passage indicates that pollen analyses have provided evidence against which one of the following views?
(A) In certain parts of Jammu, cereal grains were not cultivated to any significant extent before the seventh century.
(B) Cereal grain cultivation began in Jammu around the fourth century.
(C) In certain parts of India, cereal grains have been cultivated continuously since the introduction of the wooden plow.
(D) Cereal grain cultivation requires successful tilling of the soil.
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3. The passage indicates that before using pollen analysis in studying the history of the Gangetic Valley plains, at least some historians believed one of the following?
(A) Turmeric was not used as a medicinal plant in India until after the sixteenth century.
(B) Cereal grain was not cultivated anywhere in India until at least the seventh century.
(C) The history of the Gangetic Valley plains during the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries was well documented.
(D) The beginning of flax cultivation in Jammu may well have occurred before the sixteenth century.
4. Which of the following most accurately describes the relationship between the second paragraph and the final paragraph?
(A) The second paragraph describes a view against which the author intends to argue, and the final paragraph states the author’s argument against that view.
(B) The second paragraph proposes a hypothesis, and the final paragraph offers a supporting example.
(C) The final paragraph qualifies the claim made in the second paragraph.
(D) The final paragraph describes a problem that must be solved before the method advocated in the second paragraph is considered viable.
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5. Which of the following most accurately expresses the passage's main point?
(A) While pollen evidence can sometimes supplement other sources of historical information, its applicability is severely limited since it cannot be used to identify plant species.
(B) Analysis of fossilized pollen is a valuable means of supplementing and, in some cases correcting other sources of information regarding changes in the Gangetic Valley plains.
(C) Analysis of fossilized pollen has provided new evidence that cultivating such crops as cereal grains, flax, and turmeric significantly impacted the Gangetic Valley plains.
(D) Analysis of fossilized pollen has proven valuable in identifying ancient plant species.
Read More: Short tricks to enhance your AILET GK section
Q) Choose the alternative which best expresses the meaning of the idiom/ phrase in the question.
1. Purple Patch
(A) a dark period (B) a period of success (C) a safe way to royalty (D) mending old ties
2. French Leave
(A) an insulting defeat (B) a time of revelry (C) leave without permission (D) a great deception
3. Hang out to dry
(A) to desert one in the troubling situation (B) to ridicule (C) a time of truce (D) to be critical of
4. Down to the wire
(A) digging deep (B) no chance of error (C) in great detail (D) until the last moment
Frequently Asked Questions
Is solving AILET Previous Year Paper is really beneficial?
Is solving AILET Previous Year Paper is really beneficial to score good marks in the English Section?
Which newspaper is best for AILET English Preparation?
How to make a AILET Study Plan?
Can I complete the AILET English syllabus in 3 months?
How do I prepare for AILET English Section?
What is the difficulty level of the English section in AILET?